Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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There's Always Money In The Bannana Stand

Macharius Solaire

Or in this case the fruit and vegetable stand. Yep.

So this Summer, as I've already started the job. I'll be running "my own" roadside / parking lot operation selling produce for folks. I say my own cause I technically own my stand from a legal standpoint. But I work for a dude who manages everything for us. So I make a percentage of sales. Which can vary day to day. But it's a good chunk of money over the long run. It will be enough to buy me my own truck later in the season and then live off the proceeds when I find a permanent job after.

The only thing is this job eats up basically my entire day. I'm up at 7 AM, and I'm not back in town until usually 9pm. Doesn't leave me a lot of time once I get home to do much other than eat, shower, prep for the next day and sleep.

So I'm taking a temporary LOA. Or maybe a fluid LOA. Anyways. This should last in to September. No specific date as we go until the corn runs out.

This doesn't really affect most of you. Just the CSA really. But I've been on this site for so long I'd figure I'd mention something this time. Don't blow up Denon while I'm gone, I still need it. I'll see you guys around.

Latter Chaos.

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