Two-Bit Con Artist
Mon Calamari
Space Port
Irajah leaned against the cool pillar, breathing in the salt sea air. She wasn't feeling very well, weak, a little dizzy, but she brushed it off as a side effect of travel for the moment. Closing her eyes, she let the feeling of the cool breeze wash over her, letting it sooth something of the last months on Tatooine away. She could almost imagine that ocean air literally blowing away the sand from every crevice of her psyche. If she never went back to the desert, it would be too soon.
When she'd been ready to leave, she had picked the first ship off of that rock. It didn't matter where. The fact that it had been to Mon Calamari had been an incredible bonus. From hot, dry Tatooine to this beautiful jewel of the world- there was no comparison.
But the trip had been long. And Irajah had slowly been feeling more and more poorly as it had wore on. She opened her eyes, then closed them again as a wave of nausea overcame her. That was new.
Frowning, she pushed away from the pillar, adjusting the pack she had with her. All she needed was rest. Rest and a meal not full of sand. It wasn't just the planet itself, she thought as she started walking down a long flight of wide, pristine white stairs. It had been everything that happened there. Maybe here she could rest. Yes. She had some money still. Here perhaps she could-
Why were the stairs moving? She wavered, alarmed that the city in the sea was unstable, looking around to see how everyone else was handling the sudden tsunami beneath their feet.
But it was only her.
She didn't know that, while she still had her grip on the virus, during those times of heightened stress, on her homeworld and on Tatooine, she had not always noticed every minute amount of damage it had done. It had been small. A capillary, here or there, leaking where the virus had punched through and she had not been able to do anything to fix it. Small enough to not notice on its own. But each small leak, compounded over time had led to a slow, internal bleed. And it was killing her.
The vertigo gripped her and she realized, belatedly, that something was very, very wrong. She crumpled against the stairs, a small crowd forming around the human woman as she lost consciousness.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
[member="Phylis Alince"]