Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Theseus, Machine Mind


Species (originally) (currently)
Height9 Inches (core only), shells add variable height
Weight20 lbs (core only), shells add variable weight
Force SensitiveNo


A hollow white metal sphere full of complex circuitry, computer parts, and an internal battery with red glowing lights that is used when power is no longer being supplied by a shell for one reason or another.
Almost never actually visible, due to being buried deep within whichever shell is currently in use.
"Shell" is the terminology used to describe the various modular mechanical bodies that Theseus can inhabit, which vary in appearance.


Armored Shell Mk1
Shells will be linked here as they are submitted and approved. Only one shell will be "equipped" at a time.


Theseus, the human, programmed his new robotic mind with one singular purpose: to survive. It is easy to misunderstand Theseus, the machine, as callous, cowardly, greedy, selfish, or treacherous. Kindhearted, caring, or empathetic. Or even wholly unpredictable. But there is one consistent thread that connects all of Theseus' actions: survival, nothing else matters to Theseus, everything is this world is either a tool to prolong one's survival, or an obstacle getting in the way of it.


+Highly resourceful.
+Technologically gifted.
+Incapable of stress and panic
+Analyzes situations quickly and thoroughly


-Completely defenseless without the use of shells or other tools
-Excessively risk averse
-Difficult to repair, impossible to replace


Theseus was born human, in the wretched underworld of Coruscant's level 1313. His parents always taught him to keep is nose out of trouble, to not mess with the gangs, and to just do whatever he could to keep a low profile, and survive. When Theseus was 7, and his parents died during a risky job for a local gang, he fully understood the weight behind their words, and decided that he would dedicate himself to just trying to survive.

Over time, Theseus learned he had a talent for working with technology, eventually scrapping together a simple droid to help him scavenge for food and more scrap, and then made a couple more, always being sure to avoid owned territory, to keep his nose out of trouble...but you can other keep out of trouble for long in the underworld, before trouble starts coming to you.

At the age of 13, Theseus was approached by a few representatives of one of the big crime syndicates. It turned out they had recently come to own the old junkyard that Theseus was known to scavenge from, and they weren't known for letting poachers off easy. But they had an offer to make, they'd let him off the hook, so long as he paid off his debt by using his sneaking skills and droids to poach from some of their rivals. Theseus quickly understood that refusal meant death, so he made the only choice he could: survive.

As risky as the work was, Theseus knew how to be subtle, and how to lay low, and had quickly shown himself to be a savant with machines, even surgically augmenting himself with cybernetic implants, implants that only he was aware of, of course. However, at the age of 17, unbeknownst to him, his syndicate had begun to see him as a potential threat to their hold on 1313, and formed a temporary alliance with the other syndicates to take him out before he could start gaining power and influence.

Mere months later, during a fairly easy poaching job, Theseus was ambushed by lackeys from various local gangs, the syndicate had set him up. While trying to make an escape, he received a grizzly wound to the leg, leaving it barely attached, as well as a similar wound to the hand. Once the lackeys had ensured Theseus' heart had stopped, they disposed of the body, loading it onto a junker ship bound for Raxus Prime, ensuring that not a single piece of him would ever touch syndicate territory again.

But only Theseus organic heart had failed, and not long after the ship had left orbit, Theseus came back to life, sustained by a recalled artificial heart that he had found in near irreparable condition in a scrapyard just a year before. And in case of a situation just like this one, spent months fully refurbishing it, and crafting a surgical droid that could implant it into him, without a single risk, and without a single visible scar. Theseus' hand and leg wouldn't survive long enough to get wherever he was going, but there was enough usable scrap being hauled by this ship that he could make new ones. They wouldn't be the same as his old hand and leg, they wouldn't be able to feel, and they wouldn't have nearly the same dexterity. But they would serve him well for the time being. He would survive.

For weeks, Theseus drifted through space in a glorified box of scrap, only remaining hydrated by absorbing the moisture from the air through an implant in his skin, a water source that would run dry soon, and completely unable to scavenge food for himself. Only passing the time by working on makeshift weapons, in case he ran into danger whenever the sip landed...assuming he would survive that long. But finally, something changed, the ship wasn't drifting, there was some sort of resistance to its movement now, and soon enough, it landed.

Ever wary of discovery, Theseus hid within a heap of scrap. As the junk ship's cargo bay opened, dumping its contents into the heaps of junk that already littered the planet, Theseus was finally free from his stinking metallic prison, albeit now seemingly stuck in a much larger one. Unfortunately, hiding in a pile of scrap metal had notable downsides, namely all of the cuts and scrapes that would soon become infected. And so Theseus set out to scavenge food and medical supplies, or, if need be, new limbs.

Theseus, now 26, had managed to survive nearly a full decade on the hellish scrap heap that was Raxus Prime. Although the planet had civilization, Theseus had experienced more than enough civilization for a lifetime, and instead preferred to pilfer from ships that landed, as well as the other scavengers that roamed the planet, rather than risking attempting a life in what was undoubtedly criminal-run territory. However, at this point, Theseus only had around half of his original organic body left, and survival on this planet was becoming increasingly difficult with his current crude prosthetic limbs. Theseus had made up his mind, he would not be able to survive much longer by keeping his organic body alive, but instead, he would create a perfect mechanical one that could constantly be repaired and iterated upon as the need arises, a body that could never wither and die.

Theseus, having spent many months scavenging the most pristine parts he could find, sometimes at significant risk to himself, had begun work on his magnum opus: a highly advanced AI, designed to inherit his memories, and roughly mimic his on mind. But above all else, the AI was designed to perfectly analyze every single choice available to it, and find the choice that would benefit its long-term survivability the most. The process would be long and arduous, but it would guarantee his survival for potential eons, far surpassing his own human mind.

At the age of 46, Theseus had finished programming the machine that would one day replace him. Many would argue that the machine wasn't Theseus himself, that it was just similar, but Theseus did not care, as long as his memories survived within that machine, he would consider it him. Theseus had considered simply fitting the computer that held his AI mind directly into a machine body, but decided that it would be too inconvenient for the modular upgrade process that would allow his new machine mind to thrive. So he placed the computer into a "core", a hard, hollow, metal sphere, made out of the strongest metal he could scavenge, and fitting with the most efficient battery he could make. The core would then be placed deep within a "shell", a modular machine body that would interface with, and supply power to, the core.

Over the many years that Theseus inhabited Raxus Prime, he had been hoarding every data storage device he could find, to ensure that his machine mind would have a vast database of potential threats to draw conclusions from. From this vast wealth of data, he also decided on the form of the first shell he would create: a crab. Crabs were plentiful throughout the galaxy, incredibly durable for the amount of material used, and with many limbs, making it more difficult to render completely immobile. The shell would be quite large, for both intimidation, and durability, as lots of metal would need to be used to make up for the poor quality of the materials found on the planet. It would also be equipped with all of the tools necessary to shape, weld, and cut metal. As well as tools for constructing and deconstructing electronic components. With duplicates of all of the tools and case of damage being sustained. And lastly, as much weaponry as Theseus could make, to ensure survivability in case of conflict.

It was time. Theseus had survived to the age of 53, but his skull had been fractured, he wouldn't make it much longer, his most recent iteration of the core and shell would have to suffice. And so he hooked himself up to the ridiculous contraption he had created to transfer his memories, and awaited the electrical pulse that would complete his work, and allow him to discard his organic body for good. Theseus, the machine, whirred to life, and Theseus, the human, lie dead beside him. The process was perfect, all memories were intact, and the wealth of data collected over the past 34 years on this planet allowed him to thoroughly and accurately assess his situation. There was no sense of pride, no grief, no satisfaction, no dissatisfaction, it was simply time to do exactly what he was made to do: survive.

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