Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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They All Want Something! ( PM to Join )

"The Darkside is a pathway to many abilities some consider unnatural" - Darth Sidious
And indeed Kezeroth had become some what unnatural to some. It was true the Darkside changed you but he never thought it would to his extent. Walking the streets of the Undercity of Coruscant he shook his head attempting to get the Sith quotes out of his mind. The Undercity knew the Giant Gen'dai well almost too well. Some worshiped him due to his connection to the darkside, others left him alone. The Police used to attempt to stop him from killing but after losing several men they stopped and the undercity became his or at least certain districts had.
Did they really worship him? No. Power attracts more power and the cycle justs piles on. Nearing the Turbolfit Kezeroth was yet again faced to wait for the blasted machine to take him up to the higher levels. With various sith in the Undercity the Gen'dai snarled at those who looked at him and decided to wait out his time in a local cantina. Trashed and dirty business was at a all time low and it was there the behemoth took a seat at the bar to wait.
[member="Cen Tessek"]​
[member="Kezeroth the Beholder"]

How many years had it been since that fateful day in Tattooine? His mind could only race through the fragments of his past, forcing him to recollect that scene again and again. But it was never unpleasant, Cen could only smile as he remembered those few moments, running it through his head on repeat. He remembered how it was sunny, just as it was every other day on that arid, dusty planet. The twins suns hung bright in the sky, providing the little moisture farm near the Jundland Wastes just enough heat to warm up the exposed vaporators to near-volcanic temperature. It was Cen's duty to tend to them, a painful duty to which the thick, waxy scars that raced across his palms provided a reminder. However, it was this harrowing work that allowed Cen to see him first, and it was a sight he would never forget.

He snapped to attention as the lift clicked into place, a small beep echoing out from some unseen source to alert him that the elevator had reached its destination. The sparse crowd around him shifted, filtering out into the underbelly to merge with the present denizens of the Undercity's streets. He soon followed, looping his thumbs through his utility belt to monitor for pickpockets, and began to head in a random direction. It was a rule of thumb to Cen to follow his intuition when he consciously did not know what was best, and now it seemed especially important. He had come to Coruscant's Undercity to seek a master of the Dark Side. Although the Sith may be an obvious choice for many, Cen was all too aware of the rabid politics that plagued their society.

Instead, he sought a more independent individual capable of imparting with him the complex and extensive teachings of the Dark Side, and with absolutely no knowledge on how to seek out such people, he felt it only natural the first stop would be a cantina. It was often at a bar one could find the answer to their solution, either in a literal sense for one such as himself, or to drown their emotional sorrows in alcohol. Thankfully, he was not at that stage of life yet, and he sought a much more constructive answer. The dirty exterior of the bar seemed like a good sign to Cen, for where else would a master of the Dark Side lounge if not a derelict cantina? However, his sense of expectancy was soon shattered as he laid eyes upon the monstrous behemoth sitting at the bar. He blinked, as if expecting the monstrous creature to vanish, and when he did not, he shrugged, expecting a giant red giant may be as good a lead as any.

He approached the creature, seating himself a stool away to avoid invading the titan's personal space, and attempted to initiate small talk in a non-cliche manner, "Nice weather we're having."
Almost as soon as he had sat down Kezeroth grunted seeing a chiss walk in and start to stare at him. Most of the time Kezeroth cared less for the opinions of others but even so getting stared at was not fun at all. Ignoring him as best he could Kezeroth grabbed his drink and chugged it. Due to his Gen'dai biology he could drink as many ale, beers and whatever without damage and feeling drunk. Was a curse and gift at the same time. " Get me another.." he said glancing at the bartender and then glanced at [member="Cen Tessek"] the chiss. Kezeroths red eyes glew faintly in the dim lighted place and watched at the young man took a seat near him.
Not soon after the Chiss uttered "Nice weather we're having."
Chuckling some the Gen'dai shook his head. The undercity of coruscant didn't get weather, He did not know why it was funny he had heard it else were before but for some reason it got him this time. " If you like Suffering than yes... the Weather is rather nice." he responded to [member="Cen Tessek"] and drank another Ale.
[member="Kezeroth the Beholder"]

He opened his mouth to speak, but felt a rush of some foreign emotion stopping him. He pursed his lips at his own immaturity, scorning himself for his approach to the situation. He wondered in silence as his mind slipped back to that fateful day on Tattooine, what would Karr have done? Karr Dalmos was on the hunt for slavers, the same slavers who had kidnapped and sold Cen's family to these cruel owners. They did not recognize him as a Sith Knight when he arrived, and when they attempted to fool him, to send him away empty handed, he used force to get what he needed. When he had it, Karr had slain Cen's old masters for their impotence, not to free the slaves. In fact, had the chiss' family been there, they likely would have fallen to his lightsabre as well.

Yet, Karr, as he turned to leave, noticed the little chiss boy hiding behind the moisture vaporator watching him intensely. The boy had heavily scarred hands and had been visibly beaten not moments before, evident by the collection of black bruises coating his visible body, but he did not look at the slayer of his masters with fear, nor with any form of visible respect. He simply observed, intelligently, calculating a response to the stranger's presence and action. The child's behavior had initially shocked Karr, but as he watched the child carefully step away from the safety of cover and slowly, at a methodological pace, approach the killer, he felt a grudging respect for the child bloom.

Karr would have shown respect and honesty to this man's strength, he realized. He cursed himself in silence and straightened his posture, turning to face the titan with a solid, serious expression. He would not scorn the man's capability, he would need to promote himself as a capable and sincere individual who would be worthy of the imparted knowledge. Karr scorned physical and moral weakness, but he was not above showing reverence and esteem when earned. "My name is Cen Tessek, son of Gald Tessek and past student of the rogue Sith Knight Karr Dalmos. I have come seeking a master in the Dark Side of the Force." A bit blunt, he thought. "I'm uninterested in the restraint of the Jedi and the politics of the Sith, I seek the path to power and an individual who is capable of providing me with the means to such. Would you happen to know anything that may assist me in seeking out such a person?"

He paused, running through the statement repeatedly over and over through his head to analyze for unintentional offenses or forgotten information. He nodded, evidently content, but quickly added, "Please."
Company was fine as along as they didn't talk too much and this one from the sound and way he presented himself, Kezeroth could assume the Chiss had heard of him but maybe never saw. As [member="Cen Tessek"] spoke and introduced himself the Gen'dai shook his head and looked at the bartender. Over the years teachings got some what tiring but at the same time it was his duty to spread the darkside and its knowledge.. to those who deserved it.

So far the Chiss had proved nothing by words but all was in good hands. " You seek Kezeroth? You would perish.. boy" he said in response and used his own name in 3rd person to keep his identity unknown. He wanted to test this one before anything. " What would you do with the powers the Darkside has? You look like a Sith to me.." he said and drank once more.
[member="Kezeroth the Beholder"]

Kezeroth, the name seemed to ring in his skull as it departed the monster's lips. He became fixated in a sense, his mind seeming to shrink away from all else until it became solely focused upon that single name. That's the one, he thought, his heartbeat steadily accelerating with excitement. That is who will teach me. He was quick to reply, not one to risk the loss of a potential lead, "Kezeroth, yes, if he is capable of providing me with what I seek." He paused, allowing that to sink in before he continued, "I am more capable than you expect, my childhood was in dedication for the time I would truly begin my path into the dark side."

He reached into his utility belt and produced the hilt of a lightsabre, placing it upon the bar. "Karr Dalmos, a rogue sith knight, now deceased, prepared me for this moment, yes. But it was also the Sith that took him from me." He leaned forward onto the table, the grip on his clasped hands tightening to the point his knuckles popped. "I hate them, regardless of my personal philosophies involving them, I would see them all destroyed for that act alone. But that isn't just it. They're weak, trained for canon fodder to match the might of the Jedi. The lack of their ancestor's creativity and capability have led them to impatience, and now they engage in open warfare. The dark side should be more than just carnage, it should be controlled and channeled into the impact of the blow."

He let his discolored gaze wash over the monster as he concluded his short speech, "I would not perish, I would master what was given to me. I would take the powers of the dark side and use them to challenge the philosophies of those heretical idiots flaunting those red lightsabres of theirs across the Core as if their life depends on it; I would take what Kezeroth has taught me and do my part to expand the influence of the dark side with quality not quantity; and I would use it not simply as a quick ascension to power, I would apply it and grow stronger, to develop and craft myself long after my training in a continuous, infinite expanse of self to not only earn, but keep my title as a master of the dark side."
Kezeroth began to eye the Chiss next to him more and more. He found it odd that when he wanted to step away from the dark he only got closer and closer in different shapes and forms. He could not resist the similar feeling if relates that was felt from [member="Cen Tessek"] story he told. Hate for Sith, Driven to seek great power and willing to go through whatever to find someone he had never ever seen. But as the Chiss brought his lightsaber out on the bar table Kezeroth could not resist but eye it and chuckle. " You know their is a bounty on Force Sensitives..." His tone got quite serious as Kezeorths off hand rested on the bar counter, Wrist blaster ready to fire. If [member="Cen Tessek"] could not take this joke then he was no apprentice Kezeroth would want. Depending on how he would react would make the large brutes day.
[member="Kezeroth the Beholder"]

Cen only eyed the blaster with a mixture of distaste and confusion. His immediate move was to dissuade the brute from opening fire; he released his grip on the lightsabre, letting it sit naked on the bar, and placed both hands flatly on the bar table. However, Cen kept his composure, panicking would do him little and would undoubtedly earn him a few smoking blaster holes peppered across his body. Yet, the sudden change of demeanor now, only after the presence of the lightsabre, struck him as a bit odd. His thoughts raced through the past few minutes of dialogue, rolling about the subtle changes in character that might hint to his intention. His only main wonder now was: Does he intend to take me alive?

He wrinkled his nose, glancing at the wrist blaster with distrust. He had been politely (Er, relatively, Cen interrupted with a thought) conversing with him about searching for a teacher, obviously painting himself as force sensitive up until now. Why is he only now taking action? Is it because he has physical proof via the lightsabre? No, that could not be it. Maybe this conversation was some whole ruse to collect information, but then again, he would be a bounty hunter, and it was doubtful that any bounty hunter needed to collect proof when someone outright admitted to being a particular target. He even happened to mention knowing a particular force sensitive earlier, someone by the name of Kezeroth. It was unlikely he would be playing double standards, unless this Kezeroth was the one who set the bounty in the first place.

He is not aiming it at me though, noted Cen, whose posture soon relaxed at the realization. Either the monster did not expect him to leap away at a moment's notice or he simply had no interest in claiming it, and judging by the mention of this Kezeroth fellow, it seemed likely the latter was the answer. Cen smiled in response, his white teeth contrasting heavily against the dark indigo of his complexion. "I'd imagine so," he commented with a small chuckle. He clasped his hands together and concluded, "But I'm not very worried about that."
"Mmm" Kezeroth tilted his head slightly and examined [member="Cen Tessek"] as he reacted. He was smart about the situation and definately level headed but soon he would get a taste of unpredictability. Getting up slowly the Brute groaned and did one quick look around the small cantina and frowned slightly. As Kezeroth began to walk out he said " Good luck finding him kid and id watch your back if I were you." he chuckled with a rather sinister intend and exited the Cantina. Making a left right outside the door he stopped and leaned against the wall so he could be out of the Chiss's line of sight. Grabbing a G-20 Glop Grenade from his bandolier Kezeroth smiled and set the settings to explode within 15 seconds. Stepping away from the wall the brute tossed the Glop grenade in lightly making sure it would bounce off something before it exploded.

Glop grenades were made for capturing targets and would reinforce the idea that the brute was interested in a bounty. It made Kezeroth feel odd to refer to himself in third person but for now he was having fun with it.
[member="Kezeroth the Beholder"]

Cen leaped up from the stool to follow the creature, he would be damned if he let such a solid lead waltz right out of his sight like that and he had no intention of losing the trail of this Kezeroth figure. He had picked up his lightsabre and made a single step towards the door before the grenade soared through the entrance and bounced off a nearby wall. Cen was no weapons expert, even if he was it would be unlikely he would have the time to sit down and calculate the best way to handle this form of explosive. Regardless, he recognized that within the confines of this bar, it would too small to avoid the blast, especially one with a ten meter radius. Charging the door would leave him open to the explosive, dodging behind the bar would do little when so close to the blast. He could not cut the grenade, doing so would only detonate the charge (or in his case, trigger the jets prematurely). He would need to be quick and creative to get through this mess.

"Is that creature truly after the bounty? No, I disarmed myself for him earlier," he thought, his thumb running along the hilt of his lightsabre. He was wasting time, he knew that, but if he was to escape this ambush he needed to be prepared in the case the giant was truly attempting to capture him. Now was the time to calculate, to develop an escape and defense strategy simultaneously for a seamless escape from the bar. Eight seconds left before detonation, this would be a stretch of a plan but it would have to work. He dove to the grenade, grasping it tightly with both hands as he eyed the odd orb, rigged with hooping lines and pressurized pipes that rimmed the surface, connected to a series of miniature jets that blossomed from its metallic surface. Six seconds, he needed to combine his previous strategies to escape from this alive. He swung it underhand, like a bowling ball, gently tossing it to the floor and allowing it to roll towards the entrance, but it seemed to be moving so slowly, perhaps it was just the nervous perception.

With two seconds he charged over the bar, knocking free filled glasses and condiment bottles as he crashed to the other side, doing his best to avoid the blast radius to the best of his ability. At this point, it was all he could hope for to avoid the shrapnel, the blast radius may be too large to avoid. For all he knew, with all of those small nodules along the surface, that thing could be enough to level the block. As he slid over the edge of the counter, his fifteen minutes clocked in, and the bomb detonated. Sliding just over the edge of the counter, he pulled his lightsabre close to his chest and squinted shut his eyes, waiting for the outcome to overtake him.
Finally hearing a explosion Kezeroth began to laugh examining the bar. The Glop grenade was not lethal by any means, It was meant for capture but in Kezeroths case it was used to waste time. His bandolier held so many more grenades using one was nothing. Letting his laugh fill the air the brute stumbled in the entrance of the cantina, the situation did not seem too funny but if you took in consideration that this chiss [member="Cen Tessek"] might of mistaken the grenade as a thermal detonator then it sudden got funny. The Cantina was covered in a black sludge like goo that quickly began to harden. The Bartender and [member="Cen Tessek"] were safe behind the counter from the messy stuff but some bystanders were trapped in the stuff unable to move for atleast 5 more good minutes.

" Come out Boy make this easy for ... Haha..." he managed to say before laughing again. Finally maintaining himself he stood at the entrance where the blast occurred and waited.
[member="Kezeroth the Beholder"]

As great as a rage-fueled battle worthy of fury-hardened cannon fodder sounded right about now, charging an armored bounty hunter with that kind of weaponry at his disposal seemed a bit too stupid for Cen's taste. He only popped up his head briefly, observing the black tar-like substance engulfing the environment of the bar before ducking back down before he was spotted. He needed a very overly-complex and convoluted plan capable of outsmarting this beast, but one that was nonlethal. As easy as it would be to lop someone's head off and call it quits, Cen could not help but feel like he was cheating. Of course, most situations it was out of your hands; in the real world, heads had to fly, no doubt about that. But here, it was unnecessary, and besides, he needed the goliath alive in order to find out more about this so-called Kezeroth.

He had come all this way from Tattooine, through the fire and flames of only the Force knows how many explosions, and over the corpses of many, many people. He felt absurdly angry. "Dammit, after all this and now I'm hunkered down in some underbelly cantina because of this jolly red giant tossing explosives like we're liberating Naboo," thought a frustrated Tessek. He ran a few dozen scenarios through his head, all of them coming to the same conclusion: he would get stuck in the black tar-stuff out there, which would leave him open for the bounty hunter. Befuddled, Cen thought, "Is he even a bounty hunter?" But no, this was not the time for that. He immediately refocused his train of thought upon the situation at hand.

It would be too noisy to cut through the wall to sneak around, and unless there was some hidden trapdoor, he'd need to go through the front, and right into the bounty hunter. It was a crappy situation and only getting crappier, but Cen had no intention of meeting that monster on his own terms. He could bum rush him, then use the streets, but he would still need to find a way to traverse the black gum that coated the entire bar. He glanced up, eying the ceiling, suddenly aware of the dangling, once-fluorescent lights that descended from the derelict (and now very, very black) roof. The substance seemed sticky, what if he used that to assist his traverse across the bomb zone? "Hey, bartender? Got any gloves?" he asked the sniveling man, currently curled up in the fetal position and seemingly waiting for the sweet, sweet end of his misery.

The bartender pointed him to a pair, some rather impressive and expensive-looking synthcloth ones, located in one of the cabinets beneath the bar. Cen slipped them on and they felt nice, but their baby blue color suited him about as well as a diaper, and he felt no remorse for intending their destruction. He double-checked the lightsabre's latch, only to be certain his crazy plan would not result in his disarmament, and proceeded to step onto the bar. "This is stupid," he muttered to himself, a noble last words before he leaped through the air and latched onto one of the lights with his hands. Largely, his grip had little to do with it, the black goop sucking his palm right up and holding it there with what seemed to be ten times the force of gravity. The lamp, however, lacked its strength and began to give with a creak.

Throwing his legs back and forth, Cen swung from the lamp, slipping his hand from the glove, and inadvertently sending it crashing down onto the ground. If the bounty hunter was not aware of his plan, he would be now, meaning Cen had mere seconds to complete his journey. "Thank Karr for giving me these biceps," he silently prayed before leaping to a wall near the entrance whilst discarding his final glove. This would be the tricky part, a misstep here would mean a broken ankle and a face full of black nastiness. He had to kick off the wall while simultaneously kicking off his shoe, he would land on the other foot and leap off out of the exit while also simultaneously discarding that shoe. The first part when off without a hitch; the second was where it went wrong. He landed wrong, his ankle threatening to snap and in a desperate bid to save himself he leaped prematurely, inadvertently slamming into the frame of the door.
Watching the boy take action was odd, Kezeroth could not see how his plans, whatever they were... would help the situation. The Situation was becoming a nature scene intill [member="Cen Tessek"] started to move about. By the Chiss's body movements he could see a piece of the puzzle but not the whole thing. As the Black Glop goo began to harden Kezeroth yawned briefly and said " Dont do something rash boy." he mentioned and suddenly caught glance of a young chiss traveling through the air toward the door frame. Watching him slam into the object brought a slight smirk to Kezeroths face but it was time this ended. This chiss was untrained, soft like a wurm. It made the Gen'dai sick to see a force sensitive body in such a pitiful condition.

" Haha... What was that! An attempt to escape? Did you really think you could slip past me?" he spat on he ground and continued. " Your a mere wurm. Why the Darkside wants you is a mystery.." he said with a snarl and stared at the chiss. Retracting his mask Kezeroth's Red glowing eyes faintly glew, his facial features heavily scarred by darkside degradation and yet he was physically in prime condition.

" You think too much..." he muttered and started to turn around. The hints that he was Kezeroth were out and with those words said Kezeroth began to back up and slowly walk away. If the boy wanted to follow he could and experience what the darkside truly looked like.
[member="Kezeroth the Beholder"]

The monster's allusions to the dark side spurred what was once a mild fixation upon a lead into the obsessive frenzy. He is the key to what I need, Cen concluded in silent thought. But now that key was walking away. Cen lunged to follow, but his foot seemed to have lodged itself atop a patch of the tar-like goop and now was frozen to the floor. He was trapped and what seemed like his sole hope to explore and embrace the dark side was vanishing. There was no time to think, no time to comprehend or contemplate, no solutions, Cen needed to act. I think to much? questioned Cen in the silence of his mind. Then fine! No thinking! He tore his foot from the patch, peeling off a good layer of skin and pattering the ground with a splatter of dark blood.

He sought the dark side, he could spare no moments of pain. He could only inhale sharply as he turned and began to follow the armored creature, doing his best to stifle a limp as he trod through the downtrodden streets filled with dirt and grime. Usa and TP can help me clean it when I get back, he concluded. Right now, this needs to be my focus.
As Kezeroth the Beholder walked through the market District the crowds groaned, jeered and praised his presence. His reputation was loved by those who wished to use him and hated by those who had been victimized by him. The various species glared including the Coruscant police who only gave a nod that showed their respect and fear for the monster. As the crowds got thicker Kezeroths tempter began to spike slightly. " Get the kark out of the way!!" he snarled at everyone and eyed them as they began to slowly move along, making a opening for him to move about. Glancing behind him he noted the chiss [member="Cen Tessek"] following him and shook his head, He would not deny the ones that showed they wanted to learn and better themselves. He couldn't because he respected the willing.

Bumping into several people Kezeroth paused as three thugs retailated against him. " Watch it you big piece of poodoo..". One shouted. " Get outta my way!" Another shouted shortly after. The third smiled and opened his mouth but no audible words came out. Kezeorths eyes glew brighter and blazed with anger. Everyone in his line of sight began to cry out in pain and fall on the ground as if they were burning alive. Those behind Kezeroth were safe from his gazing attack, The Gen'dai gnashed his teeth as he watched everyone in pain. None of them died but some where knocked out. Shaking his head and raising a hand to hold it he noted how weak he began to feel. Deadly Sight was an ability he had yet to master and learn fully for now it was not lethal but hurt like hell. It was the ability he used to subdue the crowd before him and with mass of agonizing bodies lying about Kezeroth quickly began to speed up his pace and head off to a poorer district and larger area to finally meet and question the Chiss who followed him.

[member="Cen Tessek"]
[member="Kezeroth the Beholder"]

Initially it was the mixture of naivety, intuition, and ambition that prompted Cen to follow the monster. Now, it was the sole fuel of rabid curiosity that drew him forth, or so it seemed. As he followed the armored juggernaut through the crowd, he was shocked by the mixture of recognition he received, both out of respect and disgust. Even the police officers held their tongue, giving only a small nod of deference to his presence as they stayed their ground, despite the overwhelming and threatening presence Cen felt wafting from the Gen'dai. "Is it just me?" he thought with a furrowed brow.

"Get the kark out of my way!" roared the behemoth a good few meters away. Cen had unwittingly paused in pursuit, lost to the rivers of thought once more. The crowd immediately began to part at this, clearing a path and shifting around the group in a sluggish creep like two separate currents of molasses. Cen watched, awestruck by the power which weighted his simple words for a man such as this and came to an utmost certainty that this was the man he needed to follow, at least until he was led to Kezeroth. He continued his pursuit of the man and his hand slipped into his utility satchel once more for the reassuring brush of his lightsabre.

The blade was a comfort to him, for the independent wanderer must always remain grounded in himself, and the sabre was tool for this among its many more obvious uses. It was a memento for a time long past, a parting gift from his mentor and- "Watch it you big piece of poodoo!" shouted the thug who threw up some oddly complex gang signs and snarled at the mysterious giant. "Get outta may way!" called the second. Cen was shaken, not from fear but from the jolt of memories. With a complete disregard for the thugs he turned away to lightly rub his forehead. "Am I alright?" he questioned in the silence of thought, his worried expression betraying this slight fear. But now was not the time to think about Karr, now was the time-

His thoughts were interrupted again by screams. He blinked away and watched as the crowd before him fell, wriggling and writhing as if aflame. Agony became manifest in shrill cries for assistance and release. Cen pursed his lips at this and resisted the urge of disgust; he had chosen the path of the dark side long, long ago and now was not the time to wince and walk away due to fear. He had to remain a strong, capable, and promising apprentice candidate to this Kezeroth enigma. As the immortal creature before him began to pick up his pace towards a poorer district, Cen was reinvigorated by that same sense of purpose. Was it ambition or something more that drew him forth? He could not be certain.
Finally away from the crowds of meat Kezeroth relaxed oh so slightly and continued for several blocks till the maze of ally ways he traveled down seemed to open up into a very large area. Various pipes and metals were littered on the ground and some pipes were still in use by the planet Coruscant. The large metal area used be the ground of a sort of factory but it was not abanndoned and taken by Kezeroth himself. the Volatile area was his home. Various bones from bodies, lightsaber hilts smashed into pieces and several other weapons could of been found in the area. " The pit! Home sweet home!" he shouted and turned around suddenly to confront the chiss who he expected to show up from around a corner at any time now.

" So you wish to learn the ways of pain! Come out and we shall see how to begin." [member="Cen Tessek"]
[member="Kezeroth the Beholder"]

"The pit! Home sweet home!" shouted the creature as he trumped into the decrepit grove of pipes and metal. Cen, at this point, had surrendered all expectation of understanding what the hell was going on at this point. Expecting to be led to the exalted Kezeroth, he was instead confronted by the gigantic bounty hunter, who seemed to be balancing upon a bipolar fence between teasing him with the prospect of introduction with his dearly sought master or simply capturing. "A test maybe," thought a perplexed Cen. "Perhaps he wishes me to prove myself before introducing me? Perhaps he's just crazy?"

He was just making his way around the corner when the deep voice boomed from further within the dilapidated arena, "So you wish to learn the ways of pain! Come out and we shall see how you begin." The good part: it seemed he was aware of his presence and prepared to do something with it, finally. The bad part: Cen had no doubt he was crazy. He sighed and mulled over the life of poor decisions he had rolled through to reach this pinnacle of madness. Was this retribution for leaving his son behind? Was this something all followers of the dark side went through? Being dragged into the bowels of the earth to dodge grenades by some tank of a psychopath then following him back to his lair to undoubtedly be murdered in a very, very gruesome way? "No wonder they're nuts," thought Cen.

Cen carefully turned around the corner, careful to keep his poise straight in open, lest he trigger the nutcase. Making a lot of assumptions about the man's intent, he decided to go along with it until he could clarify exactly what the ways of pain meant. "Yes, I do," he slowly began as his eyes drifted over the shattered lightsabres and weaponry that shrouded the ground in a coat of shimmering light, reflected by the dull lamplight cast down from the Force-knows where. "I've travelled long and far to reach this place, through many, many trials of my own. I am eager to learn."

"Please don't eat me," he begged in his head.
Looking down at the young Chiss who was [member="Cen Tessek"] Kezeroth titled his head and smiled slightly. " You seek Kezeroth well... Here I am!" he said and outstretched his arms in a jesture that made himself look bigger in size. " Proove to me your not a eager sith acolyte looking to die and i will train you.. Now arm yourself I will not hold back." he snarled and began his approach. The giant Gen'dai had no weapons drawn all of them were holstered in place but his eyes oh his eyes revealed a different weapon. The Darkside.

Leaping forward with force enhanced speed Kezeroth raised his armed in the arm like a Veermonk Ape and looked to slam them down on the Chiss [member="Cen Tessek"]. He cared little for the young man at the moment and was looking forward to testing his mettle.
[member="Kezeroth the Beholder"]

There was a saying his father had once repeated when he was just a small babe nestled against his breast. "The Galaxy lives for the surprises it will offer you, son, so revel in it. Use this to grow beyond yourself, like the blooming glacial plants of Csilla, sprouting like glass leaves among the desolate deserts of ice and snow." Cen had no memory of this, for his father died soon after, and as an infant he had vanished into the desolate crime rings operating beneath the rotten surface of society. However, he remembered the moment his brother had relayed this message to him with pronounced, glossy eyes, dripping trails of cold tears down his cheeks.

Now, after all these years, Cen had concluded with an intense sense of finality, that his deceased father, he who had died to protect his family, had been absolutely, one-hundred percent, without a single doubt full of sithspit. "Oh great, what a plot twist," he thought with bitter sarcasm moments after the booming introduction that seemed to rumble throughout his very core. If there was any semblance of regret still incubated deep within his mind, it had certainly fallen silent, as would any nugget of vile subconscious in the face of certain death. Cen had begun to eye down this juggernaut when the true words of action thundered forth, "Prove to me you are not an eager Sith Acolyte looking to die and I will train you... Now are yourself, I will not hold back."

Well, it seemed the initial assumption was correct. He was absolutely insane. However, this news that he was indeed the suspiciously mysterious-yet-apparent-to-most-people-Kezeroth and he was also willing to train him had certainly invigorated the distraught chiss. He sunk a hand into his satchel, attempting to draw forth his blade to prepare for the oncoming duel. Now it was his chance to rpove his worth after all of these trials, to show his potential, and to reveal the fruits of his labor! That was the plan at least, until Kezeroth barreled down upon him at mach 9. It was in this moment Cen had a change of heart, for to him it seemed Kezeroth had used the term train in the literal sense that he intended to become one.

Whether or not he was attempting to test his mettle, the moving wall that served as the being Kezeroth was upon him like a bahl fly on rancor shab. He abandoned all attempts to arm himself with a lightsabre and made it the sole objective to survive the malevolent tank's plans to beat him into a sticky paste. Yet, there was a patience to his method, for Cen stood stalwart among the swarm of flurried fear. "A Sith acts on instinct, drawing power from rage and passion without control," he thought. It was an event he had witnessed many times and one he, a mere novice, considered wise to avoid emulating.

If he dodged too soon, the fists would follow. Splat. If he dodged too late, the fists would hit him. Splat. It would be a three-point manuever, he decided; he would catch the beast in swing, chancing that the correct timing would guide him underneath the right armpit as the arms collided downwards. He would catch his momentum in a roll, careful to avoid injury and granting him a chance to pull free and ignite his lightsabre in a single motion. It was flawless, but as his mind finished its formulating, the fists had already reached him. Cen was too slow. He forfeited his idea and dove madly, just in the mere moment of time before the knuckle-artillery descended from the heavens like a big, meaty mortar and obliterated the earth below.

Cen was flung back and crashed into the earth in a less-than-graceful flop. His body was dragged forward by his inertia across the shards of blades beneath him, which gashed deep wounds across his unprotected body. Blood was quick to flow across the floor, soaking through the thin synthcloth tunic he had adorned, or at least the tattered remains that had yet to be scraped away. He was quick to draw himself to his feet, disregarding the wounds that colored his body crimson in a warm bath of gore. He fished free his lightsabre with a flaunting motion. It was the memento of the one who saved him, the one who sacrificed all to grant him just this single chance. It took the symbolism of death as the ruby blade that drew forth with ignition in a soft, yet almost malevolent hiss. He took a stance, a rudimentary and ramshackle one, based upon instinct, with spread legs and a stiff, two-handed grip. "Don't go comparing me to some Sith Acolyte."

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