Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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'They best be gone' [Arick Serrus]

Such heavy, dark clouds hung in the midst of this planet. Yet, where was he?

Heol wasn't sure. He only followed random routes he created in hoping of finding more sword masters to teach him. Sneaking into the storage room of a massive ship was step one, then following a couple of highly ranked officials, and finally receiving a transmission from a friend. All too sudden.

A job was offered. A high-leveled job.

Information began to flow out of the single transmission. As the thought of the high-ranking job engulfed his mind, Heol began simulating possible results. Clearly, a probable failure. However, an attempt could hold different ends.

He identified the target with their title, and pulled out a strange, orange blinker. A projector. His source programs began citing a list of identities, and closed into a single, blinking red error.


That's strange, was the only thought that popped. It seemed as if he couldn't use his sources for such a mission, he was forced to follow bare details alone. Mission briefs were often inaccurate, but he didn't want to turn down an important opportunity.

Taking down the projection of his sources, he came upon the message he received from his friend. It stated:

Mission Level: A
Subject: Assassination
Target: 'Fallen Duchess'

Reason: This duchess is a filthy disgrace to Alderaan. With her position taken by the Republic, she has thrown herself into the abyss of piracy willingly. Her well-being as a pirate has become a threat. Eliminate her immediately, without question.

Reward: A position with a title in the Republic.

Heol wasn't too fond of the reward, however he did believe that the title could bring him closer to many other trained swords-masters. It was worth a look.

He left the storage room, and immediately blended himself with the crowd.

There was a chance.

[member="Arick Serrus"]

Arick Serrus

The Duchess' Captain
How long could they last? The word was spreading, and the people weren't happy. Willingly embracing piracy was considered even more of a crime than the piracy itself by many.

The duchess has been moved to a secret location, classified on the highest levels. Only I know where she is. Read the following message once, twice, three times. Memorize it. Then burn it. I know I can trust you, and I'll need help. I'm no fighter. Whatever I used to be, I'm an old man now. Your help is needed, as little as I want to write this down. She is being held in the seventeenth room of Storage Facility 472, you know where that is. Fifth floor, bring whatever weapons you think will be necessary, but don't draw attention to yourself. Remember, you're wanted just as much as she is.

Arick read the note several times, then crumpled it into a ball and repeated it in his mind, picturing the neat handwriting. It was funny, with all the messaging systems available, they had to resort to pen and paper once again. For secrecy, it really was the best way. As long as you made sure the paper was destroyed before anyone unwelcome found it.

He tossed the little paper into a small fire he had spent a few moments creating. That was that then, he had everything he would need with him. The storage area would have food and water. He had his gear on already, it was time to help good old Ashens again. That old servant was in no shape to fight, a little girl could beat him.

He stomped out the fire and began the long walk to the mentioned building. Flying would be a bad idea, though it would be much faster.

This should be fun.

[member="Heol Wraith"]
Heol wasn't sure where he could find her.​

The briefing left too little information for him to be sure how secure the 'Fallen Duchess' was.
He would be forced to find out, and the idea of that annoyed him.

In fact, he didn't receive any information based on the duchess's whereabouts.

Sighing, he continued shuffling along with the crowd. The stench of the passengers hazed over their heads, to such an intensity that Heol could imagine a cloud sitting above. He grimaced at the thought, and decided to part the heavy crowd.

Turning a corner, he headed straight into town, and instantly met with a couple of natives.


It had been nearly half an hour now, and he didn't find any information on his target.
No one knew the whereabouts of a past duchess, neither recognized her.
He questioned, Did anyone have respect for the planet of Alderaan?.
Sighing at his failure of gathering information, he sulked at a nearby bar, and placed a couple of coins on the counter.
I'd like a cheap drink. Any is fine, he ordered.


Sipping his drink, he carefully turned his head around the bar, scanning everyone around him. Most of them seemed to be either natives, or bounty hunters. It seemed to be a popular spot for discussion.

Suddenly, he overheard a conversation and immediately perked at the mention 'Duchess'. Turning, he looked towards the direction of the sound. It was an old man, and another in a strange uniform. Quickly, he sneaked his seat a bit closer to the spot where the two were discussing. Possibly information?

Raising his ear carefully, he eavesdropped the conversation:

I hope the duchess is fine. Are you sure she's secure?

Of course I do. I placed her in a very unsuspicious spot.

Yeah, but...Benedali... tell me you put her in a comfortable spot?

She was aware of her situation, so she understood why I put her where she currently is.

Oh goodness...well, alright. Let's just hope no one discovers her by chance. I mean, it would be bad if she got into the hands of the Republic. Maybe even worse in the hands of a bounty hunter. Major trouble.

I understand, young pirate. Besides, I'm too old to even fight anymore. I left it in the captain's hands, just in case anyone discovers her location.

Ah, that's good! We can surely rely on him.

Heol frowned. It seems as though, he couldn't rely on the old man and the pirate for information. Sighing, he finished his drink, and left the bar. His only clues, was an unsuspicious location and the fact the duchess was not 'comfortable'.

He continued thinking frustratingly, and wandered off into the town. Suddenly, he found himself among a large row of buildings, and a wall surrounding them. It labeled:


Heol shrugged. Maybe he could find something here, he would never know unless he tried.

With a quick motion, he climbed over the wall, and dashed into the first building with stealth.

Arick Serrus

The Duchess' Captain
Why don't I carry matches...

Arick had just managed to get another small fire going by bashing his sword against the outside wall of one of the many buildings when it began to pour. It wasn't a sprinkle, in a matter of seconds the sky went from a clear blue to a black darker than night. If anyone was waiting for a chance to slip past him into the large entrance, now would be that chance. No one near him seemed interested though, there were plenty of homeless or otherwise shady people gathered in the square yard, most of them with their backs pressed against the long structures.

No one else moved when the rain started, so why should he? A little water would do no harm to him. The temperature was another story however, if it had been much colder everyone would have had major frostbite by now, probably hypothermia. It was tolerable though, and a storm wasn't enough for him to let Bennie be taken by the Republic

[member="Heol Wraith"]
His feet splashed in the puddle.​

The weather suddenly turned dark. Rain was pouring heavily. His cloak had been soaked from all the precipitation.

The cloak was too heavy, but he needed it to cover his face. He couldn't let anyone identify.

Reaching the next facility building to search, he noticed the door had been opened. How strange.
He quickly peered from behind the building, and noticed a man. Probably a guard. He was standing there, possibly guarding something..

If not, why would he be standing around?

In an instant, Heol darted towards the entrance, and quickly slipped in. He made...too much noise. For sure. The guard would be after him any moment now.

[member="Arick Serrus"]

(OOC: Sorry, I had been busy with other threads toooo I'll try to respond ASAP next time~)

Arick Serrus

The Duchess' Captain
"Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?" Arick shouted after the black figure. He didn't expect the man to stop, so he started to bolt after whoever the guy was. With a grunt of effort he threw himself at the slightly human shaped blob that moved in the darkness. He hit the man in the legs, ramming his shoulder into the back of his knee.

If this guy didn't know anything about Bennie, he could let him go. If he did know about her and he was trying to hand her over to the republic he would have to deal with him and then move her to another spot.

If He was here to kill her... It would have to be one or the other.

[member="Heol Wraith"]

(OOC: Don't worry about it. I can wait.)
He was pinnned.​

So quickly. Heol could tell this man reacted to every little bit of sound.

Struggling, he began to kick his legs around. The man had a firm grip on him. With no luck, Heol instantly grabbed both sabers, and flashed them on.

Alarmed, the man retreated from Heol. Finally, his legs felt a lot better.

Raising both his green and red saber, Heol took a stance. If he wanted to get past this man, he would have to get rid of the trouble.

There was once thing confirmed for sure, and that was the Duchess' location.

[member="Arick Serrus"]

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