Placeholder 04
...I wanted to see if they were right.
[member="Soeht"] was an unknown. The man, as he assumed it was male, had shown up on Lujo, or so the records went. Mephirium had heard the rumors and asked all the right questions. The general consensus was that it was not a good idea to go seeking out this individual, and that he would be better off seeing if the fabled warrior was sympathetic to his cause or not once things had taken off.
In the past, Mephirium might have paid these warnings some mind. Things had changed as of late. He planned the challenge what was arguably the most powerful being in the galaxy: the Dark Lord of the One Sith. Whatever fears he might have held in his heart had fled long ago. If he was to bring order to the galaxy; true, righteous order, then he had to take chances. Change could not be brought about any other way.
Besides, if this figure served the Dark Lord, then he was nothing for Mephirium to fear. He would respect the being's power and accomplishments, try to understand what drove it, but groveling? Shying away for the sake of his own mortality?
Mephirium would not dare.
His shuttle hung over Coruscant in the shadow of the defensive fleet. A contact had provided him a means of possibly(?) making contact with the being known as Soeht.
Drawing in a deep breath, Mephirium keyed the comm frequency.
"This is Darth Mephirium. I am attempting to speak with the being called Soeht on matters of the One Sith's future," he paused, "Preferably face to face."
The message was sent. He had no idea who might be listening on the other side, but he trusted his contact. The worst that could happen would be that he might be ignored. Disappointing, but it would not put a stop to his plans.
[member="Soeht"] was an unknown. The man, as he assumed it was male, had shown up on Lujo, or so the records went. Mephirium had heard the rumors and asked all the right questions. The general consensus was that it was not a good idea to go seeking out this individual, and that he would be better off seeing if the fabled warrior was sympathetic to his cause or not once things had taken off.
In the past, Mephirium might have paid these warnings some mind. Things had changed as of late. He planned the challenge what was arguably the most powerful being in the galaxy: the Dark Lord of the One Sith. Whatever fears he might have held in his heart had fled long ago. If he was to bring order to the galaxy; true, righteous order, then he had to take chances. Change could not be brought about any other way.
Besides, if this figure served the Dark Lord, then he was nothing for Mephirium to fear. He would respect the being's power and accomplishments, try to understand what drove it, but groveling? Shying away for the sake of his own mortality?
Mephirium would not dare.
His shuttle hung over Coruscant in the shadow of the defensive fleet. A contact had provided him a means of possibly(?) making contact with the being known as Soeht.
Drawing in a deep breath, Mephirium keyed the comm frequency.
"This is Darth Mephirium. I am attempting to speak with the being called Soeht on matters of the One Sith's future," he paused, "Preferably face to face."
The message was sent. He had no idea who might be listening on the other side, but he trusted his contact. The worst that could happen would be that he might be ignored. Disappointing, but it would not put a stop to his plans.