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They See Me Patrollin' [Open to All except Sith]


Morality Policeman :)
CorSec always gets a bad rap. Some people just like to complain about everything the Authorities do, even though they are just following the sometimes narrow (and sometimes not narrow enough) lines which are set by the governing body. If they really wanted to change things, they would not keep the usual politicians in power. Or they could just not do bad and illegal things. That was always a good and secure option.

Lieutenant Spritejägare had just returned to her patrol speeder after a rather amusing encounter with one of those self-righteous druggies--yes, self-righteous--after receiving a report about a suspicious exchange going down on Skrimper Street. She caught the shrimpy Gran with blackhat sliceware and an unruly tongue. Why the fact that the blond cop was three-quarters of a meter taller than him and that she had an automatic blaster on her person did not bring about any hesitation in his cursing and spitting.

If the CorSec officer had gone completely by the books, he would be on his way to a new 'rehabilitation center' on the west side of Coronet City--the one with the freshly painted white walls and durasteel-plated windows. Instead, she elected to let him off the hook, but not without confiscating his illegal items and sending a parting knee to the face after he called her a blue-belted human whore. Never mind she had pretty much saved his pathetic life. But this was nothing new, sadly.

Ducking her significant frame to enter her speeder, Spritejägare let out a loud, elongated stream of air and frustration. She took a few moments to recoup her notorious patience and then set the vehicle in motion. Here's to a relaxing rest-of-the-day...

The Rebellion was spread pretty kriffing thin, Fydiel reflected with a wry grimace, if its best pilots were being sent on supply runs.

He knew he was being unfair; his underworld knowledge made him the ideal choice for finding those willing to sell to a movement that had been labeled as a terrorist group, and the Alliance was spread thinly enough that it couldn't afford to waste an advantage. Besides, he was still in his trial period, so to speak; no one knew whether to trust him all the way just yet, and he couldn't blame them for having doubts. He'd stabbed his last crew in the back, after all.

It was strange to be back on Corellia, let alone in Coronet. He stared up at the towers of the University of Corellia and felt his heart clench at the thought of what might've been. If he hadn't been such an idiot a decade ago, he could be a starship engineer right now. He let himself daydream a moment of the quiet little apartment he'd be living in, drawing sleek starfighter lines on his datapad as he planned out Corellian Engineering Corp's next best-seller.

He let out a little sigh, but the sound seemed to grow after he released it. Puzzled, he looked around and felt his heart skip a beat; he'd wandered out into traffic in his reverie, right into the path of a young woman's speeder! He threw himself aside, cursing as he scraped his palms on the pavement; the galaxy had a sick sense of humor if it planned to get him killed for getting stupidly distracted by thinking too hard about a time when he'd been stupid.

But when he glanced at the woman as he moved, he realized that he'd gotten himself into far more trouble than a near miss. She was CorSec, a cute little blond number in that telltale blue uniform, and getting her attention was not a good thing. It was bad enough that he'd looked drunk and been reckless, but he wasn't sure how far back the warrant database on her datapad went. If the answer was "ten years or more," he might be in deep drek.

In retrospect he was really sorry about stealing that freighter, but the law wasn't likely to let him off with an apology.

[member="Malin Spritejägare"]

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
[member="Malin Spritejägare"]
Flying Bantha Bar
Noah sighed as he sat in the back of the bar, the Flying Bantha wasn't shady by any means, but it wasn't classy. It was usually a place where the middle class people hung around, ODF soldiers, OP contractors, mercenaries and bounty hunters that operated inside the laws, were just a few of the people that hung around the bar once it opened up for the night. But tonight there was a different atmosphere, with multiple CorSec officers in the bar and multiple OP contractors in the bar, it was a common known fact that CorSec and the Omega Pyre didn't get along, after a incident five months before where a CorSec officer and Pyre soldier were hospitalized after a fight. But just to make sure nothing happened, Noah Corek, the second highest ranking Pyre member, sat in the bar, making sure his boys didn't do anything stupid.


Morality Policeman :)
Spritejägare was not much into drinking, but she had to admit that it was a shame she was missing out on the fraternization going on at the Flying Bantha tonight. Oh, well. She would just keep doing her thing, as usual. Beating streets, clocking speeders, and... almost running over university students? Yeah, seemed like someone had experienced a decent party. Malin made a guess at what the alcohol readings would be on this one.

Sidling the speeder along the curb of the street in front of the university towers, the Corellian Security agent exited her vehicle and strolled towards our grand prize winner. She had only made it four and a half blocks from where she gotten physical on the Gran.

he good news? She was approximately the same height as Mr. Lucky, a trait that often helped people take her more seriously, since they strangely fail to respect the gun that hung at her hip. Oh, and the Flying Bantha was in sight, strategically in the vicinity of the institute of 'higher learning' known as the University of Corellia. Once upon a time, she had studied there. It hardly amounted to anything, however. Then again, it indirectly directed her twoards her true calling: dealing with stupid folks. Longingly, her eyes gazed at the flashy sign to the bar as her boots came to a halt a meter shy of the subject. Maybe Malin could actually make a more-or-less legitimate stop at the bar.

Raised Lorrdian, Lieutenant Spritejägare's observational aptitude recognized that the subject was probably not the school jock type anymore. But whether that made him any less irresponsible remained to be seen. "You know there's a street there?" she asked, a hint of amusement in her tone.

[member="Fydiel Darraq"], [member="Noah Corek"]
Kyber was riding through the busy streets of Corellia on his old BARC Speedbike in his casual clothing for once, which was a rarity for him. It felt good for Kyber to have the wind running through his hair and the sun on his exposed skin. Due to his eyesight trouble he still needed to wear blacked-out Flash goggles, but he was happy.

Kyber slowed as he reached a road that was peculiarly slow. He tried to see what was happening down the road, only to see a Corsec Officer and some other man off in the distance. Probably an accident. Kyber decided to (quite illegally) speed over and swerve to switch sides and start driving off in the other direction. He assumed he was too far away for the Corsec Officer to see, but you never know.

Kyber was driving off faster than the limit allowed, but was paying no mind to it. He just wanted to settle into a nice, cozy little barstool in a bar he's heard quite a bit about around town...

// [member="Noah Corek"] // [member="Fydiel Darraq"] // [member="Malin Spritejägare"] //
"I'm really sorry," Fydiel told her, and meant it. He didn't mean to cause her trouble; he didn't envy her the job of patrolling the university district, full of actual drunks and promiscuous rich boys with all the maturity of a brain-damaged Ewok. He kept his face down, partly out of embarrassment and partly out of the irrational fear that the woman would recognize him. She was around his age, so it didn't seem likely that she would've been in CorSec back when he'd shipjacked from his employers at the Corellian Engineering Corporation, but his heart was racing anyway.

Part of him wondered if she'd been at Corellia University at the same time she had; it was pretty likely. But there were a lot of students there, enough that he might well have never even glanced past her face in a crowd. She really was attractive, the confidence of her movement and the wry, half-amused expression that tugged at her small mouth, framed by blond locks. But the cute ones in CorSec had to be extra tough with all the drek they had to put up with. "I just got distracted," Fydiel told her, annunciating clearly to lessen the impression of drunkenness.

"It was stupid of me, and I apologize." He offered an awkward, repentant smile, his face still half-downturned. Glancing around in his peripheral vision, he caught sight of the Flying Bantha. He'd gone drinking there back in his college days, when he'd had his merit scholarship and the galaxy seemed so free and open and easy. No surprise that it was still around a decade later; it had a good location for students to stumble to and from, and it held the appeal of being somewhere that non-students hung out, real hard case bounty hunters and mercenaries. Danger was a thrill for college kids.

If it seemed like she would check his face against the database, he could duck inside and get lost in the crowd. He tensed, ready to run.

[member="Malin Spritejägare"] [member="Noah Corek"] [member="Kyber Salurra"]


Morality Policeman :)
"Apologize to whom?" Spritejägare relaxed her hands against her hips and raised her eyebrows, expressing slight amusement at the situation as she looked at the subject and his rather unshaven mug. "Jaywalking is not a sin in my book. It's more of a rule on stupidity." It was, perhaps, a bit cruel to say. But the cop was not going to let him off completely free of guilt. There was a price to not paying a fine with her, but most often it was not beyond her letting off a little steam in the subject's ear.

Speaking of letting off steam... the bar was really calling her name. It looked like a fun place, even if her intent had nothing to do with the adult beverages being served. She was always a caf kind of girl. "I'll tell you what," she resumed, one eye on the subject and the other on the Flying Bantha's entrance. "You buy me a nice cup of caf down there, and you just go on your merry way and remember to look both ways." Maybe not entirely ethical, but it was the 'soft law', and Malin doubted the subject would complain. She was actually more worried that he would do the opposite.

[member="Fydiel Darraq"], [member="Kyber Salurra"], [member="Noah Corek"]
Fydiel winced at the word stupidity, though he could hardly deny it. He himself had admitted that his inattention had been stupid; it was just another thing to hear it from someone else. But he deserved it, and it looked like he might keep paying for it a while yet. Normally he would've been pleasantly floored if a pretty young woman had asked him to buy her a caf, but the situation here didn't merit warm fuzzies; this was a punishment that might lead to an arrest.

Although he badly wanted to bolt, Fydiel knew that would be a foolish idea so long as he had any alternative; he didn't want to look any more guilty. So he kept his sheepish smile plastered on his face and nodded. "Of course, officer. That's very generous of you. Thank you." A punishment it might be, and a risk to spend any more time around her, but a cup of caf was cheap next to a jaywalking fine, and didn't require him to be entered into a database.

And despite it all he liked this officer. He appreciated that she was street-smart enough to let something minor like this go easily but took her job seriously enough to take caf instead of the hard stuff while on duty. He'd dealt with a lot of cops who were either too stiff or too lax, but she seemed to strike a comfortable balance. So far as he could tell from a few minutes, anyway; perhaps he was assuming too much. He had to get away regardless.

Fydiel fell into step slightly ahead of the CorSec officer and on her right, the best position for her; his back was exposed, rather than hers, and her gun or baton hand was pointed right at him if she decided she needed to use it. It was a gamble; he would be pretty hosed if she realized she needed to take him in. But she hadn't found any reason to do so yet, and he figured that if he kept her at ease for as long as he had to stick around she'd be less likely to get worried and check up on him.

Stepping up to the door of the Flying Bantha, he turned back to her. "Should I bring you one, or do you want to go in?"

[member="Malin Spritejägare"], [member="Kyber Salurra"], [member="Noah Corek"]
Kyber sighed as he parked his speeder outside the Flying Bantha Bar. Kyber just wanted to sit and relax with something tall, frothy, and life-threatening. He opened the door to the Bar without making a show of himself, walking in while trying to keep a low profile. He sat at the bar making sure it was the stool closest to the exit.

Kyber looked to the bartender and held up two fingers. After each exchanging a solemn nod the Bartender brought over two beers. Kyber opened the first one almost immediately, letting the second one rest as he started sipping down the drink. Kyber turned on his stool and looked around the place for a moment, scanning his surroundings before turning back and resting his arms on the bar as he continued to drink.

Kyber was hoping for a little action that night, whether that entailed spectating a brawl between two drunkards or ending up in the bedroom of an apartment he'd never seen before, he didn't know. Either way he was hoping for something exciting, as long as it wasn't deadly to him directly.

// [member="Fydiel Darraq"] // [member="Malin Spritejägare"] // [member="Noah Corek"] //


Morality Policeman :)
Following the subject to the bar's front door, she did not deviate off-course and proceeded to to enter. "I'm going in," she stated, without a pause. Spritejägare was going to salvage some fun out of this. And if that meant taking a break to hang out with some of the other CorSec officers while on duty... Well, it was not a big deal. All she wanted was some caf and a chance to socialize for a second or two. Not that she was that social of a person, but being in the company of others has its pluses.

There was a lively crowd situated in the drinking establishment tonight. The typical university kids and otherwise assorted adults--including a Mandalorian, by the looks of it--lined the counter and filled the corner booths. A group of familiarly blue-clad men and women were clustered around a booth and the far end of the bar counter, while some of those Omega Pyre sons-of-banshees had taken over their own section of the building. The blonde was not entirely fond of them, having taken some sort of legal precedent over Corellian Security on a whim in the past. The bureaucracy of it all ticked her off a bit, but as long as they did their own thing and let the local forces do theirs, it was all cool by her.

Officer Spritejägare waved to her comrades but sauntered up to a seat not too close to them. Prudence was a virtue. "I like the Neimoidian dark choc blend caf at this time of day."

[member="Fydiel Darraq"], [member="Kyber Salurra"], [member="Noah Corek"]
The officer - Fydiel still didn't know her name, and frankly saw little point in asking, especially since that might prompt her to ask his - certainly didn't seem averse to a little on-duty R&R. She strolled straight through the automatic doors of the Flying Bantha, passing him when he stopped; she must be pretty confident he wasn't dangerous or likely to bolt, and he wondered for a moment if he should seize the chance her confidence provided and run.

But as laid back as she seemed, Fydiel decided he didn't want to piss her off. She knew his face, he was on foot, and he could see a whole group of CorSec patrolmen drinking inside, comrades she could enlist to hunt him down if she wanted. Better to do as she'd asked and leave without causing a fuss. So he followed her into the bar, keeping his face turned away from the other officers. He allowed himself a deep, steadying breath; he was almost out of this mess.

Idly he wondered what the young woman was like beyond her job. Would her fellow officers find it unusual for her to be bringing a male companion to a bar, or was she the type who frequently showed up with someone they'd never seen before and wouldn't again, buying her drinks? Whatever the case, she sat away from the others, and that suited him just fine; he was having enough trouble dealing with just one CorSec member.

Nodding at her order, Fydiel relayed it to the bartender and keyed the transfer into his credstick; it was a strange gesture after so long spent plopping hard currency on the counter out in the outer rim. Briefly he wrapped his hands around the steaming mug of caf, feeling the warmth beneath his fingers and inhaling the rich scent, before carefully setting it down at the table where the blonde officer sat; it would have been embarrassing to spill it after all that.

Awkwardly he leaned against the booth, waiting; he didn't want to leave until she gave him permission. His heart beat fast in his chest.

[member="Malin Spritejägare"], [member="Kyber Salurra"], [member="Noah Corek"]


Morality Policeman :)
There was a trace of hesitation; anxiety in the subject's movements and expression. Her Lorrdian attentiveness noted every detail, even as she brought the hot cup to her lips. She supposed it was a little uncomfortable for someone to hang out with an on-duty cop. Spritejägare felt a little guilty, but she had to admit that she found some humor in that.

Her gaze was diverted when one of her comrades noticed her and called out, "Hey, Spritey." His enthusiasm was a little lackluster, but at least he had said hi. She waved back, but with equally lacking enthusiasm.

She turned back to try to be a little more amiable with her subject, not wanting to associate too heavily with the other cops lest she be too distracted from her 'work'. "Am I keeping you from something?" she asked, eyes a little brighter now. "What was the hurry that you needed to avoid all crosswalks so desperately?" Sometimes she was like that. Perhaps her intonation came across as snarky a lot, but her intention was not usually so malevolent.

[member="Fydiel Darraq"], [member="Kyber Salurra"], [member="Noah Corek"]
Fydiel was so deep in thought, trying to figure out when he should get out of there and what direction he should head, that he almost didn't hear the CorSec officer when she spoke to him again. "Hm?" He said, jerked out of his reverie of planning, and nearly smacked himself; it was inattention to the situation that had gotten him into this kriffing mess in the first place, and there he was doing the same kriffing thing. He had to stay focused.

"No, not at all," he assured her, which was true; the only thing she was keeping him from was getting away from people who might recognize him, and that didn't tend to get recorded as an appointment in people's day planners. "It wasn't so much a hurry," he told her sheepishly. "I was just thinking about the university back when I was studying there, and I got... lost in thought, I guess. I didn't mean to cross the street at all, crosswalks or no."

He winced as he realized he'd opened himself up to discussion of his time on Corellia. He would have to watch what he said...

[member="Malin Spritejägare"], [member="Kyber Salurra"], [member="Noah Corek"]


Morality Policeman :)
She cast an interesting glance at the subject over her steaming cup, green eyes detecting that shaky movement of his. The story about the university was reasonable, she supposed. "Oh, really? I went there, as well," she remarked, betraying a hint of a smile. "What class were you?"

Honestly, Spritejägare had no intention of detaining him any longer. He could walk out if he wished. But she would be keeping track of the little tells that might reveal he was afraid of more than just a 'date' with an officer. He did not look too suspicious, but she liked to be sure.

[member="Fydiel Darraq"], [member="Kyber Salurra"], [member="Noah Corek"]

Rune Ferndikke

Minister of Chiss Intelligence
A lone Chiss walked into the bar, surveying it with his bright crimson eyes, 'As always, full of drunk CorSec officers' He thought to himself as he sat down in a vacant both, He had a rough day of what he did best, being a freelance intelligence agent, his lips curled into a smile as he played back his day in his mind, He looked around again and a blonde CorSec officer caught his eye, as well as what seemed like a Mandalorian. He took a look at the menu before ordering his favorite beverage that he had had so many times, A Tatooine Sunrise.

Fydiel Darraq, Kyber Salurra, Noah Corek, Malin Spritejägare
Ana didn't usually spend time in these sorts of places. They were always too loud, or too noisy, and she didn't typically have a good time in them. Today, however, was a special case.

Some of her "navy buddies" had dragged her along with them to celebrate her birthday. While she greatly appreciated the sentiment, all the singing and camaraderie had been a bit much. The pilot ultimately had to make an escape, and found her way into the [/i]Flying Bantha Bar[/i].

So here she sat, tentatively tinting back a Corellian spiced ale in a bar, and not minding it all that much.

[member="Malin Spritejägare"] [member="Rune Ferndikke"] [member="Fydiel Darraq"] [member="Kyber Salurra"] [member="Noah Corek"]
Warning bells rang louder and louder in Fydiel's head. He was no spy; he wasn't equipped to keep up this verbal sparring without letting something dangerous slip, probably sooner rather than later. It was time to get out before that happened, as gracefully as he could manage. "I thought you might've," he told the CorSec officer, covering his anxiety with a smile. "I graduated... what, six years ago? History major. Not the easiest path to employment, but it worked out in the end."

As calmly as he could manage he pushed off from where he'd been leaning on the edge of the booth, movements carefully kept slow and deliberate. "I shouldn't keep you, though. As I recall, interfering with an officer on duty is a little more severe than jaywalking." That was good. Joke, smile, act at ease. Maybe he was getting the hang of this. But he shouldn't tell the Alliance that, or they'd send him on more missions like this one, more opportunities to kriff up royally.

"Once again, you have my sincere apologies for my stupidity," Fydiel told her. "It won't happen again. Good luck with your patrol." As he turned away, he had to admit that he felt something of a pang. There was a lot he liked about the officer, at least based on what little he knew of her. Under other circumstances he would've been thrilled to spend an hour or more chatting with her. But he'd thrown out that chance when he'd kriffed up his life all those years ago.

With a grim sigh, he blended into the crowd as he headed for the exit. It was time to make for his rendezvous and get off Corellia.

[member="Malin Spritejägare"], [member="Rune Ferndikke"], [member="Ana Saraya"], [member="Kyber Salurra"], [member="Noah Corek"]
[member="Fydiel Darraq"] [member="Ana Saraya"] [member="Rune Ferndikke"] [member="Malin Spritejägare"]

The funny thing about illegal arms, were that you traded at the weirdest places, So she waited for her contact from the rebel alliance. She had the ship full of contraband weapons. They were hidden in smuggler holds throughout the 'legitimate' cargo. She wanted to hand over the keys to her contact [member="Fydiel Darraq"] as soon as possible. After all she didn't normally take the risk her self but somehow she had ended up with the ship, which had passed customs, as long as they didn't take anything new aboard and even then... the holds were hard to find, she had trouble remembering where they were. Plus most if not all of the holds had cargo on top of their access panels. Airal figured she could at least sit outside the hanger, it wasn't in her name so... since it was locked up she sat in the hanger that usually was for university students, but today it was for them, as such she avoided the scrutiny of a normal landing pad.
Kyber kept sipping his drink as he sat there in his casual attire with his flash goggles on. As long as he stayed like this it's not like anyone could tell he was mandalorian, because honestly, he wasn't. Since Kyber was a mangled weave of clone dna he didn't really have one set heritage or culture, but it's not like he cared in the slightest. He just kept sipping his beer as he looked upon the crowd. He relaxed as the night passed by, until he spotted a woman sitting alone in the Bar. Maybe it was the fact that Kyber was feeling adventurous out of his armor, but Kyber decided to get up out of his seat at the bar and walk over to the little blonde beauty, only producing a smile once she noticed him. When he reached the table he lightly pressed a hand against one of the open seats and with a small smile he asked; "Is this seat taken?"

// [member="Ana Saraya"] //

Rune Ferndikke

Minister of Chiss Intelligence

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