Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Thicer

FACTION: Independent Pirate (occasional privateer)

RANK: Captain of the Kas'as Chen'ru

SPECIES: Selonian

AGE: 16 (adult)

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 2.3 meters

EYES: Brown

HAIR: short, glossy brown fur



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Large and strong for her species
Species natural traits
Good at bluffing
Low empathy

APPEARANCE: Large for a Selonian, Thicir is quite strong. Typically she wears a layered bronze plastoid armour that covers her chest, and shoulders leaving the rest of her bare. This allows her to take full advantage of her natural flexibility. Two heavy blaster pistols rest in holsters at her side with a vibrocutlass sheathed in a leather scabbard on her right. A vibroknife is usually sheathed on the underside of her tail near the base to act as a concealed back up weapon.

BIOGRAPHY: Hailing from Selonia she left her clan when she was young. Hired on by a merchant to help crew The Kas'as Chen'ru, Thicer worked as the ships back up navigator. They typically made short range runs transporting just about anything valuable.

After several months of work and a several not very profitable runs Thicer was tired of getting paid half her normal rate. After a few hours of debating with herself she decided to mutiny. With only her and the human captain aboard ship she waited for him to go to sleep.

Entering his cabin with her claws extended the captain didn't stand a chance. After a short struggle he was left on the deck choking on the blood pouring from his punctuated throat. A few minutes after that his body, stripped of anything potentially valuable, was ejected from the airlock and Thicir finished cleaning off her fur in the refresher.

Taking the ship for herself the Selonian used her knowledge of the trade routes to start capturing ships cargo to make up for lost credits. Finding this to be a highly profitable venture she quickly procured a pair of old but powerful blaster pistols and a vibrocutlass.

Moving throughout the galaxy raiding other light freighters and easy targets she kept changing crew and rarely showed up at an old location with the same crew.

SHIP: MXC-1150 Light Freighter (The Kas'as Chen'ru modified with an ion cannon replacing one of the lasers.)

EQUIPMENT: Two Model 434 heavy blaster pistol (no scopes), vibrocutlass, vibroknife, Beckon Call for the Kas'as Chen'ru, Stun cuffs, multipouched belt with two holsters and a leather scabbard, short pants, vest, concealed Nutorium alloy tail sheath for a Vibroknife.

Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.

Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.


Post the links and the titles to all of your characters Role-Plays. To make things easier, post the link and name here as soon as you enter the Role-Play thread.

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