Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Things around here...

...sure have changed since last I was around. I confess, I find that rather intriguing. The new format looks rather fetching - honestly, a little sleeker, and better for those of us who prefer smaller writing :p

Anyway, thought I'd pop my head in, see what was going on, possibly even do a little bit of writing again. It's been a while, and I do confess to missing it on occasion. Hope all the old faces are still around, and that everyone's enjoying themselves :)

I'll see you around and about!
Well, if it isn't the resident sig lord!
Welcome back, [member="Tirdarius"]. Nice to see the guy who made me want to get into image editing around again.
[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"] Wasn't aware I had such a positive influence. By the looks of things, you're kicking my butt on the creativity scale. Nice work :)

[member="Jay Scott Clark"] Nice to see you again, Jay. Hope we can get into a good discussion at some point!
Ven's alt here (to lazy to switch :p).
Yeah, you definitely got me interested in editing. I saw your sigs and went "Holy hell, that's cool!" and decided I wanted to do it to. Started out small, of course, with a few avatar crops 'n stuff. More recently I learned to make things transparent, along with how to work with gifs.
Still have trouble changing hair color though :D
The one I got in Ven's signature is actually fairly old at this point (maybe 5-6 months ago, I think). People just seemed to like it a lot, so I've kept it that long. My most recent work can be found here if you're interested. Though, of course, some of the examples are a little old.
Secondary Note: The gif in my signature is not mine. That was made by Netherworld, a totally awesome sig-meister who may or may not have started to try and replace you.

I wonder if I still have the two sigs you made for Ven around here somewhere...
[member="Fabula Cavataio"] Really now? What happened?

[member="Drapeam Nyx"] That's something amazing work, Ven. I'm really impressed. I also don't mind being replaced, but I think you've done a pretty solid job of pulling that one off yourself! Great stuff.
Current event. Half of the galaxy was sucked into the Netherworld by a quasi-godlike entity. Most of the Netherworld is Hell, and all of it is weird. Some of us have been washed in a rain of boiling blood and attempting to keep out of the corrosive sanguine pools around us by way of bridges of sharp rock and stranded bone...for 45 pages of RP.

Best event.
[member="Fabula Cavataio"] Now that sounds both odd and yet fascinating. Might have been a good challenge to write that one. I'm sorry I missed it. Oh, nice choice of song lyric for your sig, btw. I was just listening to that song on my mp3 player a minute ago.

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