Location:Criminal underworld
Black market section
The planet is under control of the galactic alliance officially, but deep underground was a different story. Recently, a witch had been stirring up trouble, and was causing a few unaffiliated crime lords to join her. The witch was obviously a force user, that must feel the need to have superstition involved with her voodoo . That was Skosk's opinion of many force sensitives, he had no idea he was one. The warrior was not assigned on a campaign anywhere at the moment, he was not off in some distant battle crushing the enemies of manda'lor. Today he was pursuing a bounty for this , hybrid enchani chiss. Although his target was visually appealing to him, he had to bring her in dead , or alive. With force users , he couldn't take risks ; He needed a blood sample to prove her death.
That's what the plan was at least, the menacing giant was in full Beskar gear. For this mission he would be using his m-29 grenade launcher , using a special force breaker gas grenade( that unleashed a powerful toxin that would weaken a force users ability to use the force, and cause them to hallucinate. The toxin can last four hours against humanoid force users , he would also be bringing his Beskar Trench knife, in order to finish off enemies up close, and potentially the witch. He brought three clips worth of force breaker grenades, and five clips of impact explosive grenades. Each clip had a capacity of fifteen grenades each. This was more then enough to take this would be queen of the underworld, and any cronies who serve her.
The crowds of notorious scum were everywhere, buying and selling illegal weapons, drugs, and other various items. The red armored , six foot four, muscular giant towered over everyone. This inspired fear, his T-visor helmet scanned the area looking for her, many running in fear away from the mando. He was merely silent ,navigating through the many running in fear.He was here following a rumor that the bounty , would be here to settle a deal with a local arms dealer. His first clip consisted of the impact frag rounds, he was ready to mount up some terror.
@ Sol Ordana
Location:Criminal underworld
Black market section
The planet is under control of the galactic alliance officially, but deep underground was a different story. Recently, a witch had been stirring up trouble, and was causing a few unaffiliated crime lords to join her. The witch was obviously a force user, that must feel the need to have superstition involved with her voodoo . That was Skosk's opinion of many force sensitives, he had no idea he was one. The warrior was not assigned on a campaign anywhere at the moment, he was not off in some distant battle crushing the enemies of manda'lor. Today he was pursuing a bounty for this , hybrid enchani chiss. Although his target was visually appealing to him, he had to bring her in dead , or alive. With force users , he couldn't take risks ; He needed a blood sample to prove her death.
That's what the plan was at least, the menacing giant was in full Beskar gear. For this mission he would be using his m-29 grenade launcher , using a special force breaker gas grenade( that unleashed a powerful toxin that would weaken a force users ability to use the force, and cause them to hallucinate. The toxin can last four hours against humanoid force users , he would also be bringing his Beskar Trench knife, in order to finish off enemies up close, and potentially the witch. He brought three clips worth of force breaker grenades, and five clips of impact explosive grenades. Each clip had a capacity of fifteen grenades each. This was more then enough to take this would be queen of the underworld, and any cronies who serve her.
The crowds of notorious scum were everywhere, buying and selling illegal weapons, drugs, and other various items. The red armored , six foot four, muscular giant towered over everyone. This inspired fear, his T-visor helmet scanned the area looking for her, many running in fear away from the mando. He was merely silent ,navigating through the many running in fear.He was here following a rumor that the bounty , would be here to settle a deal with a local arms dealer. His first clip consisted of the impact frag rounds, he was ready to mount up some terror.
@ Sol Ordana