Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Things We Lost in the Fire


Wearing: xXx
Location: R E G N U M - Capital City of the Ascendancy

Time had always been a fickle beast - eternal and yet fleeting.

When the Nightmother had seen premonitions of the Confederacy's fall and the Ascendary's uprising, she had disappeared as though into thin air. None seen her leave Vureshakkairn Castle and none had known where she had gone. It was not disloyalty that lead to her disappearance, as some might have presumed, but rather her own desires and her own pleasures that had given flight to her wings.

And she had no reason to fight a battle that was already lost - her time was precious and there were more important things to occupy it than a mindless struggle.

Despite how time had changed how the galaxy was viewed and where home was, she had not stayed away indefinitely. Always did the woman seem to return to where her roots had been buried. The crunch of heels was evident as strides were taken across Regnum in quiet speculation. It felt different being here and yet familiar.

Those that knew the Nightmother would feel her presence once again, would recognise her signature within the Forse. She wondered... who would it be that came to investigate her sudden reappearance. There were some individuals came to mind - past lovers, students, enemies. She supposed it did not matter who precisely came to intercept her - one would need to be foolish to think she would be so easily denied.​

The presence was...intoxication.

When last their paths crossed so long ago, the Knight did not recognize the gravity of his situation. A chance encounter in a watering hole, where his own vision was blurred by liquor, did not allow him to truly understand who she was. It was not until Abel returned to his fellows and saw her face above most others that he had an inkling. On that night, the Nightmother herself had been amused by his antics. Nothing had become of it. And in earnest, he would be surprised if the woman even remembered his name.

But Abel would never forget, as being in her proximity was as being a moth before flame. There was an inexplicable allure - one that Abel couldn't even begin to explain. At face value, one might commit the folly of thinking this draw to be skin deep. And while the woman was beautiful, this was different. Abel floated in the circles of Naboo, he was no stranger to beautiful people - but none held a candle to this draw. He might have considered it to be a spell of some sort, if his tongue was bold enough to make such a claim.

That night was years ago now. Buried under a mountain the mountain of memories from a home now gone. In those days, both the Nightmother and the Knight were apart of the Knights Obsidian. They stood beside the Confederacy. Yet everything since had changed. The Knights, now Medjai. The Confederacy, now fallen. And the Nightmother having not been seen in ages.

Which is why Abel froze when the presence fell upon him.

This day, he was supposed to be off-duty, and thus enjoyed a stroll throughout the nation's capital. Errands were next on his list, but just taking some time to breathe was a necessity. And that's when it hit him. His boots came to a halt upon the pavement as his head moved on a swivel. And eyes widened when he witnessed her onyx presence. "Well I'll be damned..." he muttered to himself.

His feet moved in her direction before he even realized what was happening.

"Nightmother Aklin, is that you?" he asked.

But deep in his soul, he knew who it was. She was very hard to forget.



Tag: Abel Denko Abel Denko
Wearing: xXx
Location: R E G N U M - Capital City of the Ascendancy

Memories once lost in the sands of time returned as his familiar voice resounded in her ears. The Nightmother has sensed him long before he had found her - - he was like a moth drawn to the flame of her darkness. It called to the secret parts of him - - she knew that it did.

Vanya had never misunderstood how others perceived her. She was a dangerous woman - - dark, mysterious, and alluring. But there was more. The promise of her company held the promise of nights in white saying, endless pleasure, and power beyond imagination.

Her gaze turned toward him, obsidian hues roving appreciatively up and down his form similar to how she had looked at him once upon a time . . . at their first meeting during the Mix Tape event hosted on Har Binande. Her lips pulled into a ghost of a smirk, tongue poking out to moisten them as she remembered the taste of his kiss, how easily enticed he was to dance, how amusing his confidence had been.


Formalities were not needed here. The two of them were beyond such . . . trivial things. "My my my, it has been quite some time, hasn't it..." A rhetorical question that had not needed an answer. It might have been several long years since they had seen each other, their lives may have taken them in different directions, but it hadn't mattered what changed or how many years passed - - the attraction to one another was still there. The desire to give in to temptation, the willingness to bring him into the dark with her, the eagerness to break him.

Heels clicked as she approached, each stride purposeful until she was standing before him, a dangerous smile on her lips. "It is good to see you. You're looking well."


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