The Midnight Queen
Wearing: xXx
Location: R E G N U M - Capital City of the Ascendancy
Time had always been a fickle beast - eternal and yet fleeting.
When the Nightmother had seen premonitions of the Confederacy's fall and the Ascendary's uprising, she had disappeared as though into thin air. None seen her leave Vureshakkairn Castle and none had known where she had gone. It was not disloyalty that lead to her disappearance, as some might have presumed, but rather her own desires and her own pleasures that had given flight to her wings.
And she had no reason to fight a battle that was already lost - her time was precious and there were more important things to occupy it than a mindless struggle.
Despite how time had changed how the galaxy was viewed and where home was, she had not stayed away indefinitely. Always did the woman seem to return to where her roots had been buried. The crunch of heels was evident as strides were taken across Regnum in quiet speculation. It felt different being here and yet familiar.
Those that knew the Nightmother would feel her presence once again, would recognise her signature within the Forse. She wondered... who would it be that came to investigate her sudden reappearance. There were some individuals came to mind - past lovers, students, enemies. She supposed it did not matter who precisely came to intercept her - one would need to be foolish to think she would be so easily denied.