Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Think Bigger - Part I || Haxion Brood


Polis Massa Asteroid Field, Sith Space

Think bigger.

That was the phrase which had set all of this into motion. It was an understanding shared between two partners who had just achieved their greatest triumph yet. However, this victory was but the foundation to build much more. The two would not be satisfied with shattering gangs here and robbing banks there. No, they wanted to expand their reach to the very stars. To accomplish this, they needed to see beyond the smaller wins and start planning for the greatest rewards.

So it was that Jonah began to form his vision. Thinking bigger had him consider the many truths that had been laid before him. Since departing from the Expanse, his perspective on the Force, the Galaxy, and frankly the nature of everything had grown. One mentor shared with him the truth of empires - that they would always rise and fall, but those who tug the strings endure forever. Another mentor shared with him the truth to power - that those who rise from the abyss are worthy of the title Darth and more.

There was one thing that Jonah noticed as he gained this wisdom from them. Unlike others who hearkened to the Dark Side, they did not demand submission nor servitude. That is not to say that their words were freely given - far from it - but they did not embody the Dark Side only for him to crave it. Nor did they expect his eternal, blind obedience. Theirs was an attitude that he reflected in his own working camaraderie with his Sithspawn comrade:

They fought together. They grew together. The ambitions of one were the ambitions of all.

Thus was Jonah's vision made complete. What if...there was a place where those who thought like him could see their dreams made manifest as one? What if there was a place where colliding agendas and Kaggaths were a thing of the past? What if there was a place where Dark Ones did not eat themselves from within? It didn't take much looking into the history of empires ancient and recent to know that the formula was not working. As time moved ever forward, rampant agendas always led to infighting. Infighting to weakness. Weakness to destruction.

But in Jonah's vision, if the aspirations of one was became the aspirations of all...then the eventual destruction could averted altogether. This was his ambition. His mark upon the stars: a true Brotherhood of their kind. Thus, the call was made. Within the cradle of Sith territory laid an asteroid field of little consequence to the Galaxy at large. But, for him? This was the rock upon which he would build his church. The intel he and his partner had gleaned from recent operations spoke of a struggling criminal enterprise nestled within the rocks.

This was to be their canvas. The first masterpiece created by their midst. But first, they had to agree.

To this end, a pilfered starliner reverted into realspace just before the asteroid field. Its coordinates were broadcast to those he knew would lend his vision an ear. Upon arrival, they would find a landing bay prepared for their arrivals and droids waiting to escort them to a pristine conference room. Once inside, there would be ample seating, a large table, and refreshments aplenty. Jonah stood with hands neatly folded behind his back. The appointed time was only moments away, but the anticipation made it feel like an eternity.​

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Kaila had spent many days pondering over the invitation from Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd . The two had spent equally long speaking in the hidden mines of Garde Noir by then, drinking in one another's thoughts and philosophies like noble women would savor wine on a quiet evening. It was funny to think that they almost came to blows during their first meeting, yet now she wondered if she might die fighting for that woman in some far off future. That change was fast and intense, brought on by mutual curiosity that morphed into all consuming fascination.

She had taught Kaila simply to be herself. To let the fire run wild and free, no matter the risk.

And so the invitation was accepted and acted upon despite the risk. A sleek black N-ETL Starfighter of Noobian design carried her gracefully through the asteroid field and into the hanger of the unidentified starliner. It was from this starfighter that the rogue apprentice would emerge, masked by the cortosis helmet which shrouded her thoughts from the force and wrapped in a two-piece cloak which obscured her body like a black sheet ghost among some death cult holiday crowd. Perhaps the only thing that wasn't hidden behind the veil of dark cloth and mystery was long, silky golden hair that bounced over her shoulders with each step. Despite her passive intentions, Even her weapons and tool belt were secured, as was the button programmed to send her astromech away and seek help should this be some kind of trap or the meeting's security become breached.

She trusted Leven of course, but the others?

She knew none of them. Kaila was a scholar, both by trade and preference, everything she did in life had months of research behind it at minimum, sometimes years. She did not like acting without as much information as one can have, for her own safety, but inaction for one's own safety was not the way of Sith. It was breeding complacency, much as she hated to admit it, and complacency was the way of bureaucrats and Jedi.

But she wished to be better. She was being better now, and Leven had started her on that path.

The path from slavery at the hands of her master to becoming the master, the Darth in her own right, was a long and dangerous thing but coming here was one of the many steps she had recently taken to climb out of the abyss.

Her very presence had changed so much since beginning the climb, her signature in the force no longer a fractured and weak thing as it had been when she and Leven first met, but an iron cage which imprisoned the ghost of Darth Parasideus, sapping his strength for her own where once he had been one of her greatest fears. The Ritual of Force Walking had left the already iron-willed apprentice with a power once belonging to a being who had consumed the minds of thousands, and a hunger for more. So much more, as Leven had promised.

When she entered the conference room ahead of so many others, when she greeted this Brotherhood for the very first time by marching through the door and staring them all down, she did so not as a mere apprentice seeking to break her chains.

She was the chain.

Jonah Jonah \ Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd \ Velda Nar-Donna Velda Nar-Donna \ Valeria de la Vallée Valeria de la Vallée \ Lyssara Talis Lyssara Talis \ Sabine Delacroix Sabine Delacroix



A single, unremarkable shuttle exited hyperspace and approached the starliner, moving steadily toward its docking bay. The shuttle landed with a soft thud, the magnetic locks of the landing gear engaging with a faint hum. Inside, she remained seated in silence, feeling the subtle vibrations beneath her as the ship settled. As the boarding ramp began to lower, she rose from her seat, her movements graceful and deliberate.

The starliner she stepped into was as unremarkable as her shuttle, with sterile metal walls and dim lighting casting long shadows. Despite its nondescript appearance, Lyssara knew this vessel was the cornerstone of Jonah's vision a vision that had led her here, far from Dathomir. With her senses attuned to the slightest shifts of the Force, Lyssara stepped lightly down the ramp, her boots barely making a sound against the cold metal.

She paused at the bottom of the ramp, stretching out her senses and laying the entirety of the ship bare before her Force sight. There he was. Not one to waste time, she flicked her hand, conjuring a swirling mass of black shadow and emerald flame. Stepping into the vortex, it snapped closed behind her, leaving the hangar empty. In an instant, she appeared in the conference room, emerging from a similar portal that sealed shut as quickly as it had opened.

"Jonah," she said as she announced her presence, her voice cool and direct, the same tone he had come to expect from her on Dathomir. She was aware of the other person in the room, of course, but introductions could wait until everyone had arrived. Instead she moved to one of the seats at the table and sat, quietly the raven haired woman was curious to see what Jonah had learned since Dathomir.

Jonah Jonah Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd Velda Nar-Donna Velda Nar-Donna Valeria de la Vallée Valeria de la Vallée

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TAG: Jonah Jonah ~ Kaila Irons Kaila Irons ~ Velda Nar-Donna Velda Nar-Donna ~ Valeria de la Vallée Valeria de la Vallée ~ Lyssara Talis Lyssara Talis ~ Sabine Delacroix Sabine Delacroix

Leven Jeyd stood by the panoramic viewport of the starliner, eyes gleaming with excitement as she gazed out at the Polis Massa asteroid field. The pilfered vessel hummed beneath her feet, a new prize on the path to even greater triumphs. Her mind crackled with dark energy, a familiar rush that signaled the beginning of something larger, something that was finally taking shape. It thrilled her to be standing on the cusp of this new future.

The air in the conference room was still, broken only by the soft rhythm of her breathing as she awaited the others to arrive. This was their moment—the beginning of the Brotherhood, the web that would stretch across the stars. Her fingers traced the edge of the table thoughtfully, a calculating smile forming on her lips.

She turned her attention to Jonah. He stood like a statue of intent, his gaze distant yet sharp, focused on the future they had laid out together. His mind was vast, and Leven reveled in it.

"Look at us, Jonah," she said, her voice low, almost purring with satisfaction. "The pieces are falling into place, aren't they?"

Her gaze shifted towards the entrance, sensing the presence of someone familiar. Leven's lips curled into a darker smile as Kaila entered the room. It had been some time since their last meeting in the depths of Garde Noir.

Leven immediately noticed the shift in Kaila's presence. Where once the girl's aura had been clouded, burdened by the ever-clawing grasp of Darth Parasideus, now it was something more, something stronger. It was like seeing a blade freshly sharpened—there was still the familiar edge, but now it gleamed with a deadly precision. Leven felt a dark thrill snake down her spine.

Kaila was evolving, growing into her power, into herself. Leven couldn't suppress her delight at the sight of it. She had helped nurture that transformation, after all. And now... here she was. Here they were.

Leven's smile deepened, taking in the sight of Kaila fully. The velvety voice of the Jester reached through the dark tides of the Force, beckoning the blonde's mind <<"Well, look at you,">> she said, her voice laced with dark amusement.

There was a gleam in Leven's eyes, something sinister yet proud. <<"I knew you had it in you,">>

But there would be time for more... conversation later. She stepped back and turned her attention to the room at large, aware of Lyssara's arrival, too. A shadowy presence, weaving her way through the gathering. Leven acknowledged her with a brief glance. Miralukan. They had always held a special place in the Jester's interest. After all, her past Master had been one.

Her focus returned to Jonah. The anticipation hung thick in the air, each new arrival drawing them closer to the moment when their combined visions would begin to manifest in the galaxy. They were standing at the threshold of something massive. Leven's heart thrummed with the dark potential of it all.

They were going to shake the stars. And no one would see them coming.

This was just the beginning. The Brotherhood would rise, and the grip of their hands would be felt far and wide.

An end to an old life? One could say that. The exiled Darth had spent the past three years hidden away from the more populated areas of the galaxy. Living among murders, gamblers, and scoundrels. Not too bad a group if you didn’t play your cards right. Unfortunately for her, she liked to give in to her indulgences. Ones that pushed you out of dark corners. Some corners that led you to other strange individuals. Small networks and endless possibilities. Above all else, fate played a heavy role.

It seemed the dark side had found favor with her or possibly it was a trap. An invitation that arrived from an unwarranted individual and it didn’t take her long to accept nonetheless. Darth Incitrix knew what she wanted. Anything to get what she couldn’t from her former master. Harsh dreams of her master plagued her almost every other day. Taunting her about the things she could have learned that were unknown to her and now lost. This was an opportunity that she wasn’t going to give up. Her coffers felt like they weren’t going to survive for much longer at the rate she was going. There had to be more to life than credit to credit transactions for survival. Power needed to grow. Wealth needed to be acquired. There was a lot of what people called "hope" to obtain many things. Potentially, this was her destiny.

The young sith pureblood would arrive at the starliner in a humble starfighter. One of no notable value or expense. She was glad it was able to get her here at all. The old X-Wing had practically seen better days. Would have taken more than a paint job to make it a believable flying vessel. A bit of excitement rose deep from within her. Pure intrigue drove her to pick up her steps before meeting the escorting droid.

The conference room came into full view once she passed the threshold of its doorway. A pause before looking around the room. Her head held high, she would rest her right hand upon her hip and nod her head toward Jonah. Silence emerged from the woman besides her footsteps. Taking an open seat and slowly sitting down at the table. Her left leg swung over the right. Darth Incitrix then crossed her arms. Internally, she was rife with joy in her own way.


Jonah Jonah / Kaila Irons Kaila Irons / Lyssara Talis Lyssara Talis / Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd / Velda Nar-Donna Velda Nar-Donna / Valeria de la Vallée Valeria de la Vallée / Sabine Delacroix Sabine Delacroix
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Emerging from hyperspace, an aged shuttle bearing faded hexagonal markings approaches the starliner. Setting down within one of the hanger bays, its gear groaned followed by the hissing air of the ramp's hydraulics. Her descent down the ramp was soft. Pulling her hood down, she removed the helmet she wore, leaving it at the top of the ramp, luminescent eyes settling upon the droid designated to be her guide as she followed it through the sterile and rather bland halls of the liner. She'd give anything to be among the ornate corridors of a tomb or temple once more.

The Force had ever been her guide, from meeting and learning under a Sith Lord to studying under the Nightmother herself. She had only returned from Regions Unknown not long before and yet stirrings within the Force and a calling had brought her to this place. A sense of curiosity had settled into her mind, the presence of the Dark Side was all around her. A strangely welcoming feeling despite her own presence being one less dark than the rest.

Crossing the threshold into the conference room, she gazed at each of the others, all truly unknown to her. A familiar feeling yet not unwelcome as she took a seat, ivory hair framing her face as she simply listened, to nothing in particular as she took in the environment around herself.

Jonah Jonah Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd Lyssara Talis Lyssara Talis Kalia Ike Kalia Ike Velda Nar-Donna Velda Nar-Donna Sabine Delacroix Sabine Delacroix Darth Incitrix Darth Incitrix




WEARING: Black Cherry colored sith robes
2x Lightsabers and The Dark Side
TAG: Jonah Jonah | Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons | Valeria de la Vallée Valeria de la Vallée | Lyssara Talis Lyssara Talis | Sabine Delacroix Sabine Delacroix | Darth Incitrix Darth Incitrix | Alluria Ivalice Alluria Ivalice

Velda emerged from the ramp of her shuttle as she casually glanced across the landing bay. And she turned as her silent footfalls approached the conference room. The air around her seemed to be buzzing with latent energy of anticipation of grand plans. As she sauntered forth, each touch of heels upon the cold floor was like a faint heartbeat and a mere afterthought to the power flowing within her.

She had contemplated his transmission, and the dark tendrils of her thoughts pondered upon its significance. A Brotherhood now comes alive through ambition. And the wellspring of the passion that it was sourced from, was her Apprentice.

Velda was pleased, he dared to dream, he seemed to understand that true power was not just born of The Force alone. But also by cunning, and guile. And by combining both, true strength is forged.

As she approached the conference room, Velda allowed her mind to wander briefly, considering the possibilities. Jonah had taken the first steps toward true strength, but the road ahead would be long and treacherous. She would guide him, of course, mold him, and temper his ambition with the hard lessons she had learned over decades immersed with the bottomless depths of The Dark Side. But for now, she would allow him to lead, these plans were, of course, his own. Such was the nature of mentorship, to allow the ambition of the student to flourish.

She stepped through the threshold of the conference room, her gaze falling over those already gathered. Most of the faces were unfamiliar to her, but that was to be expected. They were Jonah's recruits, his burgeoning circle of influence. Strangers now, but potential allies in the future. Velda was not one to underestimate the value of cultivating relationships, even those built on fragile and untested foundations. They would all serve their purpose in time, whether as allies or pawns.

“Ah, Jonah,” she said, her voice cutting through the air softly, yet with undertones of menace. “So it begins....” A cloaked smile danced across her lips. Under the shadows of her hood that was drawn over her exotic features. A mere blackness hiding her gaze.

Across the conference room, she strode lightly, like an elegant thread of shadowy pleats. She moved with gracefulness, deliberation, making each gesture thoughtful as she took her seat in the front row. Eager to hear Jonah’s plans.


The pieces are falling into place, aren't they?

The woman's words were enough to wrest the man from his thoughts. From behind his tinted sunglasses, worn even inside, the intensity of his gaze softened ever so slightly. Leven was instrumental in this day coming to fruition. Her partnership was a physical confirmation that the vision he was prepared to lay at the feet of his compatriots could be reality. Thus, his lips briefly curved into a smile. "That they are. Look what daring to dream has brought us."

From thence, Jonah set his face forward and watched as potential allies made their way into the conference room. The first to arrive was one that Jonah did not immediately recognize, but the shift at his side caused his eyebrow to raise. He could see the Sithspawn's smile deepening as the blonde-haired, helmeted woman entered the room. It would seem that he wasn't the only one making connections across the stars, which was excellent. Theirs was not a vision to be manifested alone. It would require many hands.

Soon, Jonah felt the Dark Side move mightily before him. There were...two instances which stood out like beacons to his awareness. The first physically manifested within the room, stepping out of a whirling portal of shadow and emerald fire. The display might have been unnerving to those unaccustomed, but for Jonah this was simply an effective, Dathomiri means of transportation. "Lyssara, thank you for coming." he said. The gratitude he offered would set the tone. This was not a gathering of a god seeking supplicants, but of a man seeking solidarity with others like him.

The second presence was far more subtle, but he had learned to hearken to her whispers. She followed after others who Jonah did not immediately recognize and moved with an elegance that was a stark contrast to the man she was mentoring. Nonetheless, Jonah's offered her a light smile as she took her seat. And with all assembled, it was time for Jonah to lay his vision before them.

"Thank you, one and all, for listening to my call." he began, offering a polite nod towards the room. From there, the artist dipped his brush and began to paint a picture. "We all hail from vastly different worlds. Vastly different lives. But there are two things that we have in common: One, the Dark Side resides within each of you. Two, you have ambitions that have yet to be realized."

"Now I am no Dark Lord of the Sith. I do not have a fountain of power that you may drink that will make your dreams instantly come true. What I do have is a way forward. One that is different from the empires you've seen rise and fall your entire lives. One that will see to it that you are not the only one working to make your ambition a reality." Jonah opened his arms, as if to embrace the entire room.

"The way forward is Fraternity." He paused, knowing that the very idea of fraternity flew in the face of what many of them knew to be true. So many knew only of Sith who created empires following the vision of an individual. And if that individual faltered, the infighting would begin until the empire ripped itself apart. Alternatively, many knew only of dominance and trampling others underfoot. Thus the idea of working together was literally oil attempting to mix with water. Nonetheless, Jonah continued.

"Imagine a world where your dreams matter just as much to me as they do to you. Imagine a world where you can rest your eyes without fear of your colleagues stabbing you in the back. Imagine a world where we, as one, do not tolerate weakness in our midst. But instead of weaking the whole by exterminating an individual, we together purge the weakness from that soul - and thereby we all grow stronger because of it. I propose a reality where Kaggaths and infighting are a thing of the past, where kneeling before a single individual is a thing of the past, and where you answer to no one but collaborate with many. I dream of standing as one with you all, united behind seeing each of your ambitions come to fruition."

"Today, I propose we found a Sith Brotherhood."

Jonah lowered his hands and returned them to being neatly folded behind his back. His gaze moved across the room, taking in the faces of each who had gathered to hear his thoughts. He inhaled and briefly continued: "I recognize that this vision may inspire no end of questions from you. Know that I am committed to answering them all. If you have thoughts, concerns, doubts...I will hear them and account for them. Likewise, if you wish to offer support to this dream, I will gladly accept it. From here, the floor is yours." Jonah's lips curved into a smile as he borrowed a rather infamous phrase from his sire:


Valeria was late arriving to the conference that Jonah had called. While this greatly displeased her it couldn't be helped as during her journey from the Ascendancy, CIS Remnants, she'd had to exterminate some....interesting individuals. Jonah had reached out, through his father and somewhat indirectly, to Valeria seeking someone in the Expanse that had connections, power, and bearing to bring to his new vision. Valeria was intrigued at the opportunity, and it'd allow her perhaps a bit more freedom than being an official representative of the Ascendancy in the Expanse, and so of course she accepted.

As the Raven's Hymn exited hyperspace with it's escorts Valeria made her way to her fighter and landed within the Starliner.

Valeria looked around as she entered the Conference Room, exquisitely dressed in resplendent armor as always, her personal AI sitting on her shoulder, with her domineering aura, equal parts Dark and Light, from the force causing a heaviness to the air, suffocating to those whom weren't strong enough, as she'd not bothered to suppress it with frosty steps and frost filled air surrounded her. She took stock of those that had been invited, a blonde helmeted woman with, in Valeria's opinion, an unrefined yet confident bearing, a raven haired Miraluka, perhaps she was a witch? Valeria noticed a woman closer to the edge of the room, black haired and with a certain amount of....perhaps child-like giddiness and close by she noticed the remainder of the cohort, a Sith Pureblood woman, a tawny haired woman, and a white haired woman. Valeria chose to stay near the door and leaned against one of the supports of the room, partially freezing it.

Valeria had entered in the middle of Jonah's speech but was present for the core of the speech while missing some of the initial fluff of it to beget interest. The proposal was as she expected, promising organized support together but while remaining independent. It was something that reminded her of the Noble houses of the old Sith Empire, that she'd been born into, to some extent. It represented an opportunity for her to amass further funding, or wealth depending on how you looked at it, through unique opportunities and also represented the ability to further explore the wealth of knowledge in the universe. Jonah had ended his speech with a questioning voting phrase that his father had used often during the era of the Confederacy to seek the approval, or rather whether they were in, of those present.

Valeria was the first to speak, her voice naturally silky and with a trained eloquence, choosing to respond with a phrase she'd used during her Viceroy days:

"I say aye. I must say, for me there are particular concerns as a loose Confederation begets many benefits to me with little threat and, well, there's never been a time I've needed to answer to anyone anyways so I guess that doesn't sway me but it is an unexpected side benefit of not needing to worry about...laws."


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<<Leven,>> Kaila communicated telepathically with the woman despite her helm typically blocking such powers. She owed it to a device hidden beneath, something she had spent a great deal of time perfecting for the sole purpose of keeping Leven in the loop without compromising her mental defenses.

<<It's good to see you again. We should speak more when this is done, I have a gift for you>>

Kaila would nod in greetings to her, the only outward sign of their communication from her end, despite the mischievous smile she wore beneath the mask.

Others came after her, some by foot and others through flashy portals that felt eerily similar to things she had experienced on Dathomir. Kaila near the far end of the table where she could keep an eye on the others and the exit as well. Whether the masked woman was up to something or simply paranoid was anyone's guess, save perhaps Leven who knew her better than anyone else here.

There was quite a diverse crowd to observe, from witches to red sorceresses and other Sith or Sith adjacent individuals who she did not recognize. Despite this, she couldn't shake the feeling that this would be an important moment in galactic history as they all arrived one by one, the presence of dark side energy growing with each.

"Thank you, one and all, for listening to my call."

Then at last, their mysterious host began.

It was an interesting speech, culminating in a proposal of Brotherhood and many question circulating in the ever inquisitive renegade's mind.

"It's a good dream," She admitted, her modulated voice being heard for the first time by all save Leven. Kaila leaned forward on the table then, chin resting on a bridge of intertwined fingers while studied the others, especially Jonah.

"It reminds a somewhat of another brotherhood in our history... But my fellow scholars might recall that Darth Bane destroyed it long ago. Infighting and power grabs killed the brotherhood just as quickly as the empires you speak of, and they too were equals"

"What is stopping any one these people gathered here from destroying this brotherhood in a few years time?"

"How can you be sure that all parties have our best interests at heart?"

"I cannot allow myself to answer you without answers in kind"

She leaned back into her seat, her piece made. Either Jonah would make the inner workings of his vision clear or the others would answer and thereby reveal their true nature. Either way she would know what she needed to proceed, to determine whether she would lend her skills to this strange conglomerate. Admittedly the idea of belonging to such a group was intriguing, if Jonah's idea of the group and their real nature matched at least.

But Kaila had given herself fully to a false cause before. She was still trying to escape them, and she didn't plan on making the same mistake twice.

Jonah Jonah Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd Valeria de la Vallée Valeria de la Vallée Lyssara Talis Lyssara Talis Velda Nar-Donna Velda Nar-Donna Alluria Ivalice Alluria Ivalice Darth Incitrix Darth Incitrix

Seemed like they were an interesting bunch of individuals at first glance. Only time would tell if they would all be of use to each other. It did make her feel a bit better about the situation with how many people Jonah was able to convince to show up without killing each other so far. Though, she wouldn’t let her guard down so easily. In spite of not knowing her new colleagues, she was willing to play nice with the other dark side spawn here.

So far, one would speak up concerning their concerns. Darth Incitrix couldn’t agree more with her sentiments. Though, she would add her own thoughts to the conversation. Revealing her past wasn’t something she would give up so easily. Many here may have even shared similar experiences to what she had.

“I concur. I’ve seen first hand the effects of order derailed by one person. History even proves that eventually one of us won’t stay our hand from another’s throat if left exposed or even well guarded,” she would say before crossing her arms. Assassination was one thing she wanted to avoid at all cost. Killing her former master just to fall in a similar way that needed to be avoidable as possible.

“Based on your explanation, dear Jonah, it seems that we’re more chiefs of our own tribes. Warlords even. I'm sure some of us may have ample resources and potential army or two at our disposal. Others would command over scraps and beggars. My questions differ. How would we acquire and maintain a force to make sure we’re truly equals? Secondly, what’s stopping outside forces from destroying us from the inside? Just trying to understand your definition of Fraternity. How are the inner workings of this "Brotherhood?”"

She may have been overthinking this herself. Possibly she just needed a fine line to make sure how she should carry herself. She didn’t want to be a dead woman before her time came. “I’m willing to make this dream a reality, but I think there should be some kind of parameters or code that we should adhere to. Ones that we would need to truly believe in. I rather not your dream be one deferred.”


Jonah Jonah / Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd / Valeria de la Vallée Valeria de la Vallée / Lyssara Talis Lyssara Talis / Velda Nar-Donna Velda Nar-Donna Alluria Ivalice Alluria Ivalice / Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

ɢᴏᴅ ꜱᴀᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴊᴇꜱᴛᴇʀ


TAG: Jonah Jonah ~ Kaila Irons Kaila Irons ~ Velda Nar-Donna Velda Nar-Donna ~ Valeria de la Vallée Valeria de la Vallée ~ Lyssara Talis Lyssara Talis ~ Sabine Delacroix Sabine Delacroix ~ Darth Incitrix Darth Incitrix

<<"A gift? Spoiling me already.">> Leven Jeyd barely managed to flash the blonde a grin. Oh, she loved surprises. She was starting to think she especially liked surprised when they came from someone as curious as Kaila. <<"And of course, darling. It seems we have a lot of catching up to do.">> Her attention would not waver from Kaila until Jonah spoke again.

And then the others. All raising a very fair concern. The nature that had ruled them all for milennia. The Jester kept her smirk on, listening closely to the ones who raised their voices.

Her eyes locked on Jonah, her mind weighing the events of the recent past in her mind. The ambitions that she sought to feed and grow, and how invaluable he had been. Leven straigthened, even if her posture was still relaxed, before she finally spoke aloud. "I have never worked well with others, my loyalty, if I can use that word, has been spotty at best. I care little about anything beyond my own concerns and wants - and I would happily cleave through those smaller than me if that furthers my ends." She paused.

"And that is why I have not a chance in the whole, wide galaxy of ever achieving an inch of the things I dream of - perpetually below the shadow of those who have amassed power and servitude in a way we have not seen in history before." The taste of her own words was bitter in her tongue. Humble was not something she was, in fact it was something that very much pained her to admit. "This is a matter of principles. What is to keep me from turning on those to be my own brethren? Well, if we make the ambitions of one the ambition of all - then the wrath of one is the wrath of all. Not even I would risk to be on the receiving end of collective influence and power."

"In the end, I would rather be kept in check by others who further my own purpose than by those who have a chain to pull around my neck. We don't serve, we don't heel. We don't go after those who make that a reality,"



The room slowly filled with more and more people, but the Miraluka remained quietly seated, content to let others speak their minds. As a Nightsister, she viewed both the Sith and Jedi with equal skepticism, knowing both were equally capable of cruelty and betrayal a lesson the Witches had long remembered. The only person in the room she felt any connection to was Jonah. However, a late entry caught her attention, and she turned her head ever so slightly, looking through the force at Alluria Ivalice Alluria Ivalice . It was clear to her that Alluria was a fellow witch, enough to pique her interest.

As Jonah began to speak she turned her full attention to him and weighed his words, eager to see what he had learned after his time on Dathomir.

"The way forward is Fraternity."

A smile tugged at the corner of her lips, like that of a proud mother or teacher. She gave a resolute nod as he continued. The witch folded her hands in front of her, speaking softly, without any attempt at grandstanding or asserting a position there was only fact in her words. "I see you have found the answer to what you sought. You will of course have my support. A strong foundation will be required to see this dream to fruition."

Jonah Jonah Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd Velda Nar-Donna Velda Nar-Donna Valeria de la Vallée Valeria de la Vallée Kaila Irons Kaila Irons Darth Incitrix Darth Incitrix

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The first to answer was Valeria de la Vallée Valeria de la Vallée .

Of all the persons in the room, Jonah had known of this individual the longest. Having grown up in the Expanse, he was no stranger to the various figures who frequented his father's court. The Lady of Vanity was one such. Seeing her here placed a feeling in his chest that he couldn't quite identify. Was it...satisfaction? He couldn't say. But knowing that some piece of his past - some piece of home - stood alongside him? That felt...good.

Sentiments aside, her words of support were pragmatic and earned a nod of acknowledgement from Jonah. "Your support is appreciated, Lady de la Vallée." It was true that they would not be bound to anyone or forced to kneel before anyone. However, for their midst to function, there would need to be by-laws. Guides, not dogma, as it were.

The next to speak was the associate of his partner-in-crime. Jonah listened carefully to her modulated voice, nodding along as she spoke. The questions were completely valid: what set them apart? How would they temper grabs for power? Jonah did not immediately answer, but rather carefully considered her words. He wanted her - and all gathered - to feel assured in this vision. Now was not the time for hasty, off the cuff responses.

"You bring up a valid concern. Our ancestors weakened themselves by infighting, which allowed them to be bested by the Jedi, and ultimately destroyed by Darth Bane. However, there are a few key differences. Those who made up the ancient Brotherhood were equals in name only. Their midst was still founded upon the 'strongest' being at the top and the 'weakest' being at the bottom. With such a structure, it was only a matter of time before the weak schemed to become strong, while the strong schemed to become the strongest."

"What is preventing any of us from repeating this history is that we are true equals. Therefore, it would not benefit anyone to maneuver or scheme to gain additional power in this midst - for we are all working towards seeing our goals see the light of day. Beyond this..." he then briefly nodded towards the Lady of Vanity as this would also address part of her remark. "...the main rule of this midst would be that infighting or scheming against your brother is prohibited."

"Through true equality, mutually working together on our goals, and understanding that the mistakes of the past are anathema to our midst, we ensure that all parties move forward with the best of interests at heart. We ensure that our Brotherhood does not succumb to the inglorious end of our ancestors." Though a tad long-winded, Jonah hoped that he had thoroughly answered the question - not only for the masked woman, but for them all.

The next to speak was the crimson-skinned woman. Her concerns were similar to those of the Leven's masked associate, but differed in key areas. Once more, the man nodded along as she shared her thoughts. And to answer, he began by motioning towards the viewport behind him. "You raise an excellent question, and to answer, I direct you to the reason I brought you all here. Within these asteroid field is a syndicate known as the Haxion Brood. They have...fallen on hard times as of late, but even in their current state have systems and reach that would prove immensely valuable to our midst. Together, it would be elementary to wrest control of the syndicate - and with this valuable resource, we would have acquired a force that ensures our equality."

"For example, if any of us enters the Brotherhood with existing assets, they would be able to move freely with their assets using the Haxion Brood. If any of us is lacking assets, they can be acquired through the Brood. None would be bereft and found wanting. As for how we are to prevent outside forces from destroying us from the inside?" Jonah pressed a finger to his lips: the universal symbol for silence. He paused then, allowing the point to get across before continuing. "To the public eye, the Brotherhood I propose would not exist. We would not boldly march forward, inviting the ire of the light or the wrath of the dark. We would move quietly, using the Haxion Brood and other assets as our public faces. To the Galaxy, it would appear as though a criminal syndicate suddenly got competent. There would be no reprisal against us."

"Beyond that, what you have said thus far is accurate. We are chiefs of our own tribes, but we stand together as one people. Whenever there is a need? We provide. Wherever there is a goal? We work. Wherever there is a battle? We fight."

The next to speak was his partner-in-crime and...he had to think to keep the smile from forming on his face. Together, they painted the picture quite well - and as she aptly put it, in the end, who wouldn't rather be checked by those who are furthering your own goals? Who would bite the hand that is helping bring their dreams to reality? Only a fool, really, but Jonah kept that tidbit to himself. Though he said nothing directly, he allowed his thoughts to brush against her mind. Gratitude was chief among them.

Last to speak was the elder from Dathomir. There was almost an edge of pride to her words. "You have my sincere thanks, Lyssara." he began, before addressing the room as a whole.

"I do hope you have all found these answers satisfactory, and that we can move forward as one."


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