Connor just sat back, trying to relax, but not looking too comfortable. To be honest, things were getting on top of him at the wrong time again. After a tense meeting with [member="Aika Kawakami"] that hadn't exactly planned - whatever the plan was - it hadn't been long before Nima had turned up.
Not that he wasn't appreciative of the face, of course not, but it seemed too many ghosts from the past had come forward at once, and the physical wounds from his recent journey hadn't healed enough, never mind the emotional ones, and here he was trying to fix everything.
The condensation rolled over Connor's fingers holding the Blue Milk bottle, slowly losing the drive to drink anything at all. The wet glass just swung in his grip as he nodded, smiled, pondered and thought as Nima spoke. She really was trying to be something good, someone better; that was admirable.
"Well, you sound like you've made good progress. I'm pleased. And thank you for the kind words. It's not much, but I sort of like it how it is now, do you understand? Is that strange?"
He pursed his lips and looked around for a second.
"It's simple, and has everything I need to relax and reflect and be comfortable. Nothing more, nothing less. Keeps me grounded."
His hand went to the back of his head again, rubbing the neck as he turned to focus on Nima; crimson skin peeking out from the Silver Jedi attire she wore, eyes blue with wonder and a little fear. Her Force aura was alive, full of questions and thoughts.
Opening his mouth for a second, he hesitated, thinking about how much to say in response to her question.
"It went...well. Thank you. I discovered an amulet on Rhen Var, I think it was one belonging to an old Jedi exile, tainted by the Dark Side of the Force millennia ago. Tracing my steps to the Citadel when I first had my encounter with it, I believe that it harnesses the Force power from those around it, and the first time I came across it, my body and mind wasn't strong enough to prepare for that, hence my blackout."
Licking his lips, he shifted in his seat, enjoying the story-telling to a youngster so eager in his adventure.
"It took a good day or so, but I returned to the area I fell and managed to control the conflict of the Force to take the amulet and bring it back. It's with Master E'ron at present, and where it goes from there I don't care as long as it's safe."
With a slight incline of his head, he frowned a little at the next part.
"THEN...I sort of went off radar. Thurion knew where I was on Rhen Var, but I left after for Ord Mantell to do what you do when you're on the edge - face a Sith Lord. Actually, two. One intercepted excavating a mine for crystal with mercenaries and one I arranged to meet - Matsu Xiangu. She's a snake - a monster. Something so broken and unhinged, part human, part creation. I couldn't tell where her mind was, but I felt her inside mine."
A shiver ran up his body.
"Let's just say, by facing her, I managed to stand on the edge of darkness and refrain from stepping over. But it hurt. The wounds will heal in time but the physical and emotional scars will be here forever I expect. But that's what you get for dancing with death. So don't do it!"
Connor broke a little smile and shrugged. He placed the milk on the table and shook off the condensation.
"So. That's what I've been doing."
He was on a roll, and placing his hands spread out on the table, looking at the intricate pattern around the edge, he breathed.
"And I'm sorry. For everything, I swear on my oath as a Jedi. For hurting you, for lying to you, touching you - betraying you, just...everything, ok?"
Connor kept going to not let her interrupt.
"We don't need to go on and on, we both know what happened and this will not be easy to forget but in time, we will be ok. I ask for your forgiveness, and you have my admiration for continuing on the path of the light and not giving up, as I nearly did. Ok that's it."
He sat back and tapped his boot gently, another of his little ticks. It was out there, finally.
[member="Nima Tann"]