Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Thion Genya

Thion Genya

Repentant before the Gods
Name: Thion Arius Genya

Faction: The Holy Covenant
Rank: Repentant, Warrior
Species: Human
Age: 25 GSY
Sex: Male

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 165 lbs
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Black
Skin: Pale
Force: No

  • Devotion - Thion has thrown everything he is into following the True Way. It gives his life purpose, and drives him past physical limits.
  • Familiarity - Having forsaken mechanical technology, Thion has an uncommon facility with all types of Yuuzhan Vong biotechnology.
  • Ingenuity - Thion is good at thinking on his feet, finding new and effective ways to carry out his orders and serve the Gods.
  • Hollowness - Thion serves the True Way because of the collapse of his belief in himself and goodness in the galaxy, a dangerous emptiness.
  • Rejection - Thion's faith prohibits him from using the mechanical technologies prevalent throughout the galaxy under any circumstances.
  • Submission - Thion serves without question. He will withstand any abuse and carry out any order with no sense of self-preservation.

Appearance: Of average height, with a wiry, athletic build that speaks of frequent and rigorous exercise, Thion might be considered handsome - if not for the scarification. The marks of the Yuuzhan Vong Gods have been carved deeply into his flesh, covering him from head to toe in brands of devotion. The look in his pale eyes is one of absolute certainty, but it is a dark certainty, total belief in the unworthiness of himself and all those like him who are not children of the Gods. There is a certain gauntness to his face that speaks not of malnutrition but of perfect, immutable despair, tempered into blade of a grit and determination that will see all the enemies of his masters cast down.

Biography: The galaxy used to make sense to Thion Genya. It was all a grand story, a battle of light and darkness, a struggle to keep the good alive. His family valued that fight to do what was right, and he learned to value it, too. He was a good student and a good man, hardworking and compassionate, seeking to make his corner of the galaxy a little better one day at a time. Growing up in the Core Worlds, he saw his share of hardship - no system he had ever visited had been free of strife since the end of the 400-year darkness. A proud citizen of the Republic as it was reborn, he lived to see that dream die, crushed under the boot of the One Sith. But he did not surrender his hope.

Thion was no resistance fighter. He simply wasn't a violent man. But he was not idle when oppression reigned at home. He worked with student activist groups to feed and shelter those that the Empire deemed undesireables, passed information and occasional weapons to rebel groups, and kept the faith that one day the Core Worlds would be free. And in time, he lived to see the Galactic Alliance lance deep into the heart of the One Sith Empire, breaking it apart. New democratic powers emerged in the Core, and the storybook new dawn Thion and his family had always believed in arrived at last. But it had not come to stay. The years rolled on, and the galaxy remained embroiled in strife.

Thion might have kept believing if the strife had stayed far away. He protested against atrocities in the great war against the Sith and First Order, and worked to resettle and protect the refugees of that terrible conflict. He promised them, over and over, that good and right would triumph in the end, because that was how the galaxy worked. The heroes won. He kept telling himself that, as loud as he could muster, as the Galactic Alliance and CSA buckled under the strain of conflict against terrible legions, watching in disbelief as his storybook ending came undone before his eyes. And then that new dawn collapsed back into midnight, taking his faith and hope along with it.

Broken, Thion fled with as many refugees as he could gather, seeking the very fringes of the galaxy in an effort to escape the conflict. But there was no escape. Out there, at the edge of the unknown, he encountered an evil he could not possibly have imagined. The forces of the Holy Covenant, following the rekindled beliefs of the Yuuzhan Vong of centuries earlier, intercepted the refugee ships as they sought safe harbor. Those they deemed worthless were killed. The others were pressed into slavery. Thion, however, escaped both fates. His captors saw something in him, a need to believe, to mend his shattered faith with some explanation for why the galaxy was so broken.

Swaddled in the embrace of pain, Thion learned of the True Way. He learned that he was unworthy, no child of the Gods but a member of an infidel people. He suffered because he had not found the path. True, worthy suffering was worship, pain given in reverence to the great creator Yun-Yuuzhan, who broke himself apart to create the universe. And as this new faith in the Yun'o took root, Thion began to prove himself. Freshly adorned with the scars of the Ritual of Repentance, he showed himself to be fierce and devoted. It was not long before he was uplifted to serve alongside the lowest rank of the Warrior Caste, destined to die the most glorious death possible for an infidel species.

As the Holy Covenant turned toward conquest of the galaxy, Thion left hope and compassion behind, with faith and obedience to fill the void.

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