The Flame Major
- Wearing: Dress
- Location: Kashyyyk
Caelag Vass, did not enjoy life. It was not that her life was horrible, that she was underpaid, or had ever been want of food, or shelter. It was not that she felt the crushing embrace of loneliness, or the impassable void between her life and all that she once knew. No, it was none of these things. By all measures, Caelag Vass had a rather splendid life, if one ignored the death she faced on the regular. So what then could bring her, a powerful woman with more than sufficient ability to do anything she wished, to the point of hating her existence?
Simple. Nothing lasted. For all her hopes of finding meaning, when at last things went well enough for the woman, everything would crumble beneath her. First the Republic crumbled around her, a mere soldier at the time, and again the Iron Empire withdrew its reach, this time with her as Colonel, High Colonel no less. Progress forward was ever halted by strife, strain, and sudden loss of fortune. Meanwhile, the goal of Caelag's hopes and dreams grew ever distant, feeble, hung onto only by sheer force of will, a reluctance to leave things to wither.
Perhaps that was why she always chose a school teacher to be her fallback. Something that worked for the future even when she herself felt she could no longer affect it. Perhaps it was some great guiding force's sense of humour. Who knew. Whatever the case was, the reality of it was that she once more traveled to the other end of the galaxy to hopefully be just that. A bit less than appropriate to that occupation, the black dress, wrappings, and hooded cloak she wore seemed more fitting for a funeral. The only bright thing she wore was the silvery eye crown covering part of her face, masking the lack of eyes.
Of course, she also had her lightsaber hidden among the folds of the dress and cloak, as well as two small daggers in the wrappings around her arms and wrists.. Though the lightsaber was not something she was comfortable with, it was terrifying to travel without weapons on her, and the knives simply weren't enough. Her armor, sword, and rifles were stashed in her trunk, which she had to wait to be unloaded before she could be near again. That left her alone, waiting for her luggage from the freighter that had been paid to ferry her to this distant world.
While she waited, she let her mind expand slightly, slowly, feeling out the area around her in greater detail. Her natural 'sight' gave her a greater ability to sense force users, this planet being littered with them, spots of bright within the flow of the Force. It also wasn't usually something that someone would notice, however her expansion was to gently prod those around her, feel intent, rather than presence. Of course she wasn't good at it, but it would take someone paying attention to notice where the probing came from. And for the most part this seemed, accurate. Though having plenty to learn, she could find no poor intent, letting her breathe easily.
Though one last mind was gently probed, to seek an inkling of intent. However, the subject, one [member="[SIZE=14px]Stephanie Swail"] was more well trained than she, and she could not find what she sought. All the same, she did not feel in danger, and retreated the probing search, content. Though she did keep her arms crossed in front of her, in case that girl did hide some deep seated malice. Her general form did suggest human, after all, and those always loathed her.[/SIZE]