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Approved Species Thirriken

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Images: All images are Lord Shen, Kung Fu Panda 2

Name: Thirriken

Designation: Sentient

Homeworld: Destroyed by the Gulag Virus and lost to history during the Dark Age. Thirriken are found throughout the Gordian Reach, particularly the treacherous Roil (including the Hard Roil).

Language: Basic

Average Lifespan: 65 standard years

Estimated Population: Around 5 million, scattered throughout the Gordian Reach.

Average height of adults: 1.2m

Average length of adults: Neck extended forward, tail extended to the rear, around 3.5m for a male, and around 1.6m for a female.

Skin color: Plumage is very colourful and can take a variety of configurations. Common base colours for both males and females include black, white, green, and dun.

Hair color: N/A

Distinctions: Thirriken are an avian sentient species. They exhibit sexual dimorphism in which the males grow massive feathered tail displays, which can deploy to a full semicircle. Thirriken have an average rate of Force-sensitivity.


Breathes: Type 1

  • Though largely flightless, Thirriken can glide for respectable distances. Gliding efficiency might be comparable to a wingsuit, or allow a Thirriken to fall safely from a tall building.
  • The Thirriken strength-to-weight ratio is very high. They are nimble, quick, and agile.
  • Thirriken feathers exhibit extreme tensile strength and respectable rigidity. Get hit by a wing or a tail and you'll know you've been hit.


  • Although the front edges of Thirriken wings incorporate dextrous, complex arrangements of hardened feathers which function comparable to hands and fingers, Thirriken pseudo-hands lack direct tactile nerve sensation. The pseudo-hands, being contiguous with the wings' front edges, suffer from a limited range of motion.
  • You can fit a Thirriken's bony lower leg in a bolt cutter or grab it comfortably in one hand.
  • Males' massive tails can get stuck in doors and otherwise function as impediments.

Races: Thirriken exhibit a wide variety of colours and patterns. At various points in their history, certain colours and patterns have been interpreted as separate races or subspecies, but all such lore was lost during the Dark Age. Modern science confirms the Thirriken have no genetically distinct races.

Diet: Thirriken favor nuts, seeds, and especially fruits. They can eat other vegetation and processed carbohydrates, but generally prefer not to.

Communication: Thirriken communicate verbally. They can speak and hear above the human auditory range.


Culture: Thirriken have vague but persistent memories of the glories of their homeworld. Their traditions indicate they were once aristocratic conquerors. They retain a love for good food, hard coinage, and shiny trappings, and do much of their work through intermediaries, employees, servants, or slaves. Thirriken, especially males, tend toward vanity; the females tend towards pragmatism; but both sexes are self-aware and disdain exaggerated personality traits. It's quite all right to be wealthy and vain, so long as one isn't gauche about it. Thirriken eat daintily whenever possible. Mating displays have been ritualized, though their meanings are only half-remembered. The final selection of a mate is entirely up to a female; the obligation to work for a partnership or coupling rests wholly on the male.

Technology level: Identical to the rest of the Gordian Reach (galactic standard).

General behavior: Thirriken are bipedal, and occasionally glide. The males' tails tend to drag behind them, unless raised for display purposes, which happens frequently. Thirriken move and eat daintily. Despite the bulk of their wings and tails, they can act very quickly when the moment requires.

History: Although the Dark Age obscures much of the following detail for the Thirriken and galactic scholars, the Thirriken have a rich history. For thousands of years, their ships roamed navigable pockets within the Roil, despoiling and ruling small handfuls of worlds. During the Yuuzhan Vong conquest, they became a minor client state, but were roundly defeated by the New Republic and the Hapans. Their fleets and sovereignty broken, the Thirriken retreated to a very few planets within the Roil. They sulked their way through the next hundred years or so. Under the reign of Darth Krayt, they achieved some regional prominence again. After the defeat of the One Sith, they rebuilt their palaces and mansions to some semblance of their former glory.

Despite their best efforts at isolation, a few carriers reached the remote Thirriken worlds with the Gulag Virus. The Thirriken proved intensely susceptible due to various biological and cultural factors. Their worlds burned in short order. Survivors were few.

In the modern age, every Thirriken dreams of restoring Thirriken supremacy over a chunk of the Gordian Reach. Many Thirriken have become pirate captains, minor administrators, or colony founders -- basically anything that involves acquisition or authority.

Notable Player-Characters: None as of yet, though [member="Darell Irani"] has pledged to make one in return for me making this sub.

Intent: Peacocks were requested. I have made peacocks.

Rekali the Hutt

[member="Jorus Merrill"]

Can I get a little elaboration on the gliding range/efficiency? Other than that I think we're good here.
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