Rethgis Earua
Rethgis Earua spent another day at the canteen, as usual, his eyes focused down his own drink and his thoughts wondering about. His stare and attention was swiftly stolen by the new board which appeared on the wall, his eyes sharpening in curiousity; he passed the few credits to the busy bartender before swallowing the last bit of his drink- he hopped from his seat and strolled to the board, his eyes flickering between the many opportunities he had just witnessed; From expedition crews and mercenary groups to droid and ship advertisements; he reaffirmed his grasp over his pair of DL-18 Blaster Pistols, nodding his head he was ready for another bounty and adventure to begin.
OOC Note
((Hello, I am very new to the community but far from new to roleplay and I admit I am quite lost; I merely ask for any crews and cliques that are recruiting a few guys to go on different events and bounties, or even if this sort of thing isn't really common please direct me to the starting point where I could start claiming bounties and participating in events, I hope to have fun time here, Thanks -Trenchist))