Hamter Melson
Hello to all those, like myself, that wanted to join a bounty hunter society. As it turns out, I was wondering why it looked like there wasn't much here and I found out that the leader for this Faction hasn't been on SWRP since Nov 30, LAST YEAR. So, I just thought I would post this in case anyone else like myself thought this faction would be cool to join. I would like in the future to have an actual bounty hunter society type thing, but I don't know how to get that started and honestly I wish this place working good. Unfortunately, their is just no leader and I can't find a list of members to see if anyone else from this faction is even still on. So, if you read this and apperently I am dead wrong or something, fine. Just tag me in a post right below this and I will apologize, but to me this looks like what used to be an awesome faction that just died out. If anyone wants to try and remake this faction, send me a pm and maybe we could try to figure something out. I myself am just a novice at this, heck I only joined this website last week. But I had such high hopes for this faction just to discover that there is no one in charge. So, good day to those that read, and hopefully a newer bounty hunter society will emerge soon.