Matsu Xiangu
The Haruspex
[SIZE=12pt] Hoth Space[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Asteroid Belt[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] Despite the size of their Galaxy, Matsu found herself frequently in situations that made her think she was traveling a decidedly small part of it. She had joined the Beast Hunters Guild on a whim, citing the idea of a few extra credits and a lot of extra practice. When the job to take down an Exogorth had been proposed she had – and almost certainly stupidly – jumped at the chance. Little had she known Matsu Ike would be joining her.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] So once more the Jedi and the Sith step out for an adventure, though at decidedly different places in their lives. It didn’t much matter to Xiangu – despite their differences, she’d never been the typical Sith. Fighting over who viewed the Force in the ‘right’ way seemed pointless. She'd much rather dislike someone for being annoying or downright idiotic than their belief system.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] But enough waxing poetic. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] Their transportation was larger this time around and it would have to be for the game they were hunting – a juvenile exogorth was no joke. Matsu knew that even before she started pouring through all the information she could find, trying to locate any tales of men and women who’d done the same in the past. There were accounts, the majority of which did not end well, though there were success stories. What she really wanted was the hint of a weakness they could exploit, some point of anatomy that would allow them to stun the creature. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] It kept her busy as Ike’s ship banked through space towards Hoth and its asteroid belts. “A bit different than dragons, hmm?” she asked quietly, looking up at her fellow Atrisian from her reading with her chin resting lightly on her hand. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] She looked out the viewport as the ships computers started warning of asteroids, steering away from collisions. Somewhere out there was possible doom – but she didn’t plan on letting it at her that day.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt][member="Matsu Ike"][/SIZE]