Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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This Is No Cave

[SIZE=12pt] Hoth Space[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=12pt]Asteroid Belt[/SIZE]​

[SIZE=12pt] Despite the size of their Galaxy, Matsu found herself frequently in situations that made her think she was traveling a decidedly small part of it. She had joined the Beast Hunters Guild on a whim, citing the idea of a few extra credits and a lot of extra practice. When the job to take down an Exogorth had been proposed she had – and almost certainly stupidly – jumped at the chance. Little had she known Matsu Ike would be joining her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] So once more the Jedi and the Sith step out for an adventure, though at decidedly different places in their lives. It didn’t much matter to Xiangu – despite their differences, she’d never been the typical Sith. Fighting over who viewed the Force in the ‘right’ way seemed pointless. She'd much rather dislike someone for being annoying or downright idiotic than their belief system.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] But enough waxing poetic. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] Their transportation was larger this time around and it would have to be for the game they were hunting – a juvenile exogorth was no joke. Matsu knew that even before she started pouring through all the information she could find, trying to locate any tales of men and women who’d done the same in the past. There were accounts, the majority of which did not end well, though there were success stories. What she really wanted was the hint of a weakness they could exploit, some point of anatomy that would allow them to stun the creature. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] It kept her busy as Ike’s ship banked through space towards Hoth and its asteroid belts. “A bit different than dragons, hmm?” she asked quietly, looking up at her fellow Atrisian from her reading with her chin resting lightly on her hand. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] She looked out the viewport as the ships computers started warning of asteroids, steering away from collisions. Somewhere out there was possible doom – but she didn’t plan on letting it at her that day.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][member="Matsu Ike"][/SIZE]​
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Matsu Xiangu"]

This was indeed a strange time but Matsu had been told once by a master departing the order to be one of the lost twenty. 'May you live in interesting times' and she had, from being severed from the force to reconnecting and finding herself in the galaxy at large with more her wits to survive as she traveled deeper then most into the unknown regions visiting and combating some of the older things. Ancient Taung cults that still were around and like the mandalorians had interbred until they were gone but their children had lasted and their rituals. The priestesses who had tested her and made her face much, then going with some people and work to coordinates in a companion galaxy, sailing on the winter eagle through the dark void towards mysteries.

All of this since they had went after dragons, her jeep on her ship and looking at the one they were in proved very useful. Hopefully it would be large enough to hold the creature, that was the hope for it. Matsu remained there in the seat while she wore a sealed bodyglove and light combat armor. The black sleekness of it able to be worn by a duster she kept her hands in and she wasn't wearing her hat with its black brim. A small smirk on her face thinking more about the dragon and she wasn't a traditional jedi compared to many she had the lightside and her saber glowed with a solari crystal that she held for her enjoyment, her remembering that she was a lightsider no matter how dark it might have gotten.

"Yes it is but that is not such a bad thing." She pulled her hand out and slid a datapad out of her pocket. The creatures were large and even for babies it was not a nice thing. She could think of a few ways to handle one or two... Mostly hopeful thinking. Compared to the leviathan she and the silver jedi had taken down. That had been a dangerous challenge nd the babies something even harder to kill well most of them, Matsu had left two alive because even she wasn't that heartless. Allowing them to remain alive and to see if on the world Maya's theory of it being able to live in peace and nature would keep it calm. She had doubts.

She was more interested in what they were going to do while the hunters guild manifest came up, she had brought some of her equipment mostly dart guns and ways to fired tranquelizers. "Looking over what there was and what might be able to be done, I am confident in one thing... we are going to get a work out and this will be a valuable experience compared to others." She was chuckling about that now. "Maybe if it is large enough try getting a large enough pill inside of it with a torpedo or warhead in the launcher just remove the baradium from the head." That was a thought if they could entice the beast to eat it they might be able to get what they need while hoping but the force usually had a sense of humor about things and she expected a challenge.
[SIZE=12pt] “I’m confident of one thing…we’re going to get a work-out.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] Matsu couldn’t help but laugh then – some things never changed, and it seemed Ike’s humor only proved the adage true. “True – only so many times one gets to try what we’re about to.” She looked over at the pile of tranquilizers and equipment that Ike had brought along and felt suddenly a little out of her depth. On hunts before her use of the Force had been enough, combining it with the expertise of those with more experience with weapons and the like. The more time she spent among the faction the more she realized it was practice in more ways than one: her education in weaponry was expanding despite the fact that she’d willingly foregone it in favor of the Force.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] She narrowed her eyes in thought at Ike’s suggestion. They would need an astronomical amount of tranquilizer and it was risky at best but she had no better ideas – Ike was spot on. She moved over, looking to the Jedi for confirmation that she didn’t mind Matsu touching her things before gathering together all the sedative she could find. “Good idea – and even if we don’t have enough here, it could be at least enough to slow the worm down. That might make all the difference.” In truth, NONE of what they were about to do was a "good idea" strictly speaking, but as far as potential ways to avoid death it was a step in the right direction. She finished pulling together all the tranquilizers she could find, a good-sized pile enough to down a family of rancors. All they would need to do was remove the warhead from the missile – and hopefully Matsu had somewhere safe to keep the baradium – and they had a viable option to use against their target. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] The Knight’s other concern of the moment was how they would get the worm on to the ship – hopefully with their combined telekinetic push they could lift and pull the juvenile worm on to the ship once it was sedated, but that remained to be seen. She didn’t know the capabilities of Matsu’s ship either – with any luck she would have some kind of lift system for the downed Exogorth.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] She was about to ask when the blaring siren alarms of said ship started ringing in her ears.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] Matsu looked up from the gathering of tranquilizers to try and see if perhaps they were coming up on a shower of debris or another randomly approaching ship – but neither was the case. No, instead a clearly young Exogorth was performing the famed jump from one asteroid to another, its long and impossibly huge body passing in front of the ship as it landed on its new asteroid and burrowed in to a hole probably formed by one of its kin.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] At least they’d had a good look at it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] “Looks like it’s time,” she said wryly, looking to her companion. “We need to pack these in the missile and try to head that thing off before it gets too comfy on the other side of that hole.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][member="Matsu Ike"][/SIZE]​
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Matsu Xiangu"]

The thought of working on the explosives had Matsu moving about towards the warhead, baradium was temperamental and great for explosives but storing it outside of warheads was tricky... Or she had been thinking about that. One of the stronger things she knew was plasteel and with some repulsors you could suspend it as she wondered what they were really doing. She could tell the dark jedi or was she a sith? Matsu spared a thought for it while she looked to the containers and at a small cargo sled. The repulsor engine what she wanted while it went lower into the container.

Then she was thinking less on who she was with and more on transporting the explosives from the warhead and she used the hydrospanner and then the alarms. Her senses expanding out and she felt it while turning around and saw how big the creature was. She thought about how much space the vessel she had could hold and 80,000 tons was a large amount, if she changed up the training area perhaps even more but she was debating. Her head turned to look at Matsu and Matsu spoke. "We might need a bigger boat." She was thinking now while still working her hands lifting the warhead section and transporting it.

The walk over to the plasteel section had Matsu turning her head around and setting it in then sealing the container with a second sled on top held in place by tape and some piping. A jury-rigged setup but the explosive would be suspended in the center and not rattling around. She was looking at the other equipment and thinking of what she could do or how they could lure one of those worms out. That was when a thought came to her. "There might be an easier way.... Okay I lied not easier, suicidal, crazy and stupid but it does keep us from just flying down into its mouth." No really it did keep them from flying into its mouth... she just didn't say it meant cheating and getting themselves.

"So we could completely open the hangers and vent them, fire weapons and tractor beams on the asteroids around to clear them away and leave only one it can jump to. We'll launch the warhead into it to make it angry and tired... then when it jumps at us... we bring the hanger around and preform one of the dumbest catches in the galaxy and hope we gave enough tranquilizer." Yes saying it out loud totally didn't make it sound like the most insane idea in the galaxy... She was lucky there were crazier ideas like flying into the void or the maw or trying to navigate the companion galaxies.
[SIZE=12pt] Alright, so if she understood this correctly, Matsu wanted them to blast away all the asteroids close enough for the Exogorth to jump to and then make it angry enough to jump to them in a tranquilizer-fuelled hallucinatory state and hope they made the ride back to the facility that would be accepting the capture without the giant thing waking up OR the baradium getting jostled and blowing a hole in the side of Matsu’s ship? Yeah, yes…that was certainly a little suicidal. But then again, had either of them signed on for the job assuming it wouldn’t require extreme measures? They had worked together before and Matsu believed that would get them through the job.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] She had to admit, there were few other options open to them (and all of them were crazier) with only the materials they had on hand and Matsu had come up with something out of the box. She nodded, against her better judgment and every survival instinct she had. The tune of a couple million credits was sweet enough incentive on top of a daredevil streak ten miles long.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] “Alright – with the way I am I didn’t have much of a life expectancy anyway,” she answered, grinning despite herself and finishing balling together the tranquilizers, depositing them in the empty head of the missile her fellow hunter had cleared out. Truly, with the variety and amount of sedatives she’d just sorted through the Exogorth would have to be out for at least a decent amount of time – the cocktail alone was terrifying.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] It was only a few more minutes, after working together to get the warhead full of tranquilizers loaded and prepared to launch and clearing most of the hanger area the Exogorth would hopefully land in, that they were ready to blow apart part of an asteroid belt. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] She moved to join her fellow hunter at the center of the viewport, taking in the amount of damage they’d have to do and letting out a low whistle. “I think we need to get rid of everything from there,” she said, pointing to a strangely perfect line of asteroids floating together about a kilometer off the left, “to there.” The end point was far off to the right. “I don’t know how smart they are, or how well they can see. I have the impression they move with a sixth sense – if we can make it think the ship is another asteroid, and there are no others in the immediate vicinity, we have a better chance of it jumping straight for the hanger and making this less of a test of our catching skills,” she offered.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] With that they made the final preparations to swing the whole ship around and catch a worm once they were done with their destruction. “Ready?” Matsu asked.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] And with that, the hanger opened and depressurized in anticipation of a suicidal game of catch, that they opened fire on the surrounding belt, asteroids exploding, some of the smaller ones even vaporizing. Their plan seemed to be working, like clockwork, out of the same end of the hole it had entered the Exogorth reappeared, mouth wide and looking as angry as a mostly faceless thing is capable of appearing. It was all moving much faster than she expected, each part of their plan needing laser precision. “Oh feth,” Matsu muttered under her breath, releasing the warhead they’d packed tight with tranquilizers. She could only hope that it would impact somewhere in muscle and not fatty tissue, letting the sedatives disperse faster.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] And they really better hope so – the worm started slithering its way out of the asteroid almost as soon as the warhead disappeared in its maw…and she was JUST beginning to wonder how they’d had such good luck so far, how this was going off without a hitch when suddenly it was hurtling towards them at a speed she couldn’t fathom and pushed even faster by solar winds. They needed to swing around – oh, FETH they needed to swing around. “Matsu, MATSU!!!”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][member="Matsu Ike"][/SIZE]​
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Matsu Xiangu"]

Hearing someone else agree with her... wasn't so bad it let her know she wasn't crazy and now as she was moving about clearing the cargo bay she worked to make sure it was as empty as possible. Then she worked to make sure the plasteel container with the explosive was secured in more and more protection somewhere less likely to strand them with a worm on board. She was moving around gathering all that she could and held the saber with the solari crystal, held close to her the earrings and sigil letting their energies flow into her while she moved to the view port to listen to the plan.

Giving a nod to it she moved to the gunner controls and let her mind blank as she brought the guns around to fire upon the asteroids in the area and directed. She took the moment pressing down on the fire buttons as the pop pop of red turbo laser came splitting the rocks and making them fly out and away, the few tractor beams they had being used while they flew around to smash and she spoke as the plan was about to start. "One of my old masters used to say something to cheer me up. "Today is the day everything you have done to prepare and train can turn into a pile of bantha poodoo if you make one small mistake for me it is just another day."

She had a face now when it started seeing the shot go off and she was ready moving to the ships controls. Brushing her hair back and popping her shoulders as the moment came her hand tightening until they were gripped white on the controls. The hangers opening, depressurized and waiting in the silence, the beast appeared popping its head out as the warhead flew with the tranquilizer inside down its gullet. She heard Matsu shout about the ship and she looked letting her senses expanding out as she turned the ship activating thrusters to pulled them back and not have the worm fully impact with a stationary or forward moving object into it.

Match its speed enough to mitigate the internal damage she was suspecting would be coming to them. She felt it in the force letting her mind speed up, seeing each moment in time more like a picture she could move faster through. The ship moving and swinging, the sounds of Matsu and her own grip tightening on the controls until the ships indicator chirped that they were in the correct position, her mind keeping her reflexes higher but she was moving now and speaking. "BRACE YOURSELF." She held it steady when the impact came her mind racing to try and not panic with the sound of klaxons blaring.

The computer indicating they hit something large and she looked at what they might have had while closing the hanger doors and hoping them to seal. She was flipping the switches and praying to every deity she could think of that the ship would be safe and they would be fine while the indicator for internal hull breaches came. There were fires and damaged systems but she had some work ahead. Fixing the ship systems would be easier assuming they could do it while in hyperspace for the hunters guild. Then the light for the hyperdrive being damaged came and she felt the world coming back to her. Everythign going on around as she spoke. "We got to get those fires out."
[SIZE=12pt] Matsu stood there after the ship had swung around, her heart in her throat for a moment and trying to get her bearings and let the blare of the ships warning systems pass over her instead of rattling her senses. They had seemingly done what most would deem impossible. The angry, drugged roars (for that was really the only thing she could think to call them, wild groaning sounds impossibly loud in the space of the ship despite not even being near it) of the Exogorth brought her back to the present as she took a breath and patted herself down as if to reassure herself they had indeed survived.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] She was just about to comment on how in the grand scheme of things that could have gone much worse when the computer brought up a display showing damage to the hyperdrive. It didn’t look irreparable from what Matsu could see (and that was saying something because she was no ship mechanic) but with the added threat of their cargo, the fires all over the ship, and the pressure of the seeming fact that every moment counted…it was a little bit of pressure to put it lightly.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] “Alright, fires,” she said, giving her mind something to focus on and feeling determination settle in her again. She’d be damned if they got this far only to get stranded in space. She looked at the read-out of damage, pointing along the length of the left side of the ship where most of the fire damage seemed to be concentrated. “You seem far more familiar with ships than I am – I can put out these fires here if you can see to the hyperdrive,” she offered. Her path would also take her close to the hangar, allowing her to get a better feel for how their new friend was faring in his ‘enclosure’. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] She waited for confirmation before speeding off to do just that, extinguishing fires left and right and checking equipment that had been close to all the sources of heat. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] She was outside the main entrance to the hanger when she heard it, something like a low groan of stress in the hull, like the whole ship was suddenly unsure of its integrity. She could only hope they could hit hyperspace soon – otherwise they’d have to hope they could make a plan even crazier than the one they’d already concocted. [/SIZE]

[member="Matsu Ike"]​
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Matsu Xiangu"]

Matsu knew ships... well okay she knew how to maintain the ones she used and could fly didn't mean she knew everything but as she heard Matsu go after the fires he was moving. Stopping long enough to take everything in and grabbed from the cargo bays crates a repair kit, spare parts and then she was going letting one of the fires near the hyperdrive stay until she got closer and focused on it. Letting the force breathe through her and pulled at the fire to take the heat, take the energy ad leave a pretty icy sculpture that shattered into pieces when the door to the hyperspace engine opened.

Her hands were moving faster then her thoughts and she was sliding into place, opening the kit and looking at the damage. It wasn't as bad as she thought, some dismounting and it was out of place. Her inspection of it as the hydrospanner came to her hand was the field guide bent. The rods that acted like a guide to where they could be going had gotten dislodged and were at a slightly odd angle for them. To odd for her liking as the power to the engine went out so she could pull it and adjust it. Moving with the repair kit and glade it was a standard part not something special. Being without hyperdrive the only place close would be Bespin.

"The field guide is bent, it is easier to fix and with the fires out we'll be able to head out. Should take an hour or two though." She kept working as some more lights came on to light up her field of view and she was opening the casing keeping track of where everything went. The time ticking away and not because she wanted to draw it out but because she didn't want to damage the other parts being careful. They really didn't want to lose the field that would keep them anchored in space time so they came out a few thousand years in the future or worse.

She knew that there were dangers with hyperdrive malfunctions and her fingers continued to work, thinking about not messing up and opening a pocket to Otherspace. A dangerous possibility that would leave them with all new problems while she finished mounting the field guide and securing it in. She spoke up when it wasn't going to fall as she took her hand away and started working on the casing to get it put back together. "How are those fires coming?" She trusted Matsu could take care of it but they were on a time table for how much the worm would stay out. How long it might sleep or at least not thrash about and break apart the ship.

She finished with the hyperdrive and as the slab was there her hands touched it. Nothing moved there were no sounds from it when she shook it but the real test would come after she had it in its casing and mounted proper again. Hooking it back into the ship as she worked on its mount with the engine she turned back on the power and listened. Closing her eyes and focusing on the hyperdrive to hear for dangerous ticks, small things that might be a sign of other problems.. "It is repaired hopefully, I replaced what I could but I can make no big promises."
[SIZE=12pt] She put out the last fire in the immediate area, checking the small mid-ship readout panel for any damage she could fix from where she was. It looked like she’d done a decent job of it, or at least as much as she could do for the moment while they were still in space. “Good Matsu, good,” she answered over her comm to the question about the fires. “There’s some kind of…noise coming from our new friend’s room. I’m going to check it out, I’ll update you in a moment.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] Despite the fact that they’d only worked together once, Matsu was confident in the other woman’s ability to take care of her end of the plan while she took care of hers, however evolving it was.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] The doors slid open to the hanger only to reveal a horrific site. She’d read that part of an Exogorth’s natural diet was ships and their parts, but there was obviously little research on what happened when you tried to trap one INSIDE a ship. Though what she was seeing only made sense: the baby worm was chowing down on a support beam for the upper walkways of the hangar bay, the entire structure groaning and caving as it succumbed to its new role as a snack. Matsu had to dodge to the side as her senses flared, a huge crate threatening to smush her as it slid off the upper decks.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] Part of her was debating just letting it happen – the worm was obviously slowing, the full effects of the amount of sedatives they’d blasted right down its gullet finally taking hold. It would be any minute…but despite their efforts to clear the hanger, much of what they’d stashed topside was tumbling down. Including…Matsu nearly lost it when she saw a cache of…well, she didn’t know what it was exactly – but whatever weapon it was fuel for, the canisters had the telltale ‘flammable’ sign along their sides.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] Regardless, that wasn’t something she wanted the worm biting down on. She could think of dozens of reasons why not: suppose the contents were under pressure – biting down might damage the Exogorth, making it angry and causing it to thrash around and REALLY start damaging the ship. Not to mention they needed the catch intact to fulfill the contract. And she couldn’t imagine if something else in the hanger was explosive enough to react with the canisters if they broke open.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] Ike had said the repairs would take at least an hour and Matsu spent fifteen minutes of that time using her telekinetics to keep the majority of the dangerous things away from the baby worm until it finally succumbed to the sedatives. It turned out they weren’t enough to put the animal out entirely, but it at least appeared a safe enough level to move from the hanger.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] Gratefully closing the doors behind her she updated Matsu: “Had a bit of a problem in the hangar. Everything’s under control. Take your time, I’ll try and keep things quiet out here.” She didn’t feel the need to say that really, they COULDN’T afford to take their time, but a little bit of pressure relief couldn’t hurt.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] She spent the next forty-five minutes attending to random fires, fixing damage where she could until she heard Matsu confirm the hyperdrive looked fixed. “Well, only one way to find out – I’ll meet you up front.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] With any luck, they were about to head in to hyperspace and deliver their impressive cargo.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][member="Matsu Ike"][/SIZE]​
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Matsu Xiangu"]

Matsu gave a nod to that, there was only one way to know for sure they had fixed it and that was to use it..... She only spared a small thought that she made a mistake but pushed those thoughts away for now. Thinking that would have her jumping at shadows and worried for nothing She had to be sure of her work and moving about the ship she spared a glance at the worm who was resting kind of, the situation might not have been ideal but she had a few idea of what they could do maybe while seeing the fires were taken care of. That was a goo thing and she joined Matsu in the cockpit taking the seat.

"Everything seems in order, lets hope." Before she could ask and her hands went to the controls. The jumped to hyperspace would have to be done after they got out of the asteroid field as she moved. Not to the edge of it through but jump making a vertical push of speed and spoke. "So I should warn you that was only the second hyperdrive I have ever repaired and there are risks. The temporal shielding should stay so we won't be traveling forward in time or exploding... I can make no promises though that it will send us to another dimension. The pocket dimensions and dangers of hyperspace travel are still very real."

There just like taking off a band aid and Matsu looked as they cleared the asteroid field, the computer chirping while the safeties let her know they could jump to hyperspace now if they wanted to. Which was a good thing while she started inputting coordinates, ones to deliver the package to the hunters guild and collect but also get this big guy off their hands.... She actually was wondering what the guilds face would be like arriving with the large baby.... and then telling the tale of how they let it jump at them and all the crazy plan. Obviously as with all good stories of hunting embellishment and stretching might be in order but they'd come to that when the time came.

As the computer chirped, her eyes flashed flicking to the screen and the ship maneuvered into place, stars giving way to starlines and crossing her fingers as she spoke. "Cross your fingers and lets hope." She was looking at the dimension for travel and letting her senses focus on the hyperdrive. The sounds of it while nearly holding her breath, worse case scenario they end up in Otherspace and are fighting Charon off while looking for parts in the old derelicts to repair the ship.. Fighting a death cult that has exterminated galaxies while a large worm is in their cargo hold.... Entirely possible, but there were other dimensions ones that some creatures had come from or were that she didn't want to risk.

She thought about how best to take her mind off the situation and well there was few other ideas then talking while she leaned back focusing her senses mostly on the engine but a portion of her thoughts on the woman. "We should be good.... I hope, so what has been happening with you?" Nervous... yes, scared a little but dammit this was what helped teach you how to get through the hard portions of life and forged heroes... or just people who could become legendary hunters. She'd settle for credits that got her a nice meal and some experience, or she'd settle for finding some hidden resolve within that made her a better stronger person.
[SIZE=12pt] She had seen and heard a great many things between all the time she’d spent traveling the Galaxy before she officially began her path with the Force and the deep mysteries of the afterlife that had been plumbed by her Master. Even the way she’d chosen to focus her power showed her things. Walking in the minds of others showed her things she might never experience for herself but nonetheless gained the knowledge of. It had proven a difficult road to walk, but helpful in more ways than one. And despite all of that the idea that Matsu presented, or moving not forward or backward in time but entering an entirely different dimension, had her head spinning with possibilities. She wasn’t even averse to the idea though…perhaps not with an Exogorth in the hangar.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] The distraction was welcome though as she felt the machinery winding up around them, her companion – and fellow hunter in the stuff of legends – asking what she’d been up too. Much had changed since the dragon, and she found herself dipping in to something of her own to pass the time and distract herself from the possibility of interstellar travel. There were some things she kept to herself out of virtue of a paranoia that clung to her like a second skin since meeting Krius Syonis. She even showed Matsu her arm, the result of knowing the aforementioned man. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] The few minutes of conversation were enough and as the hyperdrive engaged there was a moment where she held her breath, looking out at the stars and willing them to turn into long, fat lines indicating they’d jumped safely.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] And…they had done it! Now all they needed was to make it to the meet-up before their cargo came to and ate more of the ship. Not totally out of the clear, but enough for Matsu to relax in her seat next to her companion and let out a quiet laugh, picking the conversation back up right where it had ended before things had gotten tense for the moment. “So…what’s been happening with YOU?” When she smiled the tips of her fangs peeked from beneath her lips.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] Now THIS would be a story for the books! Matsu’s Squared & The Exogorth… [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][member="Matsu Ike"][/SIZE]​
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Matsu Xiangu"]

Taking a moment to look at the woman's arm had Matsu cringe slightly that was not something she would want to experience. To many things one could do and she didn't really pull off cybernetics well. She barely pulled off more then her kimono and robes or duster well that armor she usually wore something else and a small smile played across her face as she thought about all of it. Then she wasn't just thinking about how much to tell but how to tell it. She had done a lot and while she raised her sleeves to show her arms. Normal except where they had tiny scars all over.

"Well it is a long story but after the dragon I might have been exiled from the jedi and as they tried severed from the force. It hurt but the problem with force lighting is it has to be a darksider to really take effect. Jedi lighting jedi is.... harmless and I was sent away confined to a bed on my ship. I don't blame them they were correct I was to arrogant for my position, so they made me have to rework and let me keep my mind. It was poorly thought out from what I saw and a mild case of being severed from the force is easily fixed when you have researched such instances."

She kept a smile on her face and thought about what else there was well talking about the five priestesses was a strange thing. On the one hand they weren't to bad but finding them if they didn't want you to. "Regaining the force took fighting through hell and high water, trials and facing one of the oldest, nastiest creatures in the universe but I found what I was meant to. Myself and have been using this new found freedom and the pieces of the solari crystal I hold to guide me in the force. All over the galaxy and to some stranger places then many know."

"Traveling to Cresh and exploring the remains of an old republic exploration craft, facing a leviathan on Corbos, let alone against better judgement taking a baby egg of it and hoping it will be able to be raised differently on a remote world few people visit and can be kept safe. While continuing my research which is where whenever you want to meet up again we might have some more fun. There is a planet the anci9ent sith used for their creatures and the vong formed with their creatures. It would be an interesting place to learn of the creatures in their habitats. If your curiosity gets the better of you."

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