Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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This is the part where I...

...pretty much disappear. I have six weeks left until I'm done this part of my program, the first of which is my last week of work experience, then it's back to campus for four weeks, as well as working after school up to four days a week (16 to 18 hour days, anyone?). From now on I will be studying with every ounce of spare time I can manage, because the sixth week of that six weeks is finals.

This affects all of my characters. Please click the 'characters' button in my profile if you don't know who they are, because I can't be arsed to list them all, there's just too many. Not that I've been spectacularly active, but... expect nothing from me until some vague point after July 20th.

À bientôt,

That Damn Owl

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