Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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This looks awesome!

I love star wars and roleplaying, so when I saw this site I felt I just had to jump in. Will spend today creating my character, and hopefully jump in to a thread. Just quick question, how do I jump into a thread properly?
[member="DeckoCard"] I'm not terribly old here, but I can deffinately agree with you. Welcome to the site, have fun, cause a bit of chaos for everyone. As for jumping into threads...

Well usually that depends. Looking for Group sometimes has interresting ideas to look through, and there are open RP's that are probably in a state you can jump in reasonably well. Depends on what you're looking for.

^^" I'm probably not the best person to help though.
[member="DeckoCard"] Oh! Quick tip: Using the @mention under the person's avatar picture is perfect for responses. Makes a little alert pop up in their notifications. usually, unless you have my luck or something.

Welcome to the Chaos. Once you get your character sheet/bio up and sorted then you are free to jump into a thread and get to RPing. Or make a post in the Looking For Group thread and see what people throw at you, and of course throw out ideas you have. The timeline sets us at about 844 ABY so even the movies are considered ancient history. As always any questions you have, feel free to ask. Enjoy.
You right, [member="DeckoCard"]. This place is pretty awesome. :)

Welcome to Chaos! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. If you're looking for ways of getting involved, another advice would be to find and join a faction that suits your character.

Enjoy your stay!

Connor Harrison


Welcome to the Chaos! Have fun and shout if you need help at any time. :)

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