Darth Zilti
Blasphemers beware...
Maja’s latest attempt at being a criminal mastermind had failed on two fronts. Firstly, she wasn’t a particularly good criminal. Secondly, she wasn’t exactly a mastermind.
Small-time hustles she could deal with – as well as simple con-tricks – but selling time-share on Tusken Raider land was probably a step too far. And the resulting chase and evasion meant that her ship had left without her. All she had were the clothes she stood in and…well that was it actually. She didn’t even have enough credits to start to buy and sell fake holocrons. So she needed a job to generate some seed money.
Which is why she ended up working in the Mos Eisley Cantina wearing – well even less than the clothes she stood in. What was it with space-pilots and their fetish for slave girls? So she waited tables, cleaned and pocketed whatever loose change she could find. OK, pocketed wasn’t quite the accurate term. In fact, what is the term for shoving credits down a metal bra?
So she walked from table to table, her eyes accustomed to the dimly-lit tavern, when the door opened and silhouetted against the bright sky behind was a wealthy looking young merchant-type. Easy mark!