Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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This Time Around...

Julianna Nero

Smuggler - Slicer - Scoundrel
I won't just lurk, in fact, I might actually post :p

Hello to all people, new and old! My name is Kassey, I enjoy drinking, spice, smuggling, stealing and trying to bring down any form of "law".

I don't like Force offense you guys, you just peeve me a little (what you do is kind of weird).

***I NEED WORK*** If you are needing something to smuggle, I'm your girl! I have a PERFECT CONDITION ship with TONS of room and I have a history of never getting boarded! I'm also not under the age of 20 and I don't drink on the job. Perfectly reliable.

----Off the record, I'm 18, I like to drink brandy, I have a beat up ship and take pretty much whatever job I can run so long as my piece of poodoo ship doesn't break off in the process.

Julianna Nero

Smuggler - Slicer - Scoundrel
[member="Matthias Hull"] You got things to transport? I'll be more than happy to! I'll keep an eye out (once I figure out how to navigate!)
[member="Kassey Daklin"]
Interested in operating as a Field Agent for a stratocratic government that doens't like the Force? Primary focus on military RP with an intelligence division for people such as yourself
[member="Kassey Daklin"]


Well if it isn't Miz Daklin.

Julianna Nero

Smuggler - Slicer - Scoundrel
-sees [member="Deagan Hunt"]- urm..uhm...

Weellll....if it isn't Mister Hunt. -has to physically stop herself from blushing and/or her heart skipping beats-

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