Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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This Time For Sure

*squints at screen*
You'll be gone within the month, most likely.
I will accept your return for as long as it lasts regardless.

*friendly sage nod*
[member="The Onyx"]
Do it~~~

I was mostly joking. I honestly do hope your computer actually functions this time around.
Because if it doesn't, and you leave again, Ima gonna cry
Fabula Cavataio said:
*mutters into her secret staff informant ear-comm thin air* Strange man raving about returns. Possibly delusional. Recommend violent response and reeducation by secret police Codex judges.
[member="Fabula Cavataio"] [member="The Onyx"]

"Sir, you're going to have to come with me. Don't ask why, just be aware you'll soon know all about planetary diameters."

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