Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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This Was My City Once... It Will Be Again

Wherever you went, whoever you went there with, and whatever happened to you, there was always one place that was home. For Lorane Tal'verda, that place was the little clinic in a little corner of the small city of Golden Coast. He'd lived there, made a fortune there, and then all but abandoned it to follow the promise of excitement and adventure.​
And Rawnie had definitely given him all the excitement he could've possibly wanted, and a least most of the adventure. But now, he'd suddenly come back home and brought her with him, all on a sudden gut feeling and a hunch that something big was going to happen to his city. If he and his wife were lucky, they would come out on top. If not, they'd be running back to Mandalore with nothing but their Bluebird.​
[member='Rawnie Talverda']​

Rawnie Tal'verda

Tal'Verda Aliit'buir
This was the planet she'd first met Lorane on. Of all the rocks in the Galaxy, this one was special. She loved this planet, almost as much as she loved home, simply because it meant something to her husband.

"Home sweet home, right, Cya'ika?"

The blonde grinned, hand at her hip over her pistol. It had been a long time since she'd been here with him, but she remembered what kind of place it was. It helped to be prepared.

[member="Doctor Azure"]
Lor grinned as he slipped his hands around Rawnie from behind and gently leaned his chin on top of her head. He was home. He was on his own turf. And, of course, he knew the inherent risks attached to that. As close as he was to his wife, he would be able to grab her gun and fire at a second's notice, if it came to that. That didn't even bring into consideration the several slugthrowers he had on his belt and concealed in his beskar-weave jacket.​
"Yeah. Didn't think I'd see it again, honestly."
[member="Rawnie Tal'verda"]​

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