Of all the gods only death does not desire gifts.
Dromund Kaas
Ruined Temple
The air was heavy and stale, the sky was nowhere to be seen, and the underbrush seemed to be doing its damnedest to trip him up at every opportunity. Were he a few thousand years younger, Orkamaat might have flown into a rage right then and there, razing a swath through the jungle in front of him in a rare display of power.
His stature, thin and rangy, with bones protruding even in places where they shouldn't, belied the great strength that lay in those muscles and ligaments, however torn and mangled they appeared at first glance. The priest hadn't looked at himself in a mirror that reached farther than his shoulders for centuries, or, rather, ever since his body had been subject to the gentle hands of Shapers.
It was the only event in recent memory that had any sort of negative emotion attached to it whatsoever, and even that was borne not out of physical distress, but out of his worry about how the changes should impact his physiology and metabolism. The first few decades after being turned into the half-living monstrosity he was now had been spent furiously researching and monitoring his functions in fear of his body failing him one day, bringing a premature end to his hunt for knowledge.
And it was exactly this… noble goal that had brought the anzat into this humid netherhole today, and it was what sustained him as he pushed through the rampant flora of Dromund Kaas. Few planets could boast a history as rich as this one, but the wars that had transpired upon its surface were of little interest to the priest; no, it was the tracks of learned men that he was following, those few erudites who had done something worthwhile here between one battle and the next.
Naturally, they were damn hard to find.
[member="Khaleel Malvern"]
Ruined Temple
The air was heavy and stale, the sky was nowhere to be seen, and the underbrush seemed to be doing its damnedest to trip him up at every opportunity. Were he a few thousand years younger, Orkamaat might have flown into a rage right then and there, razing a swath through the jungle in front of him in a rare display of power.
His stature, thin and rangy, with bones protruding even in places where they shouldn't, belied the great strength that lay in those muscles and ligaments, however torn and mangled they appeared at first glance. The priest hadn't looked at himself in a mirror that reached farther than his shoulders for centuries, or, rather, ever since his body had been subject to the gentle hands of Shapers.
It was the only event in recent memory that had any sort of negative emotion attached to it whatsoever, and even that was borne not out of physical distress, but out of his worry about how the changes should impact his physiology and metabolism. The first few decades after being turned into the half-living monstrosity he was now had been spent furiously researching and monitoring his functions in fear of his body failing him one day, bringing a premature end to his hunt for knowledge.
And it was exactly this… noble goal that had brought the anzat into this humid netherhole today, and it was what sustained him as he pushed through the rampant flora of Dromund Kaas. Few planets could boast a history as rich as this one, but the wars that had transpired upon its surface were of little interest to the priest; no, it was the tracks of learned men that he was following, those few erudites who had done something worthwhile here between one battle and the next.
Naturally, they were damn hard to find.
[member="Khaleel Malvern"]