Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Thomas Kyrel



[SIZE=14.6667px]Name:Thomas Kyrel[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Weight: 225 LBs[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Height: 6’6[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Hair Color:Black[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Eye Color:Brown (Yellow Dark Side)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Faction: First Order[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Homeworld: Dosuun[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Rank: Dark Jedi Padawan[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Personality: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Thomas during his early days as a youth was a very bright young man growing up Dosuun,but grew up in a life of poverty so he often stole for him,and his parents to eat. But when he did saw someone in need of help he never shied away from helping a fellow Imperial. Like most kids he learned all about the history of the First Order,and the Empire,and was greatly awed by many of it’s Figures such as Grand Moff Tarkin,General Hux,and Darth Vader. Through most of his schooling he became very intelligent as well scoring in history and Galactic Standard basic classes. He attended The Imperial Academy at seventeen,and scored mostly as a TIE Pilot that he took great pride in,and after every flight Simulation often bragged about his flying skills. After graduating he was very happy to actual do his duty for the First Order,and hoped to even become an officer one day. After his accident years later,and becoming outfitted with the cybernetic suit he was stuck with He became very cold and ruthless,and often giving into his anger at times. When that transformation happened every part of his old self was destroyed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Thomas Kyrel was born to a low class family on Dosann,and often stole food just to support him and his Family. When he often didn’t steal he attended an education center run by the Imperial Government. He was Often taught the great exploit’s of the Galactic Empire,and the First Order. His favorite subject was often history,and Excelled in both that and Galactic Basic Standard. During one of his trips stealing some bread several gang members jumped him,and nearly beat him to death just for the bread in that moment he unconsciously gave into the dark side,and killed them. Horrified at what he did he took the bread and ran off not saying a word to his parents about it.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Many years later when he was 17 he joined the Imperial Academy,and what he did score on the early exams pointed him to be an Imperial TIE Pilot often doing well in his flight simulations,and often worked hard in the academy to be the best pilot he can be. When he graduated his first assignment was to patrol and protect First Order Space. Upon his patrol he and his squadron encountered pirates targeting a cargo vessel. A vicious space battle ensued and Kyrel did his best to take out as much as the enemy as he could,but then a devastating blast to his TIE left him gravely injured,and almost to the brink of death. His Squad mates managed to recover him quickly after the battle,and brought him to a reconstruction center. [/SIZE]after the battle,and brought him to a reconstruction center. He barely managed to make after life support suit for him Reminiscent of Darth Vader,and had him placed in the suit. Due to his condition he would have to stay in the suit for most of the time. The least he could survive without it was a day,two at the most. After the Suit was constructed he no longer served as a pilot. Now lost within the Imperial Faction he has nowhere to go. This is where his story begins.


+TIE Pilot-After being trained in a Imperial Academy Thomas has proven his worth as a pilot.
+More Machine than Man-Ever since being placed in his life support suit he has gained quite a few advantages with it.


What have I become-After his Transformation all that once was Kyrel was lost only replaced by a self loathing,cold former shell of it's former self.
Slow like molasses-With his suit sometimes in combat he has a disadvantage for beign slow so when it comes to using the force he has to make his movements and reaction time quicker.

[SIZE=14.6667px]Equipment: Thomas’s Suit,Lightsaber[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Ships: theta class t-2c shuttle,TIE Fighter.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Role-Plays: [/SIZE]

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