Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Corporation Name: Thorne Enterprise and trade
  • Headquarters: Coruscant, Located within the Industrial District
  • Locations: Transportation through trade, shipping, and linking of subcompanies, the business has a reach of 87% of the Mid Rim
  • Operations: The main operations of the company are through the Trade Industry. This involves moving product, supplies and other goods to differently planets for distribution in the various store locations in major cities or large settlements. Whilst a mass majority of the trade is done through clothing, expensive amenities, and food shipments, a recent contract with a factory that specializes in weaponry, armaments, and star ships has allowed the company to join in transporting such items to the respective buyers.
  • Parent Corporation: N/A
  • Subsidiaries: The main company has contracts to deal and assist in the shipment of other company trades, however, it doesn't own them. Rather, the payment is split, 30% to the Thorne Enterprise and Trade, and 70% to whatever business that the assistance was done with.

On a day to day basis, the company's transportation process works as follows. A buyer or contract for transportation is collected, paid for, and agreed by three over seeing supervisors of the company, as well as signed off by any lead managers of any Starship docks. Once all is confirmed, any paid for items are collected and placed onto a transport shuttle. These can range from smaller vessels, to Frigates. All are either owned by the company as a whole, or were specially made by any factories that the company has a contract with. Once the dock overseers has confirmed that all items are within the hold, the pilot and any security personal check over any crates or containers for any foul play or rogue items. Once it is all confirmed, the shuttle takes off with security personal inside to protect the cargo. Once the shuttle reaches the destination, it will drop off all items for that location, with the assistance of a power lifter droid on each ship that deals with large and heavy crates, and then subsequently moving on to the next planet. Once all drops are made, another contract is given either at location for off world shipment, or they return to Coruscant for refuelling and a new contract to be assigned.

The business has a grand list of do's and don'ts when it comes to what can be transported via one of our shuttles. Any signs of illiegal contraband or illiegal trading, such as Slaves, Spice, unmarked weapons, and similar cases, the shuttle is locked down, and investigation will be prompted of the planet's securing force, or the Coruscant police headquarters, whilst the employees will be interviewed. Any completely confirmed cases of illegal activity will result in the employees being dismissed and released to the police. Overall, the business is a sedate, calm, and high reputation company that works long the lines of the law to provide for all their contracts.

The company, given its location within the Mid Rim is loyal to the galactic Alliance and the government of Coruscant.


The owner, and single shareholder of the company, Thorne Enterprise and Trade, is Morrigan Thorne. She built this business over twenty years, first starting with a simple fashion store, before gaining more assets and companies from her husband, Lukan Drenn, after his passing. She dissolved the new businesses into her own company, creating a growing empire of multi planet wide trade and shipping. Every company she is partnered with was done via a contract with the other shareholders of each organisation to create the perfect partnership. Every avenue of trade, shipping, and transport is ran at some point through the Thorne Enterprise and Trade. This has allowed Morrigan Thorne to become a largely wealthy person and a figure to many lone business entrepreneurs across Coruscant.

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