Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Name: Drainor Thorsawn.

Faction: None yet, but will create his own.

Rank: None.

Species: Gen'Dai

Age: 3000 years old.

Sex: Male.

Height: 2.5 meters.

Weight: 324 lbs(Partially muscle)

Eyes: Red(Due to cybernetic replacements)

Hair: None.

Skin: Grey.

Force sensitive: Nope.


Strengths and weaknesses:

+Incredible strength.

+Increased pain resistance. He can take just a bit more agony then the average humanoid.

+Gen'Dai. You know what I mean.

-Stubborn. He refuses to allow anyone or anything to assist him.

-Foolish. His decisions usually are created without proper and reasonable thought.

-Insane. Turns insane due to age.

Appearance: A large creature covered in muscles and bulging veins. Most of his teeth are rotten and is quite intimidating due to his size alone.

Biography: WIP.

Ship: The Beggar's Betrayal.

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