Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Thorvald "Frosty" Hammerhand


"Stay frosty, people."
Name: Thorvald Hammerhand

Known Aliases: "Frosty", "Frost Giant"

Age: 100 (~50 physically)
Sex: Male
Species: Valkyri
Homeplanet: Midvinter

Height: 7'5"
Weight: 120 kg
Eyes: Dark Blue
Hair: Chocolate Brown
Skin: Caucasian

Rank: First Sergeant
Faction: Levantine Sanctum | Order of the Silver Jedi
Force Sensitive: No

Strengths & Weaknesses:

  • [+] Stay Frosty: Thorvald's seen it all, and therefore has no problem keeping his cool whatever the situation, thereby his nickname "Frosty".
  • [+] Experienced: With age comes wisdom, or in Thorvald's case, new ways to kill people effectively.
  • [+] No Fear, Here: Despite his reluctance to accept it, "Frosty" embodies much of his Valkyri heritage, and shares their bravery in battle.
  • [+] Good-natured: Underneath his rough exterior beats the heart of someone who cares deeply for the people around him, although he seldom lets it show.

  • [-] PTSD: His many years in service spent on innumerable battlefields have left him a broken man, having lost too many brothers-in-arms.
  • [-] Getting Too Old, Son: Wounds sustained in battle occasionally make themselves known through stiff joints, blurred vision, and trembling hands.
  • [-] Exiled: In the last war for the throne of Midvinter, Thorvald's father was a heavy supporter of High King Beorlund's opponent. His family was eventually exiled for their resentment of the new King, and he can never go back until permitted to do so.

Appearance & Personality:

A man of few words, yet one to always speak his thoughts, Thorvald of the Hammerhand clan - or "Frosty" for short - is a middle-aged Valkyr and a veteran of countless battles. Being a Valkyr, he possesses great strength and an imposing stature when compared to his mostly human counterparts in the various armies and mercenary bands he's served in. His hair is cut in a warhawk style along with an unkempt goatee beard, with eyes of the darkest blue instilling respect in his allies and fear in his enemies. Minor lacerations adorn his face in various forms, as well as lots of signs of broken bones, bullet-wounds, and contusions litter about his body. Many tattoos mark his upper body, with symbols of his people etched into his skin.

Usually keeping to himself when not on duty, his mind if often times plagued with memories of his past missions and failures in service. A military man through-and-through, "Frosty" has fought with and/or against most sentient beings in the galaxy. Valkyri live for a long time, with 100 Galactic Standard Years being a modest number of years, which means Thorvald has been on active duty for over 50 years.

The only son of his Valkyri parents, young Thorvald of the Hammerhand clan was only 5 years old when he and his family were exiled from their homeplanet of Midvinter. His father was once a respected warrior and head of his clan, and would more often than not voice his support for the High King at the time. When the old King died, his son and his political opponent by the name of Beorlund - later called 'the Bold' once he had secured the throne for himself - waged a bloody war against eachother. Thorvald's father and his fellow supporters fought bravely, but Beorlund possessed more wealth and was therefore able to recruit more able-bodied men and rally them to his cause, thereby outnumbering the Prince's forces vastly. While many of the more respectable clans fought by his side, the old King's son was outmatched by Beorlund's vicious intelligence and ruthless politics. Their forces were defeated and many of the supporters were exiled from Midvinter, never to return unless permitted to by the new High King - a great shame in the eyes of the Valkyri people.
Thorvald's father never truly recovered from the devastating defeat, and after finding a home for his family on a remote planet no-one's ever heard the name of, he died in bed of illness and a broken spirit, wallowing in his sorrows and self-pity. A shameful way to die; one not favoured by the Gods. His death struck young Thorvald hard, and it was made even worse by the fact that his mother killed herself soon after so that she might be with her husband in the afterlife. Having lost both parents at a young age, the sole heir of the Hammerhand clan renounced his heritage and threw away all notions of ever returning to Midvinter. He would still remain faithful to the Gods, as he believed they would not abandon someone who was punished for his father's "crimes" by a false King with no honour. He left his new home, brief as his stay might've been, and took off aboard the first ship he came across.
Many years went by, and most were spent in the service of various warlords and mercenary bands as soon as he was able to pull the trigger of a blaster. He never once had a tutor, and instead learned from experience about tactics, strategy, and warfare in general. He was brought into a whole different kind of warfare than what he was used to back on Midvinter from having listened to his father, with blaster rifles, naval battles and sophisticated arms and armours leading the way. Yet through it all, he'd keep his father's axe on his person, as it proved to be a formidable as well as brutal weapon to be used in close-quarters-combat, learning to swing it with enough force to crack a man's skull in one powerful strike, as well as severing heads and plunging it into the hearts of whatever enemy he was set against.
He eventually left the life of a mercenary after affording to do so, and instead enlisted with the armies of the Republic, where he was taught discipline and temperance, as well as teamwork and chain-of-command. Thorvald soon proved himself a formidable warrior and trooper, and earned a well-deserved reputation among his peers along with the nickname "Frosty". He was eventually given command of his own squad of soldiers, to whom his often spoken line - "Stay frosty, people" - became legend as he led them from victory to victory. As an extra-curricular activity within the army, Thorvald signed up as a member of the wrestling team, and gained fame there as the "Frost Giant". In time, he was promoted to Company First Sergeant.
His glory days in the Republic Army waned with time, however, as his long and many years of service would constantly tear bits and pieces off of him until both his mental and physical health began to decline. His men still loved and cared for him enormously, but even so his superiors thought of him as a liability more than an asset, and so gave him an honourable discharge. Without steady employment or a social life outside of the military at all, the once-called "Frost Giant" was left empty-handed and alone. Now, for the first time in forever, did he truly feel homesick.
Special Equipment & Ship:
Once in service of his father, Fenrir is the name of the waraxe inherited from father to son for countless generations within the Hammerhand clan. Twice as large as what a human would perceive to be a 'normal' handaxe, it's still considered a one-handed weapon in Valkyri terms. It weighs 15 kg and is made of Valkyri steel, which is their name for Durasteel.

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