Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Those Mines are Mine (Ord Thoden Assassination) | The Diarchy

Location - DSD-Dominion Command Center
System - Taspir
Tags: Vazz Vazz Darth Rellik Darth Rellik

With moves being made on Taspir III and the growth of the Diarchy's forces, Darth Reign had set his sights on more revenue streams and avenues of power for the Diarchy.
Intelligence had been given to the Dark Lord about mining operations on the nearby planet of Ord Thoden, and Darth Reign envisioned great benefit to be had by their control of them.
His attempt to buy out the company working there had failed, with their revenue stream too great to be bribed into submission.

His recent success in assassination had piqued his interest however, and the Dark Lord had determined that the Diarchy would need it's own sect of dark assassins, as opposed to being beholden to only freelance use. Knowing his brother's affinity for moves in the shadows, Reign sought his fellow Diarch's aid.

Calling his brother on his personal comlink Darth Reign said
"Brother, I believe it is time we set up our own team of players to strike from the shadows. I would leave this to you, as this is your field" The Dark Lord knew his brother would see it through, and his distinct expertise would be invaluable.


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