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LFG Threads/factions for a violent youth mercenary

Trying to find a place or threads for Roxsie. Tbh, she probably should have been aged up by now but I'm just gonna...ignore that issue and move on with things. her and her sister will just keep up with future times I guess lol.
Short explanation, I'm not looking for anything constricting. I will not be taking on a master for her, I've tried it, it almost never works out without the connection being extremely loose (aka Onrai teaching one of my alchemists). Making it too much of a militaristic or actual master/apprentice relationship just means it's too hard for me to get threads, and if they vanish, I don't know where to go for a long time.

Otherwise though, I don't care who she aligns with. Going the mercenary route is probably the easiest, working for empires, or businessmen, or random sith #4 trying to get help and fight somebody.
Some important notes: Roxsie is not supposed to be my powerhouse. She is strong in the force for sure, and her physical enhancement and force resistance are both supposed to be quite high, but she's meant to be mostly knight/low master level and heavily duelist focused. Think Jaina solo or Saba Sebatine and then level her down a little bit, not Luke or Abeloth. She does know more than just blades, it's just her common weapon. Technically she doesn't even have a lightsaber, she has a phrik sword.

Piloting actually may be fun to. Having her join a navy or something if I can be sure it won't impede additional threads. I don't intend for her to be full evil or constantly angry. She can be a grump, and angry/aggressive. But her mother kind of pushed the idea that having power didn't mean much if you could never enjoy it or had to hate everyone around you. That said, her mother was also a violent lunatic too who enjoyed the killing. So morality wise she was no help. I also would actually prefer not to have her make as many of her own equipments like I do with many other characters. I want most of hers to either be bought, be military authorized, be taken, or otherwise recieved. If another character makes it, that works too. But she's not gonna be huge on credits yet.
Roxsie Roxsie

Hello there! I do not have an exact character nor faction as of yet. But, I've been sloshing about the idea of a mercenary company a la Real Life PMCs, the animated series Black Lagoon , and others. I would be fully behind helping forge something together if that strikes your fancy. If not, I look forward to a day where Rox and one of my goons in the future.


- D
Roxsie Roxsie

Hello there! I do not have an exact character nor faction as of yet. But, I've been sloshing about the idea of a mercenary company a la Real Life PMCs, the animated series Black Lagoon , and others. I would be fully behind helping forge something together if that strikes your fancy. If not, I look forward to a day where Rox and one of my goons in the future.


- D
Oh that may be interesting actually yeah! I'm not SUPER familiar with either, but I have at least seen a few episodes of Black Lagoon
Hey, I am on the lookout for creating more associations with this character. Defias is an acolyte that will soon rise up to an apprentice. If expanding your character’s connections with the aim of character development is something you are interested in, I’d be happy to cook with ya!
Hey, I am on the lookout for creating more associations with this character. Defias is an acolyte that will soon rise up to an apprentice. If expanding your character’s connections with the aim of character development is something you are interested in, I’d be happy to cook with ya!
Great! Had any meeting ideas! She's not inherently pro or anti sith, so we could really work it in either way. I mean, she's for sure DS. Just not politically aligned to or against them. Could just be collective mission, chance meeting, or if there's open training grounds I guess that's an option. I've never heard of those though tbh.
tell me more
Salis. I believe we technically still have a thread with Drane and her, she was semi-trying to go lightside and the thread we were in they were after an artifact and the "what is your favorite color" joke was made. This is her daughter. One of them anyway.

As far as pirates, got no special details. Could just be paid to work together? Could be coincidence?
Salis. I believe we technically still have a thread with Drane and her, she was semi-trying to go lightside and the thread we were in they were after an artifact and the "what is your favorite color" joke was made. This is her daughter. One of them anyway.

As far as pirates, got no special details. Could just be paid to work together? Could be coincidence?
Ah! I have no idea who anyone is to be honest lol. Still getting used to posting as characters over like a main OOC account and I can't keep up

Let's say Drane is after the pirates and hires your merc to help locate them as this isn't his field of expertise. Credits rewarded to her for the operation of course. Maybe it can come out later that she is related to Salis but he doesn't know it on the front end. That offers story opportunity as we move forward

EDIT: Yes we do technically have that thread unless you left it lol. It happens
Ah! I have no idea who anyone is to be honest lol. Still getting used to posting as characters over like a main OOC account and I can't keep up

Let's say Drane is after the pirates and hires your merc to help locate them as this isn't his field of expertise. Credits rewarded to her for the operation of course. Maybe it can come out later that she is related to Salis but he doesn't know it on the front end. That offers story opportunity as we move forward

EDIT: Yes we do technically have that thread unless you left it lol. It happens
Lol, yeah I feel that. Yeah I used to post to everything as Salis and just link things.

That could possibly work. She's no specialist in that area but she was probably taught things. Hoenstly, there's probably a lot she was taught that I need to add into her bio. With as much merc and assassin work as her mom did she probably got taught at least another language or two and some of the more underworld skills.

And yeah it does. Just the case of stuff like this.
Lol, yeah I feel that. Yeah I used to post to everything as Salis and just link things.

That could possibly work. She's no specialist in that area but she was probably taught things. Hoenstly, there's probably a lot she was taught that I need to add into her bio. With as much merc and assassin work as her mom did she probably got taught at least another language or two and some of the more underworld skills.

And yeah it does. Just the case of stuff like this.
We could also go the 'coincidence' route if that makes more sense. Maybe she's been hired to take out these pirates and, upon locating them, Drane arrives on his own business to get these pirates!
We could also go the 'coincidence' route if that makes more sense. Maybe she's been hired to take out these pirates and, upon locating them, Drane arrives on his own business to get these pirates!
Really do think either works just fine, would be fun to see it happen that way to me! When in doubt though, I flip a coin lol. So if you don't have a preference that's what'll happen (or you can do that).
Really do think either works just fine, would be fun to see it happen that way to me! When in doubt though, I flip a coin lol. So if you don't have a preference that's what'll happen (or you can do that).
I dig it. Let’s go with the second approach. I can post the thread if you want I don’t mind but will be later today. Can just have these pirates somewhere and Drane and Roxsie can simultaneously arrive to sandwich them
Woo! Hoped to post today but may end up being tomorrow. I should probably find an easy space and/or envirosuit for use here and future\

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