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Discussion Threads Related to the NJO War Crimes Scandal

Much like the analysis I did for the Elder Compact event(s), I am planning on writing a summary of the current scandal/crisis wherein the NJO/GA/NIO were accused of targeting schools and underage acolytes in TSE territory. This appears to be much more widespread (or at least, has more threads involved - hell, it's still ongoing as I type this) than the Compact ever was, and I'm having a harder time keeping track of it all. So far I have the following threads and blog posts:

I'm assuming there's more, and of course there may be more threads in the future after I post this. I of course want to make my documentation as thorough as possible, so, I ask you, the Chaos community, to post here with links to any other threads pertaining to this historical event. Don't question whether or not it would be relevant in the grander scheme of things; every little private thread or stray post helps, even if it's just somebody talking about what happened and giving their opinion of it.
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Legwork is dealing with some of the aftermath as well, if you're interested. I'm not my Season will soon start dealing with these events from Bernard's PoV (more small scale and personal, but I'm following the direction of not questioning relevance).

EDIT: This bounty here too.

EDIT EDIT: Take it With a Grain of Sand - The entire Quill - Auteme story deals with this storyline extensively. You Know The Reason also deals with the fallout.
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Dang cool, Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok . A few things that might be of interest:

Jax Thio Jax Thio Send links to your threads/posts plz

Zahara Myneto Zahara Myneto shhhhh


Holly Starstorm Holly Starstorm I'd be down with that
It literally only started a few days ago but, going through the consequence motions now for Thalia


I made the thread so you can inform the larger galaxy what is happening Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok

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