Cross Ikon
The Red Admiral
So, I'm running low on threads again, despite my large number of alts. Do I owe you a post? Or maybe you wanted a thread with one of them, and I forgot? Anyway, here's the list of my alts:
Kaggak: A Vong warrior sworn to the One Sith as one of the Red Guard
Malachite: Fire-slinging fox dude. He wanders around a lot, and he's not part of any faction except for Crystalsong
Jinxer: The only Ticon who's not directly involved with the Ravens. He wanders, too.
Thryykarr: Mandalorian Initiate without a clan, or any ties really except for being a card-carrying Mando.
Grayscale: Insane Force-User with a couple of entities inside him that have completely taken his body over. His only ties are currently an indirect one to the Red Ravens
Bond: A Shard, and Knight of the One Sith. He has a bunch of apprentices, and is not accepting any more right now. He also has a small vehicle company.
FRAME: A ghost-like AI who can take control of almost anything with circuits in it.
Morrigan: A neutral rogue force-user who has trained a bit in pyromancy and alchemy, and specializes in communing with avians. She's also slightly insane.
'Cobalt': A sort of Dark force-user who's indirectly tied to Black Sun and the Mandos. He's pretty much a sharpshooter for hire, and specializes in channeling energy into objects.
Zatten: A Dark Knight who belongs to the Silver Jedi Order. He specializes in an odd form of Force Body that turns his eyes completely red. He's looking for any apprentice who's not from the Republic or One Sith.
Maka: Neutral half-Dathomiri guy who uses a huge, modified, energy bow as his main weapon. He's sworn to House Serrus of Alderaan.
Jan: Vahla technophile and pilot who's a member of the Red Ravens. He calls his speeder the Fowlmobile because he designed and built it.
Krax/Theatrum: The only sane Zambrano. He's a member of the Fringe Empire, and he specializes in unarmed Force combat, along with bladework.
Riv'stak: A lonely four-jawed lizard dude who grew up on Alderaan. He works as a hunter, and often kills big beasties. He has no ties to anybody.
Kryll: A bunny-man, who was the product of a genetic experiment. He's an excellent shot, and I'm planning to make him into a mafioso.
And of course, Cross is Cross. You all know of his masterful badassery.