Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Three Kings

Echidna a jungle world filled with various beasts and ghouls raised by the new Yuuzhan Vong "Empire" known as the horde. A more barbaric group that had sprung up on the edge of the galaxy. The leader of the Horde the self proclaimed Supreme Overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong species Dredge had invited a few leaders of other major and minor powers in the galaxy to meet with him at his home. The meeting was set at a small quant room In the capital building of the city. Dredge sat in the board room waiting for the arrival of his guests. The former sith emperor and the leader of the infamous black sun syndicate. They would chat and have discussion about the galaxy as a whole.

@[member="Darth Vornskr"] @[member="Rayl Wilded"]
@[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"] @ Darth Vornskr

This world was backwater, far backwater. It was tucked so far away from civilization you'd probably be wishing for a burger from McYoda's by day three. And you'd savor that horrid concoctions grease with every bite. Rayl felt a chill fire up his spine with that thought. The good thing was he was only here for a few days. Then it was back to the fun under the black sun for him. With all the problems there too. 'Focus on the now and solve for the future'. Rayl and his guards plodded down the hallway to the meeting room. It was time to finally meet the Supreme Overlord Dredge. And with him and the Sith representative discuss the future.
Vornskr had seen far worse backwater worlds than this hole, and survived worlds far worse in regards to lethality. The former-Sith Empire, now rogue Sith Lord and undisputed King of Panatha, strode down another hallway to the chamber that would server as the location of a tri-meeting between himself, the Supreme Overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong, and a leader of the Black Sun Criminal Syndicate. Vornskr had personally met with members of each organization before, and had established good enough ties between them all. While he was still associating with the Horde, he had neglected to re-associate with the Black Sun, but it was better late than never. The Dark Lord was flanked by two Vanr Honor Guard, winged humanoids formally native to Dromund Kaas, but had fled to Panatha at the behest of Vornskr following Kaas' apocalypse. Now they served him faithfully, and he repaid them with a new world to call home, and a new purpose in life. Each one wielded a force-axe modeled after the ancient halberd, and they had been trained to wield them with deadly efficiency.

They reached the end of the hall, Vornskr striding into the room ahead of his armed escort, and taking a seat at the meeting table while the Vanr stood patiently at attention on both sides of the door.

@[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"] @[member="Rayl Wilded"]
Sitting there with his feet on the table relaxing and chilling Dredge waited until his guests arrived, "I swear my interior designer is an idiot." Speaking to himself he looked over to see that his guests had arrived. Sitting up prim and proper dredge greeted them both and had them shown to their seats. "gentlemen, welcome to Echidna, I hope you are finding it to your liking. Never mind the smell of beast scat. You get used to it." With that out of the way dredge smiled and moved on to the more pressing matters at hand. "My new friends, for years now larger factions have seen it fit to destroy ones such as ours. Ones that embrace the darker things in life and we have been persecuted and hunted down by the confederacy and the republic. Now I ask you, what do we do about things such as this?" Asking them both the very simple question he wanted to hear what they both had to say. Dredge would give his solution after he heard them out
@[member="Darth Vornskr"] @[member="Rayl Wilded"]
@[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"] @[member="Darth Vornskr"]

Rayl and his guard were not far behind the Sith Lord. Maybe a minute after Vornskr entered he did. Both were seated. One large armored man. The other a spike infested alien. Rayl waved off his guards to wait in the hall. They were all friends here, and this was a high sec meeting. it should just be them. A seat was chosen to give the most equal spacing between them all. His hood shadowed the upper half of his face. Time to see what would be had of this. A smile of appeasing wistfulness took hold on him.

"I know neutrality is the only current option for the Suns. And it is the path I intend to seek. Being surrounded by the Republic and Confederacy it will do us no favors to even attempt any large scale antagonizeation. If you've seen any of the latest reports you'll see the CIS has been encircling us. And nothing can be done until I rearm. I even had a woman named Danger bark at me I need to take them on. She failed to see I've not the forces to do so, atleast until they're recalled from The Fringe". Rayl was in the vise, unlike these two. Even still he was in terms of reach, influence and overall power probably top dog. He just couldn't use it right now.
Vornskr lightly nodded to both Dredge and Rayl once the latter had finally arrived, and the meeting could finally go underway. "The most basic answer is to show them the errors of their misconduct, and eradicate them from the history books. However; a simple answer does not equal a logical answer, but luckily I have that answer as well. Long ago the Sith Empire and the Black Suns were staunch allies, but times have fallen hard on both of us, both by one instigator. The Republic. Now the Empire is in ruins, it's members scattered and disorganized. The Black Sun is a mere shadow of it's former glory, and the Horde has only just begun to make an impact. The answer to your question, Supreme Overlord, is this. We combine, play off each other's strengths, and work to eliminate each other's weaknesses. Individual attempts will only get us so far, we need solidarity if we are to achieve the destruction of the Republic. But as of this moment, the Republic is strong and united... I ask you both this counter-question, what is the best course of action to take against a united foe?"

@[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"] @[member="Rayl Wilded"]
@[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"] @[member="Darth Vornskr"]

Rayl slouched back and folded his arms. Thinking for a short while on what they could do. All while keeping his presence as far away from trouble as possible. "Military action was a failure. It would be years before we could ever mount an attack on the scale we did". A sigh passed out of him. No war was out of the question against the Republic. Subtlety was needed. "Only from the inside can we tear them apart. I've heard stories of old that is how The Empire came to be. They consumed them from the inside and took control. Maybe that is the best path to destroy them".
Dredge smiled at his answer and couldn't agree more, "We take them apart piece by piece from the inside. We defend one another but at the same time target a specific area of the republic, the slayers of my people in the Great War." Dredge stood and looked out of a window for effect. Before turning around at his guests he looked at the men before him and spoke. "I want us united in our cause, the republic and confederacy, the protectorate, all must burn or be dealt with in a manner so they are no longer a threat." Walking through the room almost pacing dredge thought of what they could all do for one another in their times of need. Nar Shadda was taken from the suns a free and sovereign nation, the republic had allowed genocide on Kass by the mandos without so much as saying a word to them. They needed to be shown the error of their ways. "We can not succeed in attacking them, their numbers are too great. I believe we should help our nations build one another. Trade, assist in military operations, share technology and prosper as one alliance between sovereign nations. A federation of the darker things in this galaxy."

@[member="Darth Vornskr"] @[member="Rayl Wilded"]
@[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"]

"Heh. I don't mean to justify the Mandalorian's, but the Sith did commit atrocities at Togoria. And its not like the Republic could stop those warriors from trouncing what they like". True enough, Mando's do what they please. Only the Mandalor had control over them. Or the cold ground. "And its not like we can't take on one of them so long as the others don't interfere. Omega is pretty wrapped up with the Fringe. The Republic is war weary and would probably steer clear if fighting started with the CIS. Maybe frame them that they started it and we're just protecting ourselves. As I've said I can't commit to a war for a while. Subtlety is our only option. What do you think Darth Vornskr"?
"I wholeheartedly agree, a blatant military incursion on the Republic and it's allies with bring only disaster. Subterfuge will serve us well in this capacity, and that is the key to absolute victory. I have the connections to power Sith, Lord Wilded has the connections to the most notorious criminal empire ever conceived of, and Dread, you are the leader of the Yuuzhan Vong, and the holder of their secrets. Together we would make an alliance unrivaled by all who now stand before us, and together we will bring them to their knees and make them beg for a swift death. Of course, we will deny them that request." He said with a darkened chuckle bellowing from his throat, clasping his hands together as he slowly eyed each of his comrades sitting next and across from him. "I already have ways to get within the Republic, connections that go all the way to the senate even. When the time comes for our retribution, we will make use of them, but for now we must consolidate our power."

He looked to Rayl, "How fairs the Black Sun at this moment, could they be mobilized for internal actions against the Republic and the Confederacy?"

@[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"] @[member="Rayl Wilded"]
Listening to the words of the dark lord he could not agree more with them. The republic and their allies would crush them like ants, they needed an alternative to direct fighting, "I have a team of morphers and cloakers. They will begin replacing and assimilating into the republic culture. If you both believe that to be a good first step to dismantling the republic." Dredge sat back down and considered things quite rationally. "So do we agree that our nations should align and work together as allies?" Given the current circumstances Dredge believed it was the right thing to do and unite against the common threat to them all. The power hungry republic and potential threat of the CIS. "I say we press forward with an official pact that proclaims us as allies to the galaxy."

@[member="Darth Vornskr"] @[member="Rayl Wilded"]
@[member="Darth Vornskr"] @[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"]

"We're well past could. Black Sun has thousands of operatives across The Republic. Those of skill for what we need far fewer, but still in the hundreds. Not that the rest can't be valuable. Its just we'd rather not rock the boat since we couldn't stop them once we do. Well, anything to draw attention back to Sun Space anyways. We stay low key we're golden". Dredge began to chime in with a bit of his own toys he could planet in the Republic, and saying again for them to be allies and traders. What hit a nerve though was saying an official alliance and the audacity to proclaim it to the masses. Rayl shot up, still in his chair mind you to voice his firm position. "Black Sun will make no such pact of mutual alliance to be voiced and flaunted. In shadows we may aid. In the light of day we will deny to our end and abandon you reckless lot. Subtlety is the only measure we'll agree to operate by. Even when we do fight, it will be by such creed". Rayl twisted another smile. "If you hold your end you'll learn what I mean".
"A public declaration of partnership would be very unwise, this meeting and our involvement must remain of utmost secrecy. Everything we do must be secret, and we cannot be connected back to each other." Vornskr agreed with Rayl, as such a display could jeopardize their entire theoretical operation, and kill their plan before it even left the womb. That could not, and would not happen so long as Vornskr had anything to do about it. "The Horde can continue to act as it would, and I will gift any help or resources I can to further aid it's goals and ambitions. So long as I expect the same in return for my own, and so on and so forth. The time for the Republic's downfall will come, but we must play it smart."

@[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"] @[member="Rayl Wilded"]
@[member="Darth Vornskr"] @Rayl Wilded

"The Syndicate may lend aid where it can or if asked we'll see what may be arranged. Vise verse of course". Rayl withdrew a small coin from his pocket and began to roll it over his fingers. "I'll bring it up now for sake of getting it out in the open. What about The Fringe being brought in to our collective. They are by far the most powerful faction who may willingly ally with out aims. And I must make my way out there soon to reclaim my armies anyways. I'd most likely talk to them and may bring it to their attention. Subtly of course. How would you think of that"?

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