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He was nervous.
Why was he nervous? This day was a long time coming. He and Amani had taken things slow, together. Ever since he had invited her to Alderaan, ever since they shared their first kiss in this exact spot, they had vowed that, to take thing slow. Each step, each date, each turn and twist in the road they walked together, had been beautiful, right. This felt right, too. More right than a lot of leaps he'd taken.
So, yes, he was nervous. Stomach-full-of-butterflies nervous. But also, happier than he could ever hope to articulate.
That was all he could think of as he stood up from the rows of chairs, set up for friends and family in the simulated bio-dome within Sanctuary City. Familiar faces, beloved faces, he passed over, his own erupting with small smiles as he saw them, barely-contained joy spilling from between his lips. It showed in how he dressed, too, brilliant, shining white where there would usually be black and grey. He walked alone, headed towards the front of the ceremony, but he walked regardless, looking ahead, not behind.
It wasn't about where they were coming from, anyways. It was about where they were going. And the road ahead was bright.
He paused beneath a simple wooden arch, cool eyes taking in every little detail of this new moment, before turning around towards the crowd. Waiting calmly, impatiently, for the love of his life.
Well, first, for the cutest flower girl in the history of royal weddings. But then, the love of his life.