Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Thresco Jorr: dark jedi, smuggler, bounty hunter, badass.

"Aliit ori'shya tal'din, Staabi..."
"Family is more than blood, right..."​

Name: Thresco Jorr
-Nickname: Jaro Jai'Galaar (Reckless Shriek-Hawk)
-Hidden Alias: Lichbane

Age: 24 Years Old
Species: Mandalorian (Human)
Complexion: Caucasian (Slightly Tanned)
Hair: Chestnut Brown
Eyes: Sky Blue
Height: 1,80m (5.91 ft)
Weight: 74 Kilograms (163.1 lb)
Force Sensitive: Yes
Preferred Hand: Ambidextrous (but preferring Right)

Home world: Mandalore
Family: Clan Jorr
Relatives: Deceased
Faction: -
Rank: -
Language: Galactic; Mando'a

Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight

Thresco Jorr is one of those people that is extremely down to earth, having very little ambitions when it comes to rising to power, becoming involved in politics or joining factions set on changing the galaxy for the better or worse. Ever since he was old enough to think for himself, he had been drilled by the other members of Clan Jorr into becoming a killing-machine of flesh and blood. It made him somewhat cold to the concept of having to kill a person if that person were to point a weapon at him, as it made it easier for him to kill a predatory animal coming after him. Even though he was made to be a killer, there is also a very soft side to the sometimes reckless Mandalorian loner. This was shown when he showed pity on a young shriek-hawk, even though his at-the-time master told him to dispose of it as it would only serve as a distraction, as well as how he ended up keeping and training the large Strill that he was hired to get rid of. While having no real ambitions of his own at this point, he has always been interested in learning and expanding upon that which he already knew. It was for that same reason that he spent a lot of time learning about the flora and fauna on the outer rim planets such as Mandalore, as well as why he eventually studied robotics, weaponry and engineering while working in an engineering workshop owned by MandalMotors. It is in his nature to want to learn, and to learn quickly at that, as adapting and enhancing ones self is a requirement if one was to survive in a galaxy with so many potential ways in which to get killed.

As a man with no real ties other than the ones to himself, Stanil and Chakaar, he is not above doing questionable work for people if it means paying for the food he and his pets so eagerly consume several times a day. Aside from food, he realizes that if he is to continue his hobbies as an engineer that enjoys flying a rather fancy starfighter, his morals might sometimes have to ride in the backseat. Without money, he will not be able to pay for new parts and for the food he and his pets need. And as a Mandalorian with no real family left, the only family he has now are his shriek-hawk, his Strill and his ship, and as the Mandalorians claim, Family is more than blood. While doing what needs to be done, his neutral standing in the world pushes him to seek out those that might be able to help him towards better controlling the force so that he might actually become a proper Force wielder one day. Whether he has to seek out Jedi or Sith, he does not care, as long as he can learn a thing or two that he could not have figured out on his own.

Thresco is a young man standing at a height of 1,80, meaning he is neither the tallest nor the shortest man one would encounter in the known universe. Weighing only 74 Kilograms of almost solid muscle allows him to be flexible and agile, while at the same time giving him enough weight to not get knocked over easily. His gentle blue eyes and light brown hair might give some the idea that he is nothing but a push-over, not looking like some of the more traditional Mandalorians with face tattoo's and shaved heads, though that is far from the truth. The somewhat smug and stoic look on his face might rub some people the wrong way, though it portrays his overall mood and mindset rather well. His slightly tanned skin is wrapped tightly around his slender yet muscular body, which has been marked by a handful of small scars. His chest is fairly broad, having a thin scar running from just below his collar bone down to his xiphoid. His upper arms are also well toned, though not nearly muscular enough for it to obstruct his movement. Moving further down his body, Thresco has thick calves and tight thighs, a result of daily exercise. All things considered, Thresco is in great physical shape, a fact that can easily be discerned by any who would lay their eyes upon him. When not fully clad in armor, he tends to wear loosely fitting black clothing that does not draw too much attention.

- Flora and Fauna:
Being from a Mandalorian Clan that was still very much in tune with nature as a result of living in the jungles, Thresco had to learn which plants were edible, which were toxic and which had other purposes such as aiding in the hunt. As such, he learned of the velvety aroma of the Varos fruit which was used to brew alcoholic beverages, the powerful scent of the Vormur flower used for bait, the longevity of the Galek tree and the sturdy, durable Veshok trees that were often used in construction, and those were just the ones native to the planet of Mandalore. Whether a result of his tempering at the hands of the Jorr clan or an unknown effect of his sensitivity to the force, he has always been able to feel animal life around him. Because of the mighty Mythosaur, the often dangerous packs of Strill, the Shriek-hawk inhabiting the higher regions of the planet, the vhe'viin that would infiltrate to feed on their supplies and the packs of Shatuals they hunted for their meat and their pelts, not knowing about the native creatures on a planet is something Thresco can not deal with. As such, he always reads up on every bit of information he can find on the flora and fauna of a planet he is visiting. After all, a well informed man is always prepared.
- Accomplished Swordsman:
As a young boy in the middle of his puberty that had just discovered his own sensitivity to the force around him, he had already proven his skills with bladed weaponry when he killed a rabid Strill with a traditional Mandalorian blade when he was only nine years old. When Jekhad taught him about the art of Vaapad, Thresco rapidly made the style of combat his own, seeing as how the style seemed to resonate with Jekhad too. After Jekhad's death when Thresco took both lightsabers for himself, he educated himself in the art of dual wielding, finding that it came natural to him to use both his hands in battle. Through trial and error, he taught himself how to deflect laser weapons, how to defend and attack at the same time and how to pick up new moves. Thanks to his mastery of bladed weaponry and his analyzing skills, he can take over moves from his opponents or his allies after only watching them in action once or twice. With his skills as a swordsman also comes a set of unarmed skills he learned from Jekhad, believing that the body should be enough of a weapon and might not even need a lightsaber if conditioned well enough.
- Excellent Engineer:
Being the creator of the Ani Anarov and the Can'gal Beskar'gam, Jiriad Kadiilir's ship AI and the other enhancements made to his ship, Thresco has made quite a name for himself as a very capable Engineer. Due to working for some time in a shop that built droids, fixed ships and rebuilt broken Mandalorian armor and blasters by using whatever they could get their hands on, he learned a lot about ships internal wiring, artificial intelligence, weaponry and armor. It taught him how most laser weapons worked, the spots on armor that took the most hits and would require more attention during creation. By working on hundreds of projects, he eventually got skilled enough as an Engineer to create mechanisms, programs, armor and even an artificial intelligence of his own. It also provides some insight in the workings of other weapons, defenses and intricate systems, while at the same time having the ability to rapidly figure out similar systems he has never seen before, helping him a great deal with his job and any future job still to come.
- Analyzing:
While comparable to the tactical side of his being, Thresco spends a lot of time watching people, especially when he knows he might need to fight one of them soon. He will look for anything that makes them stand out, as well as the things that make them just like everybody else in order to create a personal profile of them in his head. Trying to figure out what makes them tick, he takes note of their personality, their manners and the way in which they present themselves. During combat, he further elaborates on these things by figuring out just how much they can take before they get angry, frustrated or afraid, what their weak points and their strengths are, how easily they can be distracted, how attentive they are towards picking up slight changes in their surroundings and how well they respond to pain. All of these things he will then put to use in order to immobilize or kill his target.
- Tactician:
When not moving head first into battle with nothing more than his instincts and his years of combat tempering, Thresco is one of the better tacticians one might run into. Ranging from knowing where to set up booby-traps when he wants to properly keep a target from running, where to hit when he wants a target alive or when he wants one dead, knowing how to deploy his tools and even knowing a thing or two about leading a small party to victory. His tactical mind also helps him when flying his ship as he is quite familiar with all kinds of flying routes and space sectors, allowing him to quickly travel from point A to point B. Obviously, his tactical mindset and analytical skills make him a very capable opponent that is not to be taken lightly. Underestimating him might very well become the thing that kills them if his traps and weaponry haven't already done the trick.
- Hunter:
His sensitivity to the Force, his Mandalorian blood and a life in which he was brought up more as an attack dog than a human being have rendered Thresco highly attentive to his surroundings. While barely needing it when fully clad in armor enhanced with range finder, motion sensors, proximity alarms and spectrum visor, the young adult is very capable of spotting slight changes in his surroundings. Whether it is a slight drop in temperature, something crawling over a branch several meters behind him, a shift in the wind or something along those lines, Thresco is bound to pick up on it. After all, he would not have been much of a hunter if he let any wild animal catch him off-guard.

- Recklessness:
Being the kind of warrior that was considered reckless even by Mandalorian standards, he was given the nickname Jaro Jai'Galaar, or Reckless Shriek-Hawk when he killed a rabid Strill at the age of nine with a Beskad sword. Receiving a deep cut on his chest that turned into a scar, it serves as a reminder not to get reckless and forget about his greatest weapons, his analytical and tactical mind. As a user of the Vaapad style, his recklessness adds to the somewhat unpredictable lightsaber attacks, which while making it easy for himself to get wounded, also can make an enemy quite uncomfortable. His recklessness is by far his greatest weakness, though it is something he is aware of and can snap out of under the right circumstances.
- Over-encumbered:
When wearing his complete suit of armor, his body is weighed down by the additional protective plating, support items and hidden weaponry, making it impossible to use in unison with his lightsabers. In fact, it weighs him down so much that the only things he can properly use are his wrist mounted weapons, seeing as they only need to be pointed in a direction. As such, he will always need to make a choice to either be a heavily armored and weaponized target, or to release his exterior armor in exchange for very limited protection but maximum mobility. The only thing that can allow him some quick but short burst movement while wearing his complete suit is his jet pack. Being at least twelve centimeters taller than normal when fully clad in armor, he also becomes somewhat easier to hit.
- Unprotected:
Once the exterior armor comes off and Thresco starts fighting in his interior suit, he trades in a lot of protection, fire power and additional tools such as his range-finder, proximity alarm and targeting systems. While perfect for his lightsaber based antics, it leaves him open to attacks from blasters, explosives and other material and laser based attacks. While the thin layers of beskar plating provide some defense, the large gaps between them are all too vulnerable, just like the soft flesh directly beneath it.
- Untrained in the Force:
During the time he spent training under Jekhad Menkegh, he was primarily trained in the art of Vaapad, the seventh form of lightsaber combat. During the years of training they did together, he was never properly introduced to the force as the Mandalorian Sith believed that savagery and ferocity in combat were far more efficient than reliance on the Force. As such, the things Thresco can do with the force are severely limited. So far, the only things he has been capable of at some point have been limited to feeling someone's presence without the use of his proximity alarm, expecting trouble before it happened and an accidental use of the mind trick. As such, those more skilled in the use of the force should not have a lot of trouble when applying it against him.
- Held Back:
As a result of his analytical prowess, Thresco is a very held back person both in and out of combat while he is working the full hundred percent of his brain on trying to figure out exactly how the people around him tick. This keeps him from utilizing any openings he spots too quickly, believing that they might very well be there to try and lure him out, even though that would probably not be the case at all. His need to be prepared for anything often comes at a cost such as the one stated earlier, something an enemy might be able to make use of, should he or she be able to pick up on it. This is a weakness that is only open for a specific amount of time, this because it no longer becomes the case once he believes to know all he needs to about his enemy so that he can go all out without stepping into any traps.

The Force:
- Force Visions [SIZE=10.5pt][ [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]II [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]][/SIZE]
- Force Sense [ [SIZE=10.5pt]I[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] ][/SIZE]

Lightsaber Combat:
- Vaapad [SIZE=10.5pt][ [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]II [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]][/SIZE]
- Dual Wield [SIZE=10.5pt][ [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]III[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] ][/SIZE]

Other Combat Skills:
- Sharpshooting [SIZE=10.5pt][ [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]III[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] ][/SIZE]
- Unarmed [SIZE=10.5pt][ [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]II [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]][/SIZE]

Other Skills:
- Blacksmithing [ [SIZE=10.5pt]I[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] ][/SIZE]
- Engineering [SIZE=10.5pt][ [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]III[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] ][/SIZE]
- Slicing [SIZE=10.5pt][ [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]II [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]][/SIZE]
- Piloting [SIZE=10.5pt][ [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]II [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]][/SIZE]
- Banter [SIZE=10.5pt][ [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]III[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] ][/SIZE]

Other Knowledge:
- Galactic Flora [SIZE=10.5pt][ [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]II [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]][/SIZE]
- Galactic Fauna [SIZE=10.5pt][ [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]II [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]][/SIZE]
- Galactic Materials [SIZE=10.5pt][ [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]II [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]][/SIZE]
- Metallurgy [ [SIZE=10.5pt]I[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] ][/SIZE]

Average [ [SIZE=10.5pt]I[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] ] - Above Average [ [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]II [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]] - Advanced [ [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]III[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] ] - Master [ [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]IV ] [/SIZE]- Grand Master [V]

- Early life:
Born to Bravnok and Saen of Clan Jorr, Thresco was not from one of the larger clans that lived in the cities or in the more populated areas. Living in the dangerous jungles filled with Strills, Shriek-Hawks, Shatuals, Vhe'viins and even the rare Mythosaur made them into a clan unlike any other. While all Mandalorian clans were trained killers, Clan Jorr was a clan that not only provided services hunting people, but also offered their aid to rich civilians that wanted to experience the thrill of the hunt on outer rim worlds filled with dangerous beasts. Training Strills into their own personal hunting animals and to keep the Vhe'viin from getting into the storage room and eating their food, it was not uncommon for a young Jorr to train with a newborn Strill. Getting attached to one another allowed them to work together more easily, as was also the case with Thresco.

His pet Strill, Oergarr, was a particularly mean one, often going off on its own to find food and hunt the Vhe'viin around the settlement. As much as he tried, the young Thresco could never truly get Oergarr to listen to him, resulting in a tragedy that would leave a mark on the young Mandalorian for many years. While out hunting with his grandfather Torgost and Bravnok, his father, the clansmen set out to hunt down some Shatuals for fur and meat so that they would not have to go into the cities and waste their resources on what they could get on their own. When they had cornered one of the animals, Oergarr shot off after the others, forcing Torgost to act when the Shatual charged Thresco, who was now without his Strill to keep the pressure on the Shatual Buck. While Thresco was saved when Torgost struck down the charging Buck, Oergarr was not so lucky as he received deep wounds when he got trampled by the fleeing Shatual pack.

Running away from the clansmen, Bravnok decided that Thresco had to be punished for not properly taming his Strill. Leaving the nine year old outside of the settlement until he had learned his lesson with only a Beskad to protect himself with, the clan went to bed for the night. Out in the jungle on his own, Thresco was attacked that night by a rabid Strill. Knowing it to be Oergarr, it seemed that the animal had gone mad with hunger and pain, trying his best to kill the young Mandalorian as if it had no idea who he was. Forced to act, Thresco put Oergarr out of his misery by cutting it down with the beskar iron blade, thus killing the first friend he had ever had. When Torgost came to pick him up the next morning, he found the child alongside the corpse of the Strill, deciding that he had suffered enough for one day.

- Tempering:
Years after the incident with Oergarr, Thresco had never again been entrusted with a new Strill, though he was doing fine on his own. When the other youngsters of Clan Jorr trained with their Strill, he set out into the jungle to study the native flora and fauna, believing it to be important to know which plants he could eat, which he could use for poisons or bait and which had medicinal uses. More importantly, putting Oergarr out of his misery was not the only moment in which he got to prove his proficiency with a blade. Becoming one of the better fighters after starting out as the worst, him studying his potential opponents and rivals had allowed him to create personal profiles of them in his mind, in turn allowing him to exploit weak spots and protect himself against the things he knew the others were good at. Aside from his skill with weaponry, Saen learned of Thresco's force sensitivity when he accidentily used a mind trick to get a small family of Vhe'viin to move out of their kitchen.

Realizing at that moment that Thresco was special, Torgost took the thirteen year old teen deeper into the jungle to where the jungle made room for a small mountain. Taking him into the caverns, they met up with a man seemingly around Torgost's age called Jekhad Menkegh. Calling him a Dark Jedi, it was explained that the man had refused to side with either the Sith or the Jedi because he believed both sides to have their pros and their cons, making him a truly neutral party. Leaving Thresco in the hands of Jekhad, Thresco never saw Torgost, Saen, Bravnok or anyone from his family ever again. Training every day, young Thresco had no idea what the force was or what it could do, and Jekhad refused to teach him. Whenever the teen asked about it, the Dark Jedi would tell him that the Force was a tool for the weak, that proficiency with a lightsaber, savagery and ferocity in combat were the only things important to a true Mandalorian. Deciding to let it go, the youngster never truly got to learn what the Force truly was.

After three years of training, the now seventeen year old Mandalorian had reached a point where he had become a skilled combatant and practitioner of the Vaapad form of lightsaber based combat. As Jekhad had taught him, Thresco's skill had taken a turn for the reckless as his truly ferocious and unpredictable technique managed to even take Jekhad by surprise at times. With his own lightsaber in hand, Jekhad told the teen to head up into the mountains and return with Shriek-hawk eggs they could have for dinner. Knowing the territorial behavior of the shriek-hawk and how dangerous it could be when it had a nest to protect, Thresco knew that it was yet another test the old man had thrown at him. Climbing the mountain, he located a nest, only to find a ridiculously small shriek-hawk still in the nest. Likely abandoned by his flock, Thresco took it down and decided to care for it, even though Jekhad told him to kill it as it would distract him from his training.

- Young Adult:
Somewhere close to his eighteenth birthday, Jekhad had started acting rather distant, almost as if he was not even around. When training, he pushed him harder and harder, to the point where Thresco had to retaliate and finally strike the lightsaber out of Jekhad's hands, thus besting the Dark Jedi in battle for the first time in his life. Where he believed that he would get scolded, all he got in return was praise and the kind of grin that could not possible lead to anything good. One day, when Jekhad was out, he heard an annoyingly high-pitched sound coming from the back of the cavern where he was not allowed to go. Finding an old starfighter, the young man went inside. Pressing a flickering button, a hologram popped up, telling him that "They were ready to collect the apprentice" and had the money on board. Finding out that Jekhad had sold him to someone, he went through Jekhad's stuff and took both lightsabers before making a run for it.

Venturing deeper into the jungle than he had ever been, he saw a black ship moving overhead, heading towards a clearing several kilometers north, close to Jekhad's home. Knowing now that his suspicions were real, he was suddenly stopped in his tracks by the old man who had used the Force to track him down. Telling the Mandalorian teen that he was to return the lightsabers and come back to the mountain, Thresco let Jekhad know that he had seen the transmission and knew what Jekhad had done. Grinning yet again, the Dark Jedi applauded his cunning before spilling the beans. Stating that his training had been nothing more than a preparation for the Sith, the old man proved himself to be an agent of the Sith himself, receiving money for every Force sensitive Mandalorian he could mold for the Sith Order. Angered by his betrayal, Thresco attacked the Sith he had spent the last three years with, a man he had come to see as an uncle. Whether it was a result of unknowingly using the force or if it merely came towards the sound of conflict, both Thresco and Jekhad were caught off-guard by a Mythosaur that came out of nowhere.

Incapable of protecting himself without his lightsaber, the old man was struck down by the Mythosaur, allowing Thresco to make a run for it. This time however, his goal was to get home. He had to know if his grandfather had sent him to Jekhad knowing that he was a Sith recruiter. Traveling several hours without rest, he could not see the Sith ship anymore, though he saw dark clouds on the horizon. Picking up the pace, he could clearly see that the dark clouds were not clouds at all, but smoke rising from the ground. By the time he arrived at the scene, all that was left was smoldering wood and corpses where the Clan Jorr settlement had once stood. Most likely angered by Jekhad's failure, they had come looking for the Mandalorian in his home town. But since they had no idea where Thresco was and would most likely not have told them anything even if they knew, every last one of them had been slaughtered. Now that he had nothing left in the world, he spent the next hour bawling like a child. After that, the only thing he could really do was scavenge for anything of worth before leaving the graveyard of his kin forever.

- Adult:
Eight years had gone by since the Mandalorian teen, now adult, had left his ancestral home and headed into the city. For several years now, he had been making money at his job at an engineering workshop owned my MandalMotors. On the side, he also made some good money by fighting in an underground ring where the wealthy could place bets on the participating fighters, who would then beat the everliving poodoo out of their opponent for a cash prize. While often sore when walking around at work, he learned a great deal about robotics, the inner working of various weapons, ships and even Mandalorian armor that was brought in for repairs. During the first six years, all Thresco had cared about was learning more and more about the trade, all the while earning money so that he could make for a decent living with decent food. It was not until he got more affiliated with the people running the Mandalorian underworld that he started thinking about using his profession in order to create a brighter future for himself. He had lived at the whims of other people for far too long, so it was time to step out of the shadows and do what he needed.

Knowing that he had a rather unfair advantage over those that had not been trained in the ways of the Jedi, at least in terms of swordsmanship and hand to hand combat, he started taking on stronger fighters in the underground ring, thus earning a lot more money in the process. Instead of using the money to pay for a more expensive home, he remained in his cozy little apartment and started spending the money on raw materials. Taking several crafting tools with him from work, he also rummaged through the recycling bins and the trash, fishing out anything that could possible be of some use to him. In doing so, he spent the next two years gradually perfecting a particular suit of armor, as well as an artificial intelligence for the ship he had taken from Jekhad after he died. Refining his skills more and more, he made himself not only a dangerous suit of armor that would allow him to play with the big dogs, he also got a ship that could face almost any other starfighter and have a very decent chance at winning. Once his armor had been built, he used his underworld connections to get some rather shady jobs transporting cargo on and off world.

As he became a more well known jack of all trades, he got hired to take down small time criminals and thugs, steal cargo from other crime cells, transport cargo and even for taking care of wild animals that made lives the citizens of Mandalore and other outer rim worlds into a living hell. It was on one such mission that he encountered the massive Strill that would soon be called Chakaar. Paid to get rid of the "Monster" that was destroying the property of a local diner and scared away their customers, he engaged the creature with his new suit of armor to protect him. Working it down to the ground, he bound and immobilized the large beast and took it back to the ship. Stating that he had been paid to get rid of the creature and not to kill it, he collected the bounty and kept the animal on his ship. Knowing the Strill to be very intelligent creatures, Thresco started training the animal so that he could one day become a valuable hunting animal, just like Stanil. And so it happened that Thresco became a man of questionable morals, traveling from one place to another, taking various jobs and making a living for himself, all the while looking for someone who can properly educate him in the ways of the Force.

Post-History Events:

[Private] -
Set shortly after the end of Thresco's history, explaining the story as to how he became an employee at MandalMotors, learned how to slice and how he became an engineer. Additionally, it also shows the struggle of creating a personal AI for his ship from the various systems from different droids and scrap.

[Public] -
One of his first high-pay smuggling runs involving him picking up a large shipment of durasteel, beskar, carbon and synthmesh from one of Mandalore's moons, Concordia. With the materials already purchased by his temporary employer, a person calling himself "The Innovator", the job seemed easy enough. Picking up the materials without trouble, he returned to his ship and made an attempt at entering Hyperspace as soon as he had reached open space. Unfortunately, he was attacked by a small freighter that made contact with his ship, causing a dozen of Bartokk to flood into the Jiriad Kadiilir. Incapable of fending them off with guns alone, he released Chakaar and took out his lightsabers, not intending to leave any of the bugs alive. After killing every last attacker, Thresco boarded the enemy freighter in hopes of figuring out why they had boarded him or who had hired them. Finding inconclusive information, he raided, looted and salvaged everything he could carry before blowing up the ship with all the insectoid corpses still inside, thus removing all traces of him ever having been there before resuming his course to the Corellian Trade Spine.

[Private] -
After running into some trouble with Trandoshan pirates, Thresco heads towards his goal, a space station along the Corellian Trade Spine to drop of his smuggled merchandise. When a Sith finds him shortly after collecting his money from the job, he sees it as an opportunity to make some additional credits. Letting the Sith board the Jiriad Kadiilir, he goes through his stuff and comes across a crate of relics the Mandalorian had taken from a Bartokk hive. Radiating with dark side energy, the Sith is interested in buying two artifacts, but lacks the funds to buy more than one. Selling him one artifact for ten thousand credits, the Mandalorian holds on to the other for a later time. Uncertain as to what the Sith want with such relics, he made a deal to have the Sith teach him about the ways of the Force in exchange for the other item when they'd next meet.

[Private] -
Following up on the meeting with the Sith, Thresco went towards the Corellian Trade Spine, more accurately the planet Duro to finish his smuggling drop. Once the goods were delivered, a Neimoidian offered him a job at the company called Drulfashe, where he would become both an employee and a consultant. Agreeing to the terms and the payment plans, Thresco was used for his skills as an engineer, a slicer and a hunter of all kinds of creatures. Being a jack of all trades, he was put in with a group of Mandalorian metallurgists, knowing they would not part the knowledge to forging Mandalorian Iron in the hands of other races. A few days after being hired, he went down into the pipelines where they had to eradicate a growing Fefze beetle problem, a fight in which he got hurt and had part of his armor destroyed. As a means of keeping the whole ordeal under wraps, the Neimoidian struck a deal with the Mandalorian, telling him he could use the facility's materials as long as it remained within reason. Agreeing to the terms, he started making plans for the creation of a new, better suit of armor.

[Private] -
With the partial destruction of his beskar'gam and his injuries to his shoulder keeping him from making any more Fefze sweeps with the Gand, Thresco focuses himself entirely on learning more about metal-smithing and metallurgy.

[Private] -

[Dominion] -
Hired by the Mandalorian Empire and the Yaga Ministry to capture and shed light on apparent "Demonic attacks" in outer space, the goal is to set up a proper deal before moving into action.

Artificial Intelligence:
- Named after his grandfather, one of the greatest hunters and warriors Clan Jorr had ever known, this artificial intelligence was made to inhabit Thresco's ship, the Jiriad Kadiilir. Created by combining the systems of a protocol droid, an old battle droid and an exploration droid, Torgost was made to serve as the soul of the Jiriad Kadiilir, which would in turn serve as its body. Having full access to all the ship's functions, it knows every known travel route, speaks various languages and possesses several starfighter combat tactics, allowing it to fight battles if Thresco himself would ever be incapable of doing so himself. Being quite the multi-tasker, it provides Thresco with discussion and banter so he feels less alone in the galaxy while flying the ship, scanning for potential threats and cleaning the restroom at the same time. Torgost was made several years ago and is still being worked on by both Thresco and itself as a means of constantly improving it and removing flaws. Like a person of flesh and blood, Torgost is very capable of adapting and learning new things, which is why it can potentially keep growing without end. The only limiter is Thresco, him being the person that decides what Torgost is allowed to learn and what he is not as a means of keeping him from becoming corrupt or too self-aware.

Adopted Skills:
- Piloting [SIZE=10.5pt][ [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]II [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]][/SIZE]
- Navigating [SIZE=10.5pt][ [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]II [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]][/SIZE]
- Making Conversation [SIZE=10.5pt][ [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]III[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] ][/SIZE]
- Profiling [SIZE=10.5pt][[/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]I[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] ][/SIZE]
- Targeting [SIZE=10.5pt][ [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]II [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]][/SIZE]
- Reasoning [SIZE=10.5pt][[/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]I[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] ][/SIZE]
- Adapting [SIZE=10.5pt][[/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]I[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] ][/SIZE]

- Galactic Standard [SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt][ [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]IV ] [/SIZE]
- Mando'a [SIZE=10.5pt][ [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]III[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] ][/SIZE]
- Pak Pak [SIZE=10.5pt][ [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]II [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]][/SIZE]
- Durese [SIZE=10.5pt][ [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]II [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]][/SIZE]
- Huttese [ [SIZE=10.5pt]I[/SIZE] ]
- Gand [SIZE=10.5pt][[/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]I[/SIZE] ]
- Shyriiwook [SIZE=10.5pt][[/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]I[/SIZE] ]
- Xaczik [SIZE=10.5pt][[/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]I[/SIZE] ]
- Thykarann [SIZE=10.5pt][[/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]I[/SIZE] ]

Ship: Jiriad Kadiilir (Ashen Piercer)
- Jiriad Kadiilir is a Kom'rk-class fighter owned by Thresco Jorr. Designed and constructed by the Mandalorian starship manufacturing company MandalMotors, Jiriad Kadiilir is smaller than the generic fighters, which serve primarily as troop transports. Jiriad Kadiilir is twenty meters in length, complete with cockpit, sleeping quarters, engine room, docking port and a sizeable storage space in the back which was outfitted to house his pets, Chakaar and Stanil. Created specifically for former Sith Jekhad Menkegh as a personal starfighter and mobile home, the ship is at least thirty meters smaller than the average Kom'rk-class ship, and is all the more mobile for it. As the former owner had it manufactured, the ship is dark in color, possessing only a single strands of red that stands out from the otherwise black and dark grey paint job. Because it is so much smaller than the average Kom'rk class ship, it serves as a very valuable fighter and smuggling ship. Allowing it great versatility and an upper hand in battles against other starfighters, it is no match for larger ships. The Jiriad Kadiilir has been outfitted with equipment that allows Torgost to take control of and fly the ship. To put it into perspective, the weaponry and other functions of the ship are as followed.:
- 2x Laser Cannon (1x on each side of the nose)
- 2x Flares (At the back of the ship)
- 1x Electromagnetic Plasma Cannon (Slides out from the belly of the ship)
- Deflector Shields (Ray Shield)
- Stealth Generator (Reflecting Light / Becoming invisible to the naked eye; not sensors)
- 1x Escape Pod

Additional Belongings and Weapons:
Lightsabers: Kalikir & Kyr'am (Skewer & Death)
- Thresco's Jetii'kad, or Lightsabers, were first given to him by the man that trained him in the art of the sword. Originally having only one blade, he eventually stole the second one once he realized what was to become of him if he completed his training. When his master was killed and devoured by a Mythosaur, the lightsabers along with the starship became his by right of succession. Both blades are made from a synthetic crystal used by the Sith, meaning both blades are of the red variant. Each of the blades has a total length of eighty centimeters, possessing a handle of fifteen centimeters and a sixty-five centimeter long blade. Seeing as both blades were at one point used by Jekhad Menkegh to be wielded at the same time, both blades are completely identical to one another, having very little distinguishing features. But to go into some detail, the two handles are both shaped like those of an ornate Katana, only lacking the guard on top of the handle. The handles are black with yellow squares while the butt-cap and the top of the hilt are made from dark steel.


Side-Arms: Choice and Consequence
Model: TB-1 Side-Arms
Classification: Blaster (Side-Arm)
Size: Handheld
Length: 25 Centimeters
Weight: 1.2 Kilograms
Ammunition Type:
- Beskar rounds
- Plasma Power Cell
- Tibanna Gas Cell
Ammunition Capacity:
- 1 Lichbane Magazine
- 1 Round per 2 seconds recharge (Needs a new cell after X uses)
- 12 Consecutive Ion Shots (Fully charged)
Effective Range:
- 25m Optimal
- 100m Minimal
Rate of Fire:
- Single Action
- Three Round Burst
Special Features:
- Switchable Fire-rate
- Switchable Ammunition (Slugs/Ion)

List of other weaponry:
- 1x Reverse Polarity Pulse Grenade.
- 1x EMP Grenade.
- 1x Ion Grenade.
- 3x Fragmentation Grenade.

- Chakaar is not what one might define as the most endearing looking pet, nor the best smelling one. Being a Strill that turned out rather big compared to his peers, Chakaar stands at height of one hundred and twenty centimeters and is almost three meters in length, making it more than twice the size of the average Strill. Found while it was searching through the trash of a small diner on the outskirts of the Mandalorian capital. Hired to get rid of it, he fought the carnivorous mammal for a short time before incapacitating it with a well aimed Bolas. Unwilling to kill the creature after seeing its potential, he took it with him in his ship. Feeding and training it on board of the Jiriad Kadiilir, it eventually grew attached to Thresco and now serves as a helpful partner for hunting, tracking and can occasionally be used as a mount, though it does not like being used as such. Being highly intelligent, it has learned quite a few tricks from his Mandalorian master when it comes to stalking and killing prey, just like Thresco has learned a thing or two from him. While Strill are hermaphroditic, Thresco tends to see Chakaar as a male, calling it "Boy" and referring to it as He. It primarily roams freely in the cargo hold of the Jiriad Kadiilir, protecting whatever Thresco owns and watching for any unwanted guests.

- Stanil is a pygmy shriek-hawk captured by Thresco when he was being trained in the art of Vaapad, the seventh form of Lightsaber combat. The goal was to steal an egg from a shriek-hawk nest and escape unscathed, a hard task to pull off when keeping the ferocity of a shriek-hawk defending her nest. When he got up to the nest, all he found was an abandoned nest with an unusually small young shriek-hawk still in it, likely abandoned because of that very reason. While Jekhad did not want him keeping any pets as that would take his mind off of training, Thresco decided to keep the hawk a secret from his master. After Jekhad's death, Stanil lives in a small enclosure in the storage room of the Jiriad Kadiilir. From time to time, Thresco allows it to fly freely while wearing a tracking device and a small camera, both attached to the same collar. That way, it can both do a bit of scouting and can be found back if it were to ever lose its way.
Wow a lot of detail, great work. Just head up some of that kit is on the restrict list so you may need to work a sub or two to use it regularly in RP's.

But great detail, I think any faction could use your services, and you have two mando factions to choose from if you want.

[member="Thresco Jorr"]
Bryce Bantam said:
Wow a lot of detail, great work. Just head up some of that kit is on the restrict list so you may need to work a sub or two to use it regularly in RP's.

But great detail, I think any faction could use your services, and you have two mando factions to choose from if you want.

[member="Thresco Jorr"]
I had no idea there was a restriction to items out there, seeing as i've found nothing of the sort while going through the character creation rules. Could you point me towards those so I can have a look at them?
Bryce Bantam said:
[member="Thresco Jorr"] its cool I missed it also, give it a look, right now as long as your stuff is canon from wookiee then you should be fine, if your creating something new or a variant of a canon item you may need to get it approved.
Saw the two things that had an impact on this application, the part about Beskar (which became null and void since I am Mandalorian) and the part about Artificial Intelligence, which should mostly be worked out since I worked out the creation process in my history section and my description of the actual AI. If I am to still write out an even more in-depth piece on Torgost, than I will work on that too.
Valiens Nantaris said:
@It's Dat Boi
Fantastic bio, I must say.

There is one further thing I'd request; that you change your profile name to match your character name. Having them match gives greater continuity and is less confusing.

You can request it here:
Thanks :D

I did make a sub-account that I use to write my posts on, though I sometimes forgot to switch accounts and accidentily post using this one xD

Astrid Feanor said:
@It's Dat Boi
That bio though!
But seriously, sweet and detailed bio! We should TP some time
Thank you :D

Sure, sounds like a plan.

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