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Approved Tech Throne of the Sith

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  • Sith Runes: Carved out of the obsidian throne and recast into ur-Kittât runic script via molten Sarrassian Iron and Sith Alchemy. The Sith runes placed upon the throne were saturated in Sith magic, those who sat upon it found themselves able to channel the raw power of the Dark Side of the Force like a conduit. It is easy for one to become overwhelmed or lost in the corrupting influence of the Dark Side, the power wielded by the Dark Lords of the Sith are both boon and burden to bear by them alone.
  • Locus of Dark Side Energy: Designed to serve as a focusing device between the Dark Side of the Force and the Dark Lord of the Sith, much like the Sith Cave of Mustafar, the Throne of the Sith serves as a key to exploring the depths of the Dark Side of the Force. Any who sit upon this hollowed throne are instantly touched by it's dark energies and find it easier to channel it's malignant power.
  • Corrupting to the Touch: As one immersed oneself deeper within the dark side of the Force, its malevolent power takes a toll on the body, flesh and bone lack the endurance to channel the immense power of the dark side indefinitely. The Throne of the Sith when tapped into as a focusing device for extensive periods of time ravage the physical body and speeds along the corruption process.
  • Whispers and Hallucinations: The Dark Side of the Force bestows great power to those who can withstand the terrible price it wracks upon the body and mind, those too weak in will suffer beneath the visions and whispers it grants. In most cases an air of fear is placed upon such fools and in some cases insanity.


The Throne of the Sith, also known as the Second Dark Throne and originally as Kujet's Seat, was a throne created by the Zeffo Sage Kujet during his ruthless authoritarian rule on Dathomir. It's original purpose was to serve as the ceremonial seat of power for the Dark Side practitioner and was crafted from obsidian in a way to focus his Dark Side energies. From his palace on Dathomir, Kujet staged a massacre, reducing resistance to ashen ruin. The pain and deaths of those who suffered such a tragedy were reflected back upon the obsidian throne as it saturated in the Dark Side. After Kujet's death, he was entombed in his temple and his throne with him, buried deep in the recesses of the Tomb of Kujet.

Millenia passed, the throne remained in obscurity until the waning days of the resurgent One Sith's rule when it was rediscovered by a team of Sith archeologists and brought to Coruscant for the 'Immortal' Dark Lord of the One Sith. Before it could reach it's final destination Coruscant was sacked and the Dark Lord slain, the loyalists fled to the Deep Core with the throne and many other artifacts in order to await the return of the Dark Lord. Settling on Epoch, the loyalists stored the Throne of Kujet within the hollowed halls of the Temple of the Forsaken in the inhospitable Atlas Region. There it sat once more undisturbed until years later the arrival of Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis who claimed it for his own and brought it to the Holy City of Gehinnom to serve as his throne in his guise as the 'Voice of the Maw'.

It would be here on the Holy City where it would once more serve as a hollowed seat of power, seeing judgments and confrontations while saturating in the dark energies of the Brotherhood's unholy worldcraft. From the confrontation on Jakku, to the secretive meetings of the Final Dawn it served the Dark Voice as his seat of power. After the destruction of Csilla and the Great Gathering of Sith, Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis revealed himself by seizing the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith and officially ordaining a New Sith Order from whence the Sith Order would be reborn from the ashes of the previous order deemed to weak to let live.

Relocating his throne to the hidden Sith redoubt of Exegol, chosen to be his new throneworld and bastion of the New Sith Order. The Dark Lord of the Sith toiled in ways mystic and alchemical, altering the ancient Zeffo seat to replace the ancient long destroyed Throne of the Sith and serve as the new seat of power for all Dark Lords that succeeded him. It would be from here that the Sith would uncover the true mysteries of the Dark Side and plan their resurgence in accordance to the Grand Plan of the Sith.

T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis

Yesterday or Friday we talked about Ingrid needing a throne to control her undead soldiers... in Malazan style. But coming back here, totally love it! After all, every BBEG needs a snazzy throne! Enjoy your new fancy throne!

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