Geneviève Lasedri
Fascists hate her!
A lone figure tread the stone pavement of Bothawui's storied street at dusk, barely discernible in the twilight haze as the skirt of her black trenchcoat swayed about her ankles with each step. She appeared to be just another shady character stalking about in the night, and her dead white eye glowed eerily when she passed underneath the streetlamps, further exaggerating her mystique. If anyone had knowledge of the blaster she held inside her coat, they might be genuinely alarmed.
The shadowy woman silently trekked through the industrial district of Drev'starn, Bothawui's capital city, and made her way to a textile factory that was currently under renovation. If her contact was trustworthy, he had used his bureaucratic powers to disable security cameras for their meeting. Standing under a dim light illuminating one of the shipping doors, she glanced around and gripped her cloaked CR-2 blaster pistol as she waited for [member="Regor Laxvan"].
[member="Strask Ak'lya"]
The shadowy woman silently trekked through the industrial district of Drev'starn, Bothawui's capital city, and made her way to a textile factory that was currently under renovation. If her contact was trustworthy, he had used his bureaucratic powers to disable security cameras for their meeting. Standing under a dim light illuminating one of the shipping doors, she glanced around and gripped her cloaked CR-2 blaster pistol as she waited for [member="Regor Laxvan"].
[member="Strask Ak'lya"]