Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Through History, Sight


Tag: Kyyrk Kyyrk
Status: Healthy
Location: Ethereia

Kir's boots crunched against the ground as she began her slow trek. After a few adjustments, she felt the compressors in her armor loosen, allowing the light breeze access, cooling her skin. She smiled slightly under her helmet. It was nothing like the chill of home, and yet... it was quite lovely.

She opened her pack, slipping her datapad out to check her notes. According to what she'd found, Ethereia was the home to hidden Rakatan Ruins. There was limited information on them, just their presence and rumored coordinates, but that was enough for her to go on. She checked her current coordinates, adjusted her direction, and continued forward.

Kir only knew so much about the Rakata. She knew they were an ancient civilization made of highly intelligent individuals, and their technology was beyond what the galaxy even knew today, as impossible as it sounded. The technology was interesting, certainly, but that wasn't what drew her to this planet or these ruins. It was the Force. Well, specifically, their Force. The limited information she'd found mentioned that they combined the use of their technology and the Force to great success, but ended up being corrupted... somehow. Whatever it was, though, she hoped it could provide her answers.

With her direction set, she pressed on, keeping her senses peeled for the ruins... and anything else that may be lurking unseen.



A visitor had arrived.

The colonists were not the first visitors to the planet, nor were they the last. The reputation of Ethereia proceeded it. A planet haunted by specters of the past, filled with treasure ripe for the taking. But given the implications of what lay below, Kyyrk left nothing to chance. Normally he would dispatch a team to deal with the intruders, but...this one was different.

Kyyrk's hand shook ever so slightly as he began the pre-flight checks. The intruder wasn't just any old adventurer. They were a Miraluka. Kyyrk could tell the kind of his own people from systems away. And one being upon the same planet? He took a deep breath to calm himself. He'd not met one of his own kind since the death of his uncle nearly a decade ago. Not that he really counted as a Miraluka anymore. But a thousand generations of heritage would not be overridden by something as trivial as genetic modifications.

Kyyrk's shuttle lifted into the air, and a hand was raised in farewell to Alessandra Creed Alessandra Creed as his ship turned to glide through the sky towards the entry point. Beneath the clouds and pristine Mesas of Ethereia lay the jungles, to be sure, but before them was a great region known only as the Tangle. Kyyrk was sure he'd been told what the science teams were calling it, but everyone else called it the Tangle. As the man expertly wound his ship through the vast web of stone, he mused that the name was not likely to go anywhere anytime soon. Within the cloud layer, the support framework of the Mesas absorbed moisture from the clouds and sent it heavenwards. Easy enough to traverse with the proper equipment, but only a fool would try to eyeball it.

As he broke through the cloud layer, his ship leveled out to travel across the Underlands in the direction of the intruder. Kyyrk gripped the controls tightly, already having some idea of where the woman traveled. The Temple. Not exactly difficult to find, if one followed the lingering sense of dread within the pit of their stomach. His presence was no secret, he was sure. If the Miraluka did any honor to their people, they'd already know he was approaching, even before he broke the clouds. But other denizens of the Underlands were already taking note. Kyyrk brought his ship down at the small landing pad atop the temple, and debarked. He turned his gaze towards where the setting sun would be found far above the clouds and frowned. What could this being possibly be here to find? He would know soon enough. She was closer to the temple than she realized... ​


Tag: Kyyrk Kyyrk
Status: Healthy
Location: Ethereia

With each step she took, something was nagging in her core. Kir tried to keep her focus on her direction, but something just felt... strange. She was nervous, certainly, but she knew there was more to it than just that. She'd felt nervous before, plenty of times. But this... all she could hope was that it meant she was going in the right direction.

She'd heard of the Force doing strange things before-- changing animals, people, landscapes, forming things in its own desires-- so a part of her wondered if this was a part of it. If she was headed towards the ruins of a people so enraptured by the Force... could that Force still linger? And could it extend its reach far enough to take notice of her? A part of her felt like she should know, that she should see it, but her knowledge of even her own Sight was so limited that she only understood how to utilize it on the most basic level.

However, she felt... something. Something different. A... presence?

Kir couldn't put a finger on precisely what it was, but she knew it meant she had to be careful. She took a quick look at the landscape around her, trying to find any areas that would allow for more cover, but it all looked the same to her untrained vision.

With a disappointed huff, she pulled her blaster pistol out of its holster, ready to fire if needed, and simply pressed forward, preparing for... whatever was out there.



Kyyrk frowned to himself.

As he watched the woman stumble her way through the undergrowth, he could see that she was hardly well versed in the Force, much less her own sight. A realization that sent a wave of guilt washing over him. A memory of days of yore, spent locked away in a cold dark cell. Nothing but the sound of his own breath to accompany him. Memories of days spent away from his people. Struggling to learn the gift he'd been granted without proper guidance. Treading a tenuous line between light and dark, threatening to engulf him in nightmares.

It seemed so long ago, when he was once as untrained as she. Now, he was a different man. One that could still his breath, and find the smallest insect, no matter where on the planet it may be. His heart was filled with joy to find another of his people. But broken at the realization that she was hardly capable of understanding the gift their people had been given. Kyyrk paused, lifting his helmet from his head. Underneath, he wore a simple black cloth. It covered his eyes, allowing him to better focus on the far superior sight granted him by the Force.

But more importantly, it was a symbol. A sign of mourning. Of loss. Of grief. Perhaps it had been a custom limited to the Miralukans of Vylmira. But Kyyrk wore the mourning mantle none the less. As the woman drew nearer the temple, Kyyrk stepped forward to greet her. "You've come a long way, Sister." His voice was deep. Powerful. An accent akin to that of the Sith Empire, but...different. Not a dialect that had been heard anywhere in the civilized galaxy for a long time. As the man made his presence known, so too did his presence within the Force.

He appeared to be a Miraluka, that much could not be disputed. But his countenance was marred by...something else. Something dark. Kyyrk tilted his head to the side ever so slightly as he drank in the details of the young Miraluka before him. Her posture, her armor, her weapons. His own figure stood large and imposing, clad in armor that had withstood the test of many duels, battles, and wars. Upon his back rested not one, but two large lightsaber hilts. While the man appeared friendly, he had certainly been affected by...something. The Force wove a tapestry about him, and it sang of ruin and torment. This man had been molded in ways that no living being deserved to be subject to.

"What, pray tell, seek you among the ancient?"


Tag: Kyyrk Kyyrk
Status: Healthy
Location: Ethereia

The further Kir walked, the tighter her chest felt. She had to stop at one point, just making sure she could breathe. She almost removed her helmet, but knew it would be unsafe. The better protected she could be, the sooner this feeling would go away... certainly.

And then it didn't. Because a voice spoke.

Kir whipped around, holding her pistol out in front of her. She narrowed her focus on the target... then stopped. Slowly, she lowered her pistol as she took the man in. His aura was... strange. She felt something, but couldn't figure out quite what it was. In a way, it felt... important. Strong. Present. She'd never felt an aura so there before.

She tilted her head slightly, trying to process him. For some time, she was silent, unable to find words, before she finally spoke.

"Answers." She re-holstered her pistol. "Who are you?"



Kyyrk regarded the woman silently for a moment before he answered. "A Guardian. For you or for these ruins remains to be seen." Kyyrk's brow furrowed underneath his mantle. "But I suspect your intentions are truthful." Kyyrk turned to look back at the temple stretching through the trees behind him. "The dead guard their secrets well. They would not need my assistance if you are not worthy to receive their teaching." Kyyrk was silent for a moment. A million thoughts clouded his mind. Yet he could put voice to none of them. Was she from another colony? Was she from the birthworld?

Kyyrk turned back to regard the woman for a moment, then reached up to remove the mantle that rested across his eyes. Another gesture from the Vylmiran Colony. To remove one's mantle in the presence of another signaled an implicit truth. A gesture of solemnity. Rarely displayed to those which were not Miralukan. "I am Kyyrk. Lord of the House of Verros, the Progenitors of the colony of Vylmira." Simply put, his family was the one that founded the colony.

Kyyrk inclined his head to the side slightly as he regarded the woman before him. "Your adornment is not one I recognize. Another family beyond the colonies, I take it?" Kyyrk spoke of the armor, though he did not know nor care if she understood his meaning. His own armor bore many halmarks of many cultures, among them Sith, Jedi, and Mandalorian. But deep within the faulds, at the heart of the armor, the design was distinctly Miraluka. A style from eons past, but the style of his people none the less. ​


Tag: Kyyrk Kyyrk
Status: Healthy
Location: Ethereia

With every word the stranger spoke, Kir found herself more and more confused... yet also more and more intrigued. She gave a tiny nod as he introduced himself, and yet her voice still struggled to find purchase. There was confidence about him... but a quiet confidence. Something that was, at the least, a comfort. If he knew these lands well, she was in less danger, so long as he was an ally-- and it seemed that if she played her cards right, he would be.

The removal of his veil froze her in place. She had been told to never remove a covering on her face, not when she was in the presence of others. Was this a commonality for other Miralukans? Though as she looked at him more, she wasn't completely sure if he even was Miralukan. There was almost an essence of Miralukan within him, but there was more. Kir's nose scrunched under her helmet as she found herself stumped by even more about the man.

"I am Kir," she finally said. "I am... not from this area of the galaxy." The man not recognizing her armor did make her feel a bit more comfortable. It meant he was not familiar with the Chiss she was raised amongst, which meant there was nobody here to report her to them. "I hope you will forgive me for keeping my helmet on. It aids me when traveling in unfamiliar atmospheres." Not a total lie. But not the full truth either.


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