Yasha Cadera
Most of the time being a High Councillor of the Fringe is filled with meetings, meetings, meetings, military engagements and the ephemera of public life. Back in the pilot's seat as it were, I'm jogging down the stairs at The Pit feeling outward for my brand new student [member="Wraith Draigar"]. I've heard a bit about the kid, had one of my XO's do good old fashioned research in an attempt to see if I'm taking on a crazy one or a swell studie like [member="Marselia Urstalis"].
The kid's got troubles. Yet, as a happy and adapt-y healer like myself it's my kind of trouble and my kind of trauma to help correct. If Wraith follows my ways, he'll be right as a spring rain. My trusty SC1 Battle Droid bodyguard Bucket is trotting along beside me, wearing his spiffy new hat and generally being a cool dude. It's paid back what Jared paid into the droid to get Bucket its very own adaptive artificially intelligent android brain.
Bucket today has taken out two more of my beloved droids: Two Echani Mimic Battle Units named Tyr and Tus. I call them the T-twins and my favourite part of having them in the team is seeing their antics while they play video games and 'train'. Regardless, I hop into the middle of a training area and claim it for my own today and for my new student. I reach out in the Force, tap-tap-tapping at his perceptions and knocking on his mental door.
'Step one, newbie. Come find me.' A projection of my trouser and leather speeder bike jacket clad self froths into existence in front of the guy, then fades with a soft trail.
If he concentrates on the unique signature I emanate in the Force, he'll be led here soon enough. If he doesn't? Guess he'll need the remedial class.
I might have some safety scissors and a pot of glitter in my ship.
The kid's got troubles. Yet, as a happy and adapt-y healer like myself it's my kind of trouble and my kind of trauma to help correct. If Wraith follows my ways, he'll be right as a spring rain. My trusty SC1 Battle Droid bodyguard Bucket is trotting along beside me, wearing his spiffy new hat and generally being a cool dude. It's paid back what Jared paid into the droid to get Bucket its very own adaptive artificially intelligent android brain.
Bucket today has taken out two more of my beloved droids: Two Echani Mimic Battle Units named Tyr and Tus. I call them the T-twins and my favourite part of having them in the team is seeing their antics while they play video games and 'train'. Regardless, I hop into the middle of a training area and claim it for my own today and for my new student. I reach out in the Force, tap-tap-tapping at his perceptions and knocking on his mental door.
'Step one, newbie. Come find me.' A projection of my trouser and leather speeder bike jacket clad self froths into existence in front of the guy, then fades with a soft trail.
If he concentrates on the unique signature I emanate in the Force, he'll be led here soon enough. If he doesn't? Guess he'll need the remedial class.
I might have some safety scissors and a pot of glitter in my ship.