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Approved NPC Thurin Corp Employees

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Name: K'lor Laith
Loyalties: Thurin Corp.
Role: Head of Genetic Rsearch

Age: 36
Species: Human (Coruscanti)

Appearance: K'lor Laith is essentially the average human in most physical aspects. He has brown hair, brown eyes, fair skin, he is of average build and height, K'lor is not physically notable in any way.

Personality: K'lor Laith has always been extremely ambitious- eager to push the boundries and do something that has never been done before. He is extremely intelligent, as well as observant and inventive, qualities that help him quite a bit in his profession. Another helpful quality being that he has very few limits as to where he is willing to go to achieve a goal, something his colleagues tend to disapprove of in his field.

Force Sensitivity: None

Weapon of Choice: K'lor has no combat training, and as such does not carry a weapon.

Skills: K'lor Laith is an extremely skilled scientist, specializing in genetics and genetic engineering with a secondary doctorate in medical science- a combination that made him extremely appealing to ThurinCorp's genetic engineering and biological enhancements division.

Wealth: K'lor Laith is paid well and wealthier then the common man, though not especially rich.

Combat Function: K'lor has no combat training whatsoever. In a fight he'd be practically useless.

Notable Possessions: None

History: K'lor Laith graduated from the Academy of Coruscant with degrees in Genetics and Medical Science and was quickly hired by a small cloning lab on Coruscant with the intention of augmenting clones- editing and engineering them for certain traits and strengths, similar to the famous techniques that Kamino is known for. K'lor was quite good at this, consistently creating new and useful augmentations and genetic upgrades for the cloning lab, though many of his 'innovations', such as a 'Lung capacity upgrade' that had the side effect of giving the clones severe chest pain for the extent of their lives, were considered 'inhumane'.

However, K'lor's success did not last forever. As they certainly didn't want any kind of private cloning company, even though it was quite small, to exist, the company was forcibly shut down when the One Sith took Coruscant. K'lor was left unemployed- there were few private cloning companies in the galaxy, and the few that existed were hesitant to hire him with his reputation, despite the profit he made his company. Recently, though, K'lor was hired by the new company 'Thurin Corp.' as the head of Genetic Research.

Intent: To create a NPC page for a character that will be used in future dev threads for Thurin Corp.

Name: Unaww Kore
Loyalties: Thurin Corp.
Role: Head of Pharmaceutical Research

Age: 63
Species: Bith

Appearance: Unaww is the average male Bith, sporting yellow skin, large black eyes, no nose, and a large pronounced cranium.

Force Sensitivity: None

Weapon of Choice: None, Unaww is a pacifist

Skills: Unaww is a moderately skilled scientist specializing in Pharmacology and medicine. While not necessarily a genius or groundbreaking, he is fairly competent at what he does. He is also quite good at playing the tambour drum.

Wealth: Unaww is slightly above average in wealth.

Combat Function: Unaww is a pacifist, and does not believe in violence. In short, he is useless in a fight. A baby Ropo would be more helpful.

Notable Possessions: None of note.

History: Unaww was originally hired by ThurinCorp's predecessor, ThaanCorp, as the head of pharmaceutical research there. As he was simply average as a scientist, he was cheap and perfectly sufficient for ThaanCorp's purposes, as it only intended to produce enough medicine and 'new technology' to keep up appearances. As ThurinCorp only intends to focus on Pharmaceuticals for a short period of time, Unaww was re-hired with the new company in his old job.

Intent: To establish another NPC to be used for dev threads for ThurinCorp.
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