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Approved Species Thurkear

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  • Intent: To Create a new species for the planet of Okarthel
  • Image Credit: X
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Name: Thurkear
  • Designation: semi-sentient
  • Origins: Okarthel
  • Average Lifespan: 500 standard years
  • Estimated Population: Planetary
  • Description: A large reptilian dragonoid with gray to dark blue skin. Feathers cover the back, head and tail. Patches of Bioluminescences covers the body, ranging in colors of orange, red, white, blue and several others. Wings are attached to the creatures forearms and are better suited for gliding instead of flying. It's long tail is used for maneuverability in tight spaces.
  • Breathes: Type I
  • Average Height of Adults: 4.5 meters
  • Average Length of Adults: 15 meters
  • Skin color: dark blue/gray
  • Hair color: N/A
  • Distinctions: A large reptilian dragonoid with gray to dark blue skin. Feathers cover the back, head and tail. Patches of Bioluminescences covers the body, ranging in colors of orange, red, white, blue and several others. Wings are attached to the creatures forearms and are better suited for gliding instead of flying. It's long tail is used for maneuverability in tight spaces. Bioluminescence is used as both a form of communication and camouflage.
  • Races: None
  • Force Sensitivity: Rare
  • Bioluminescence: Not only is it used as a form of communication, it is also used as camouflage. As a predatory animal, it needs to be able to blend in to its environment to stalk prey.
  • Sharp eyesight: The Thurkear possess sharp eyesight to help it pick out prey amongst the Bioluminescent plants that make up Okarthels understory.
  • Light sensitive: The Thurkears sharp eyes are sensitive to bright or flashing lights. This is why it remains in the understory and is rarely seen in areas where light penetrates the canopy above.
  • Large size: Despite being an agile hunter, its size does eventually hinder it the larger they grow. Most elderly or large Thurkear become scavengers or eat certain mushrooms when they become to large to hunt. Most animals they hunt are either wounded, large herbivores separated from their herds.
  • Diet: Omnivore. When Thurkear are young they mostly hunt for their food, but as they get older they become to large to actively hunt and instead rely in being scavengers. Both young and old eat certain mushrooms to obtain the required nutrients to make Bioluminescences.
  • Communication: Loud calls, low rumbles, sharp chirps. Strong use of Bioluminescences.
  • Technology level: None
  • Religion/Beliefs: None
  • General behavior: Thurkear are a semi territorial creature, defending loose territories. They are solitary hunters who live in the shadows of Okarthels bioluminescencnt understory. Nesting couples defend their eggs for several weeks till they hatch, then the young are left to fend for themselves. Thurkear shy away from bright light and are more likely to flee from a situation that could bring them injury, such as facing a stronger Thurkear or a large group of Kiir. Males normally hold larger territories than females.
Deep below the forest canopy, where sunlight does not reach, is a world of plants and animals that utilize bioluminescences. Amongst the glowing fungi, flowers and trees, lies the Thurkear. An ambush predator that relies in both stealth and camouflage to get within striking distance of its prey. The Kiir who venture down here always keep a wary eye out for any signs of this beast, as it may try to take any who aren't cautious enough. Unlike its reptilian kin in the canopy above, the Thurkear struggle to fly. Their wings are no longer strong or large enough to keep them airborne. Instead they rely on gliding to get from place to place. They utilize this ability by making short glides from tree to tree as they bound after prey.

The Kiir see the Thurkear as one of the deadliest hunters below the forest canopy. A beast to both fear and revere. The Kiir believe that finding a Thurkear is a bad omen, especially for hunting. There are debates amongst the elder Kiir about where the Thurkear came from and why a dragon, a creature associated with the sky, ended up virtually trapped in the understory. Many, however, believe that the Thurkear were one of the dragon species who fought against the dragon gods during the age of fire. Their punishment was banishment to the understory where they could never feel the freedom of flight again.
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