Ward of Zambrano

NAME: Thyne Zambrano
FACTION: The Sith Empire
RANK: Ward
SPECIES: Teevan (Cloned)

AGE: --- (appearing roughly 19)
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5’8”
WEIGHT: 142 lbs
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Pale, silver-hued
VOICE SAMPLE: Aaron Tveit - Gabe Goodman

Flexibility: As a Teevan, Thyne’s flexibility and agility are beyond the feats of human. Training has left him only better in these feats, capable of what some can only dream of and while scarcely breaking a sweat.
Dexterity: As to be expected of anyone so attuned to feats of flexibility, Thyne’s got all the skill he could possibly need to remain on the move.
Loyalty: While his predecessor knew loyalty only to himself, Thyne only knows loyalty to his creator. It’s not his place to question the one who gave him this life, only to serve.
Beastmaster: While having no empathy for people, Thyne’s interactions with beasts are so genuine, they're almost pure in nature. He connects with them on levels one would think he's worked with each particular animal since their early childhood. And yet as genuine as they appear, they’re utterly void of any real connection, like he’s taking advantage of a gift that was never his to possess.
Better than Before: Where his template was vertically challenged, some alterations to the code have left him slightly taller and with more muscle than his original. In addition, he doesn’t need glasses to see something mere inches from his face. He might not have the armor or other assets his original possessed, but he’s a bit more durable on his own.
Empty Shell: Thyne has no regard for anyone's emotional or physical well being. Why, he scarcely acknowledges his own. He understands pain enough to relent when he’s in danger of permanent damage, but should such a condition arise in which his master or someone he’s been given orders to protect, he won’t allow his own pain to stop him.
Inexperienced: As educated as a clone can be, he knows facts and whatnot, but his actual experiences, especially in the social side of things, are underdeveloped. He can keep basic conversation, sure, but push him enough and he’ll be incredibly awkward.
Frail: While tough to hit and quick to react, Thyne hasn’t much meat to him, especially in terms of endurance. He’ll take a couple hits, sure, but a direct one will most certainly leave him in need of medical care.
Blunt: Flowery words and analogies are often lost on Thyne. He’s very much a to the point type of person, not always catching on to codes or detecting lies.

A P P E A R A N C E .
At first glance, Thyne looks like your unsuspecting person, albeit certainly on the small side. Pale skin and large eyes, he could easily be mistaken for a child. With such a slight form, it wouldn’t be a difficult feat for him to pass as a female. Unlike his original, he doesn’t flaunt his androgyny about, wearing garments that are form-fitting yet allow for plenty of movement. He's incredibly thin, looking almost malnourished. If not for his flexibility, it would be almost too common an occurrence for him to battle broken bones from even training exercises.
While he looks almost precisely as his origin, there are some subtle differences. He's taller and a bit more muscular, similar to the original at his time of death rather than when the DNA was extracted. The template had eyes of green, ones that would eventually see the beginnings of the yellow that marks a Sith. Thyne’s, however, are very much the yellow that’s expected of him. His hair’s a mess of black, though it’s far more tame than his predecessor, for the most part staying out of his face.
P E R S O N A L I T Y .
To the general public, Thyne is quiet, distant even, yet mostly respectful. He isn't really one for side talk, preferring to stick to the mission and only that. Thyne has a tendency to lean heavily towards the sadistic. He exhibits self-control for the most part, but should get be given leave to do whatever's necessary for the mission, it's not uncommon for him to trade civility for impatience, almost childlike. It's in those moments where he most resembles his original, only far more effective.
There’s an awkward air of formality about him, especially in the presence of his 'family'. Almost as if he longs for a more familial connection but wouldn’t dare address such a thing. When forced into conversation, especially when forced into more uncomfortable conversation, he has a tendency to fall flat. Sure, there are moments in which the searing wit of his predecessor shows its face, backed by an equally brutal deadpan delivery, but they are few and far between.
E Q U I P M E N T .
Arkistniya - Sword
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