Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Thyros, Junkyard Urchin

"I can make stuff, too!"
  • Age: 5 GSY
  • Species: Valkyri
  • Homeplanet: Midvinter
  • Sex: Male
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Hair: Auburn
  • Skin: Fair
  • Height: 108 cm (3' 7'')
  • Weight: 18 kg (41 lbs)

  • ​Rank: N/A
  • Faction: N/A
  • Force Sensitive: No
Strengths & Weaknesses
[+] Sleight of Hand: Working and tinkering with whatever comes into his possession, he's learnt how to work efficiently and effectively with his tiny hands.
[+] Ambidextrous: Ever since he happened upon his father's sword and attempting to play with it, Thyros soon learned he felt as comfortable with it in either hand.
[+] Creative: Seemingly gifted by Teign himself, this little one knows how to make things out of lesser things, be it for practical use or just for aesthetics.
[-] Shy: Even before arriving on Metalorn, Thyros was never one to seek out and play with other kids his age, thus creating a boy with little in terms of social skills.
[-] Weak: His tiny size and young age grants him very poor constitution as well as resistance to a variety of illnesses.
[-] Agoraphobia: Afraid of open spaces and crowds of people brought on by his time spent isolating himself.
While at first glance this little boy may look the average junkyard runt, underneath the layers of filth and dust lies a shy and defenseless child who never wishes to hurt anyone. His Valkyri upbringing compells him to always speak his mind and be honest about it, as much as he likes to deny it. Always keeping to himself since his arrival on Metalorn, he lacks any sort of social skills, making for a very shy little boy. His clothes remaining the same he left Midvinter with, they are torn and worn as well as filthy and smelly after his time at the junkyard. His hair is kept short and unkempt as he bothers to cut his own hair regularly using a rusty pair of scissors.

The tiny but creative boy by the name of Thyros came to be 5 years ago in Galactic Standard Years. His parents were both proud members of the Valkyri species; natives and rules of planet Midvinter. Growing up a boy in Valkyri society and culture is wrought with hardship; one has to honour the Gods of Old - thereby know them all by name - as well as your father's name and his father before him. Unfortunately, Thyros' father was a far-too-often drunken lout who had already tarnished their family name before the boy was conceived. His remember his father having the reddest of hair with the bushiest beard imaginable, all of which were unkempt and wild like his fighting spirit. He never showed any signs of fatherly love for the boy, who he insisted on calling his 'little runt'.

His mother was of another sort; she was quiet, compassionate and the most tender of mothers. Without even saying a word she was able to make Thyros feel safe around her, even when in the same room as his father, who was not the passionate type when it came to women, either. He'd often beat his woman as he saw fit, always during his drunken fits. It never managed to break her motherly spirit, however, and she would often spend her time teaching her little boy how to please Teign - God of Craftmanship - with new works of art and ingenuity, something he in turn would inherit from her along with her blue eyes. He loved his mother with all his heart, yet he tried to love his father as well.

One night during bedtime, Thyros' father came home after some heavy drinking. He reeked of mead and alcoholic beverages, and his wife was sat doing some embroidering by the fire. It came upon him to knock her about the room for quite some time, with their son having to listen to the thrashing he gave her. The senseless beating came to a climax as his father stangled his mother to death, leaving him alone with his abusive father. The boy was beside himself with grief over the loss of his mother who he loved so dearly, yet he could do nothing but abide by his father's terrifying regime.

Then, one day, his father came home drunk as he often would. While Thyros now had to tend to their home and all the chores associated with it, he apparently had done a lousy job at it as his father found him 'lazy' and 'unappreciative'. Along with a score of foul words came the back of his hand soaring towards Thyros' cheek, who was flung to the floor. With that, his father went to tend to the fire, his back turned towards the sobbing boy, who decided that enough was enough. The picture of his father standing by the open flames was enough to force him to his feet and proceed to shove his 'dear' father into he fire, in which he was burned alive before his son's eyes. He was horrified at what he'd done, and immidiately he packed his very few belongings and left his home in flames.

The 5-year-old ran as fast as he could away from home. As it happened, with the reign of the current High King of Midvinter came a slew of outsider traders and merchants willing to trade with this newly discovered people. Therefore, a travelling merchant was about to take off with fresh supplies, and so little Thyros sneaked aboard the man's ship and was transported off Midvinter. He swore upon the Gods of Old he would never return to his homeplanet. He then proceeded to curse the Gods themselves before denouncing them. They were no longer his gods, nor was he a Valkyr anymore. With no other relatives alive, he had cast off his family name right there and then.

The mechant's ship arrived on the planet Metalorn, and only now did he realise how alone he truly was on a new world he'd never heard of before. With no credits or items which he could bargain with, he was forced to thievery whenever hunger got the best of him. He spent his days alone in an abandoned junkyard, where he learned to put his skills in ingenuity to the test when tinkering with technology he'd never seen the likes of before in his short life. At night he would cry himself to sleep when thinking about his mother, who he still loved like no other, least of all his father. Thinking of him only made him more and more sure of what he did was a good thing. A mercy upon the world. Justice.

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