Ace Pilot

NAME: TI-1027 (Cole)
FACTION: Galactic Empire/ First Order
RANK: Squadron Leader
AGE: 33
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'7"
WEIGHT: 155 lbs
EYES: Dark Green
HAIR: Bald
SKIN: Caucasian
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
- Skilled Pilot: After years of harsh training TI-1027 (Cole) has become one of the best Tie Fighter Pilots in the Imperial Navy able to navigate through tight places and dodge a fair amount of Rebel Fighters with ease.
- Gunsman: Despite mostly being in the air for most of the time. He has been trained to use his blaster effectively in battle in case he would ever have to emergency crash land.
- Medic: Also in his training he was taught how to treat severe wounds such as broken bones and gunshots.
- Paranoid: In the past TI-1027 has been known to be Paranoid which he treats with medication. However if he has not taken said medication TI-1027 may have a panic attack while on Duty which has caused many too frown upon him despite his Piloting abilities.
- Force: Like many Troopers TI-1027 does not have the ability to use the force which makes him almost useless against Jedi if he is forced to fight one.
- Indoors: Being raised in the comfy confines of the Empire has made TI-1027 ignorant to the world outside of the Empire bases.
While on duty TI-1027 typically wears his Tie Fighter Uniform rarely taking off his helmet unless he is alone and away from his superiors. While off duty when rarely he is he can usually be spotted with his bald head and thick brown beard along with the typical attire of a Black Jacket, Black pants and his uniform boots.
Early Childhood
Birth Name Cole was born on the planet Coruscant to Ala and Daska. Both of whom were Imperial sympathizers and as of such raised Cole under the ideologies of the Galactic Empire whether he was interested in it or not. Cole began to attend school at the age of 5 to be taught the history of the Empire and how they became victorious over the traitors known as the "Jedi".
Becoming a Pilot
Cole continued to live on the planet up until his Twentieth birthday when he enlisted into the Imperial Navy to become a Tie Fighter Pilot as of instead being a politician as his Mother and Father wanted him to be. For the next 5 months Cole went through harsh and cruel training in order to accomplish the nerves of still of which the Empire wanted him to have. However after blood, sweat and as little tears as possible he made his goal and was officially a Tie Fighter Pilot! His new name had now become "TI-1027" over the next few years he proceeded to surprise his superiors to how competent he was in battle and ruthless refusing to take prisoners. Eventually the Pilot was promoted to a Squadron Leader and awarded with a special blaster pistol a ELG-3A. An elegant weapon used primarily by "Royal Naboo Security Forces" and Senator Amidala. The Pilot even suspected many times that the pistol actually belonged to the former Senator but he had no proof if it truly belonged to her.
Fall of The Empire
Only being in the Empire for five years the Empire, would soon fall at the Battle of Endor when both Emperor Palpatine and Lord Vader tragically died along with the explosion of the second Death Star. After their deaths TI-1027 continued to serve the falling Empire hoping that by chance it would rise again under a new order. Unfortunately this would not be the case as the throne was continuously fought over by the many surviving Officers of the Empire. Despite the pointless squabbling of the Officers TI-1027 would continue to serve fighting during the Liberation of Courscant. Eventually the Pilot would flee after realizing that the day of the Empire had come, the pilot proceeded to hide on the Planet of Naboo in attempt to evade being captured by the New Republic. For his crimes during the Galactic Civil War, he continued to live there until the New Order would rise from the ashes of the Empire. Where he would return back to service and back to pilot his Tie Interceptor.

- ELG-3A