Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tia Ski'tythe


NAME: Tia Ski'tythe.
FACTION: Not yet!

RANK: Vehicle controller.

SPECIES: Cyborg humanoid of a forgotten type of human.

AGE: Looks around 18-20 but is in reality, probably a bit older by far.

SEX: Female


WEIGHT: 65kg.

EYES: Green or Red depending on alignment.

HAIR: Light pink.

SKIN: Pale

FORCE SENSITIVE: Lightly force sensitive.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
  • Need a hand?: Akin to General Grievous, her robotic arms can split into two
  • I can see you!: As she is required to command entire starships on her own, the integrated sensor package is insanely good at seeing around, and hearing around. Provides a buff to reaction speed and the ability to focus on multiple things.
  • Link it up!: Tia can, if a terminal is present, link up with any vehicle and command it as if she was the vehicle.
  • Skilled tactician...: With a good grasp on spatial awareness, commanding one vehicle to victory is a breeze.
  • Cybernetics: Tia is infused with cybernetics, of which are fairly robust where they are. Her movements are also a bit more agile as a result.
  • Energy Steal: In order to sustain Overdrive for a truly epic gain, Tia can sap energy from many mechanical things.
  • Armor?: Tia is but a fleshling in the end, armor isn't her specialty, seeing attacks is.
  • Too many!: Tia cannot be a captain to too many ships, as commanding one is hard enough.
  • Otherworldly Mechanics: The nation of which Ski'tythe hails from was on a seperate development path from the rest of the galaxy, thus EMP strikes can very well disable much of this Cyborg.
  • An organic mind?: Her mind is semi organic, It's exploitable by mind tricks, but the mechanical portions can prove tricky to even the best, causing delays or strange obstructions. This also opens up the possibility of her also using the force in such ways.
  • OVERDRIVE: Tia's power source is fairly unstable. This is a positive and a negative. The power source can be overcharged to enhance Tia's combat prowess, or funnelled into the vehicle or weapon she is commanding. Medium to small vehicles only. Overcharging damages Tia and or whatever she is commanding if used for too long, this can cause explosions.

A thin female that almost constantly wears a Gas Mask, with a pair of metallic silver arms.

Further Cybernetic Description:
Sensor Package, somewhere under that mask lies an augment to her senses.
Arms, two silver splittable arms with rotateable wrists. Thicker than traditional Cybernetic arms.
Legs, mild augmentations to her muscles.
Organs, some are enhanced by cybernetics, and protected to a degree.
Brain, In order to accomodate for potentially commanding entire fleets, a processor was integrated seamlessly with her organic brain that also serves to control many of her abilities. Its controlling abilities are not as effective on the galaxies ships as compared to her own.
Mask, in order to save people from glancing at whatever lies beneath, she wears a mask, toxin filtration, internal oxygen reserves, energy resistant rubberized material.

Currently equipped with simplistic weaponry.
Slug Thrower pistols: Dual explosive round low velocity slug throwers in a top magazine fashion, like mini howitzers.
Dual energy blades: Not having the technology of a lightsaber, Tia has two energy blades wired to a small powerpack on her belt. Conducting electricity, they can withstand lightsaber attacks.

Space Suit: When in space operations, Tia dons a suit that looks similar in principle to a mandalorian's kit, though very different in effect. It has a space only jump pack, a pressurized helmet to accomodate her mask, and some plasteel armor plates.

Coming from a nation long forgotten on a sector of similar ilk, Tia Ski'tythe was one of the greatest of their creations. They focused on turning ordinary humanoids into advanced cyborgs capable of great feats, usually against their will. The nation wasn't too interested in space combat, which would prove to be their downfall, in the end, so one of the few experimental ships they did have was sent away with Ski'tythe to make sure the legacy continued in some way, be it mass production of the advanced ship design. Tia was the only known space commander of this planet as the doctrinal change occured just before the enemy took them down.

Force sensitive, she was seen as nothing more than an outcast in her society, rather than the glorification as seen in most cultures, for they have no knowledge of the greater conflict.

The Subset for destruction 2 (SFD-2) Is a space submarine designed with a powerful cloaking device and fourteen torpedo tubes of varying caliber, some light space missiles, and anti-fighter lasers. It is a maneuverable and fast design made to take on entire fleets without being seen. However it's deflector shields are very weak, and hull even weaker.






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