Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Diversification was important.

Spread the risks, invest further for deeper returns in the future. Didact Defense Solutions was growing at an increased rate and that gave them the opportunity to fund more expansion within the Corporate Sector. They had constructed an outpost over Reltooine, ensuring a dedicated Didact presence within the system, protecting it from pirate raids and other scum. At the same time it was a foothold from which they began investing into the entertainment sector of the system.

But the new-found success didn't just mean more money to invest in new business and expanding the hold of Didact over the Corporate Sector.

No, it also meant new personnel.

Specifically one [member="Persephone Alonna"].

His... personal assistant. Even now Tash wondered if she was necessary, but apparently it was important for both perception and otherwise, [member="Cassandra Paige"] had three after all.

Itash was leaning against his desk, his office within the Reltooine Outpost hosting a large glasteel viewport that dominated the entire wall and gave a magnificent view. "Lord Mecetti, Persephone is here for you." The tone of the comm died down as Tash let them know she could enter his offices.

Before he'd actually accept her the Tapani would have a conversation with her.

See if she was of any use to him.
Get an internship, they said.

It’ll be fun, they said.

The internal monologue churned with a tinge of disdain and resignation, a soft sigh escaping from her lips as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other, a slight bit of nerves evident against the easy expression that always seemed to grace her features. Her hands smoothed over the lapels of the thin jacket she wore, complimenting the white dress pants that encased her long legs. A dark silk undershirt completed the outfit that was a far cry from what the graduate student normally sported, adding to the mild discomfort of a one-on-one meeting with her new boss.

Persephone knew almost nothing of Lord [member="Itash Mecetti"] , nor his company Didact Defense Solutions. It had seemed like the better of the three options presented to her by her father in the weeks before, narrowly winning out against the prospects of Research Assistant in the Biochemical Department, a job that would keep her far too close to his watchful eye for her liking, or a position as a Teaching Assistant for the same. Never one to want a position in the lime-light, teaching a classroom full of undergraduates how to properly collect and preserve a specimen for experimentation sounded like a form of personal torture rather than a beneficial chance for employment experience. A personal assistant position far away from the university, and Dr. Kaladis, had seemed a much better alternative.

And so, here she was, kitten heels clicking against the ground while she waited, hair pinned back in soft curls, nervously staring at an empty desk she assumed would be hers…if Lord Mecetti chose to keep her. Her father’s connections had ensured she would receive personal consideration for the position, but it was up to her to earn it.

”You may enter, Lord Mecetti is waiting.”

A slight jump as the voice finally spoke to her, a no-nonsense woman gesturing to the imposing set of doors before her. Immediately dismissing the girl and returning to her task, Sephie took a singular, deep breath to steady her swirling stomach and entered, a slightly strained smile plastered across her face.
[member="Persephone Alonna"]

Itash didn't look over his shoulder and instead continued to survey the passing of Reltooine.

It was quite beautiful in its own way.

Reminding him that all the work he was doing allowed him to witness things like this personally. "You may take a seat, miss... Alonna." That was her name, yes, Persephone as her first name? Unique, very stylish, Tash approved. If only a name was enough to consider someone for a position such as this. Usually this would have simply gone through the HR department and they'd assign him some qualified faces.

But her father knew people and that changed a thing or two.

Being a Lord of House Mecetti meant that names were important, as was reputation. It would be worthwhile to see Persephone, if only to make her father happy and make a new friend within the Galaxy.

He had been very persuasive about this meeting after all.

"What do you know about Didact Defense Solutions?" He turned around finally, noting her. Hm. A pretty face. "-and about me."
He didn’t look up.

That was okay, she thought as she entered, her nerves jumping to her throat as the door shut behind her. After all, it gave her a final moment to tug the edges of her shirt and jacket down before the invitation to sit was given. A soft woosh of breath escaped as she did, the momentary relief of no longer struggling to stand on the kitten heels she’d chosen, palpable. It was one of the poshest office spaces she’d been privy to, the offices furnished by the University was well-kept, but impersonal. All metal and stone where this was comfort, style, and flair.

”N-not much, if I’m honest. My father- Dr. Astrin Kaladis-“

He knows who your father is, silly, you don’t have to tell him. Ugh, can you be any more awkward?!

A momentary pause in her speech as she silently berated herself, hands nervously folded in her lap, one foot tapping against the plush carpet lightly.

”-he knew you were looking for an assistant and even though I’m not exactly the ideal candidate, I mean, I can’t see how a Biochemical major would be of any use to you, unless you need the genetics of your clients broken down via chromotogra-“

She was babbling.

She also failed to mention the minor in literature that she knew her father tried to pretend didn’t exist. It was highly likely he hadn’t included it in her list of qualifications, and it hardly made a difference.

What a lovely first impression, Seph, nervous and a blabber mouth. Joy. Just shut. Up.

”Not much, Lord Mecetti. Just that you were looking for help. And I’m good with people.”

One hand brushed through curls that were already pinned back against the side of her head, a futile attempt to ensure that every hair was in place, yet promptly doing the opposite. One long, maroon curl fell from its place, falling in front of her ear as he finally turned around, the half-Zeltron sitting up instantly, spine straightening, the polite smile still plastered across her features.

[member="Itash Mecetti"]
[member="Persephone Alonna"]

Head tilted at that response.

He had been led to believe that most personal assistants truly interested in the job would take the time to research the corporations they wanted to join. In a way that had surprised him- but only because before Didact Tash hadn't worked for a single day in his life and had taken every step of his life in strides. Luck had served him well, bringing him the moments that meant the most and gave him the greatest victories. Plans... plans hadn't been part of his life back then. Instead there had been instinct and passion merging together in a cocktail of unrivaled freedom.

Oh, it had been good.

But there were positives to these days too as far as Itash was concerned. "Hm. You know Didact Defense Solutions is primarily a mercenary outfit, yes?" He finally asked, leaning in just a bit to catch her eye completely.

"We kill for a living, destroy, we don't build things here." Mecetti elaborated after a moment longer. "Our coin is marked by blood."

This didn't bother Itash in the slightest, but Persephone seemed so... out of her league here. He wondered how far he could push her before she would break. Then Tash wondered how that break would appear within her. Would it be screams? Cries? Would there be tears or would it be a silent shatter that would only show itself weeks later in the form of destruction.

"This does not bother you?"
There was another audible gulp as his attention narrowed in on the girl, the weight of his gaze catching her own. He was handsome, of course, all dark edges and bedroom eyes. His irises were a deep, hypnotic blue, warmer than her own hue, heavily affected by her Arkanian blood. She rather liked the effect they had, her body slightly relaxing despite the tone and content of his words.

Did it bother her?

Others’ skin may have crawled at the idea of coin washed in blood, money made on the backs of corpses, soldiers for hire. But that was hardly her purpose, was it?

”Your business is your business, Lord Mecetti.”

After all, how much would she be dealing with? Booking meetings and balancing schedules for clients looking to hire him and his men. Keeping his accounts organized, his business running smoothly, taking notes from meetings…what did it mater to her what those meetings were about?

Besides, it was the way of the galaxy. Wars were commonplace, battle and blood spilled a reality of those around her. Even in her own research within her studies, serums were created to alter one’s genetics, to increase speed, and durability, regeneration, all aimed at the formation of super-soldiers who could fight more efficiently, and better yet, survive.

Did she care where is money came from? Not really. Not if it earned her a little freedom.

”You need someone organized, easy-going, and motivated. I need-“ A bit of freedom. ”-A place to grow. A science lab is not that place.”

Besides, the intimacies of his business wouldn’t impact her work. She’d be a glorified secretary after all.

[member="Itash Mecetti"]
[member="Persephone Alonna"]

Oh, Persephone was a pretty face and interesting lines.

If this had been prior to [member="Darth Filiae"] he might have even been interested in pinning her against the wall. See just what tone she hit with her voice when the right button was pressed for her, but these were different days, weren't they? Talk of marriage and of promises made. Oh, the problem wasn't seducing her, the problem was burying her after everything was said and done.

He needed an assistant more than that he needed something... else.


"Hmm, I suppose that's true." Tash murmured softly before gesturing for her to stand up and follow him. Once more he stepped around the desk and back towards the viewport. There he stood, gesturing for her to stand at his side. "What do you see?"

The station had continued its circular trajectory since Persephone had joined him in the office.

There was a clear glance of the planet in the distance, but also of the space traffic and... of the Didact fleet slowly drifting through the system and patrolling around it. It could be any of them that Tash was curious about. The trick here was to pick the right detail to pay attention to. Whichever it was would presumably give her a few more points.
Any signs of the external thoughts Lord Mecetti might be having were lost on the graduate student, her eyes watching him carefully but missing the nuances others may have picked up on. The hands folded in her lap twisted around each other subtlety, nerves lessening as she wasn’t immediately thrown out of his office with a rejection. Instead, he rose and motioned for her to join him at the large viewport running along the far wall of his office.

A slight raise of her eyebrows in surprise and curiosity as she joined him, standing near enough to feel his body heat close by, but not touching, the polite distance that afforded someone their personal bubble.

”What do you see?”

The station was constantly moving, luckily at a speed slow enough it was hardly perceptible to those aboard unless one was particularly sensitive to the idea of space travel. Seph was hardly one of those, the girl utterly adored the time she spent traveling, always looking for an excuse for more. As she had waited and he had talked, the view had shifted, the curved edge of Reltooine visible in the lower right-hand corner of the window, the gas giant a mesmerizing hue of copper.

One palm pressed against the cool glass, resting slightly above the face of the planet, her eyes flicking from it to the scattering of moons visible from their position in orbit above it. Ships zipped to and from each moon, the complicated pattern of landings and departures well-choreographed by the captains and flight crew aboard each vessel, the silent dance one of precision and efficiency. Silence hung between the pair while she observed, eyes casting over a few vessels as they appeared and rapidly disappeared, everything from the luxury yachts of wealthy businessmen and women to the large and unadorned cargo vessels. Beyond however, hovered another collection of ships, these tailored neither to comfort nor shipping, vessels of war, made for battle and protection.

Considering the topic of their conversation, his business ventures and interest in her reaction to working for a mercenary outfit, she could only assume they belonged, as least in part, to Didact Defense.

Impressive and intimidating.

She nodded once outwardly, a silent acknowledgement of the ships gathered and the strength of force they exhibited. But none of these things held her attention singularly. It was the dark void of space beyond all that caught her breath and held her imagination captive, her eyes staring off into the abyss with a soft glimmer in their depths.

”I see opportunity.”

The light, easy tone of her voice lowered in tone, a quiet, hushed appreciation running through it.

”You see business and money,” An assumption, from the state of his office and his fleet, was made that this made valued business, and was good at it. ”I see a new world to explore. There are people below, I have never met, and might never meet again. Natural wonders that exist nowhere else in the galaxy. I see…”

Adventure. The thought went unspoken by her voice, but shined all too obviously in her expression.

[member="Itash Mecetti"]
[member="Persephone Alonna"]

It wasn't what Tash saw.

But Persephone could be forgiven for assuming that.

Money, riches, power... Itash had been born with that. Even as a second son of the Lord of House Mecetti, he was a son of Tapani nobility. He had never known anything other than wealth, strength, the right to rule and as such those things became trivial to him. Unappreciated, perhaps. After his exile Tash had roamed the stars and found that he didn't crave wealth as it were.


Now power was a different sort of addition. The right to control, to dominate, to own and keep.

Itash saw opportunity there, amidst the drifting stars, but of a different quality than Persephone. Perhaps if she could see beyond what he showed, she would have kicked herself out of that office. "There have been many that saw the stars and craved adventure, miss Alonna." Tash replied patiently while following her look outside. "Often they find themselves shattered against the realities of the Galaxy. Guard yourself lest you find a similar fate." A shrug followed. "That is what your father would have me say, I figure, considering I consider him a friend you will receive that advice from me."

"What would you do to get this job?" Tash suddenly asked.
If Persephone could see behind his mask, his shell, she might indeed have run off screaming, her lust for adventure surpassed by fear and intimidation. As is was, she heard only his words, seemingly well-meaning advice given to guard against the dangerous that lurked far beyond the reaches of a classroom, a book’s page, a tourist’s retreat…

A soft chuckle escaped at the mention of her father, a small smirk quirking up one corner of her mouth, the first smile she’d shown that wasn’t brimming with positivity.

”Yes, I guess he would. He values experiments and laboratories over experience, it’s true.“

A slightly bitter tone creeped in, bitter and wistful, her gaze still lost in space, fingers curling against the glass lightly, as if she could reach through the viewport to touch the distant gas giant.

”Sometimes I wonder if he sees-“

Her voice trailed off without finishing, a frown creeping into her features as she considered, quickly wiped away as her thoughts returned to the present, to the company she was keeping and the reason she was here in the first place. Her thoughts turned instead to his rather pointed question, rather than fears and uncertainties that had plagued her for longer than she cared to admit.

What would she do to get the job?

Her smile had returned in full force, all teeth and pleasantness, but now her nervousness was all but gone, replaced by the spark of determination, the half-Zeltron standing a little taller, spine a little straighter.


The response was rash, somewhat rushed, yet…there was a kernel of truth to it. Well, her truth. There were limits to she imagined Lord [member="Itash Mecetti"] would, or could, ask of her. And she would do any of them.

”I promise, I won’t disappoint you.”
[member="Persephone Alonna"]

She received a side-glance for that aborted sentence.

It was never a good idea to complain of ones parents or family in general to strangers. It never led anywhere positive, this was something that Itash knew from personal experience, but luckily he didn't get a reason for educating her in that regard. That would have been... regretful. Instead Tash listened to her response and that made him smirk just a little bit.


Oh, if only she knew who she was speaking to, she might have been more careful about her phrasing. It was a good thing for her that his experiences with [member="Cassandra Paige"] had left him less interested in... sampling the wares so to speak.

"I would be careful with such absolute statements like that, Persephone." Tash murmured while softly touching the viewport and feeling the cold seep into his skin for a moment. "Some people would find an opening to abuse it, if you aren't cautious about your step." There were a great many sorts of people, after all. Some... were less than fair about their business.
”My father trusts you, as do I.”

Again, that flash of an innocent smile directed at [member="Itash Mecetti"] , easily dismissing the darker undertones of his words. Turning to face him full-on, she let her gaze fall away from the distant planet with a bit of reluctance.

”I do mean it, Miste-…Lord Mecetti.”

For a moment Persephone stumbled over the title, wondering exactly how she was expected to continue addressing the man who might or might not be her employer.

”I want this position, and I’ll do whatever you feel necessary to prove I can handle it.”

And so she waited, wondering if this was the moment he sent her away, back to the laboratories of the University, back to a mess of term-papers and experiments, research and trial and error. A small spark of fear burned in the icy-blue irises, blatant concern written across a face that had no experience hiding emotions. A concern that he might find her wanting and with it, her hopes of adventure would vanish once again, to be explored only in the depths of her beloved novels.
[member="Persephone Alonna"]

Trust was a funny thing.

He wondered if Persephone's father would still trust him, if he had known what Itash had exactly done to save his life all those years ago.

Probably not.

But that was besides the point as far as he was concerned, her father had given him a ring before this meeting was set-up. His words still ringing through his ears: I know I have asked a lot, but I need a little bit more, Lord Itash. It's my daughter... I am afraid she has no inkling what this world is about. Would you help her? Give her a job as your assistant, I know you are looking for one. She is very... There had been an awkward silence there as Alonna had tried to formulate a way to find something useful to be positive about. ...tenacious?

The phrasing had been important.

Show her what this world is about.

"Lord Itash, Lord Mecetti, either is fine, Persephone." While some insisted on fraternizing with their personnel, Itash... well- it was more about the question of blood than anything else. His men could call him Itash, but only because they had paid the price of blood for it. As had [member="Cassandra Paige"]... many times over. "You have a month to prove yourself in my employ. You start today. I have about six different appointments today and your first assignment is to make sense of them, ensure I will be on time and have my coffee."

A smile as he glanced over to her.

"Do we have an accord?"
A sharp nod accepted the names to call him by, eyes still shining in earnest as he continued, a bit of the playful easy-goingness replaced by the cool steel of determination and confidence.

One month.

She could do that. She had done a lot less in that type of time frame than proving herself a capable and efficient employee. Six appointments today? She could manage that easily. Although, she’d have to learn how to make coffee, the Zeltron far preferred tea herself.

”Of course, sir.”

As if on cue, the door to the office opened once again, the same woman who had ushered her in, offering the young woman datapad and small stack of folders, assumedly filled with pertinent information. Seph’s eyes widened slightly in surprise at the efficiency with which she was entrusted with the position of assistant. The Didact Defense Solutions logo glowed up at her as she glanced down at it, the woman already retreating out of the office with directions to follow.

”His first meeting is in twenty minutes. We need to set up an account and password for your use with level three secur-“

Realizing she was quickly being left behind, Persephone gave an awkward half bow to [member="Itash Mecetti"] with a quickly mumbled thanks and one more attempt to reassure him as to her competence, nearly undone as her own feet threatened to trip her up in her rush to catch up with the woman who was rapidly disappearing from view. Her mind was whirling with thoughts, possibilities, and already shuffling through the times and memos coming to life on the screen before her.

”Um- Lord Mecetti, uh….”

A pause as she approached the doorway, a quick jolt as she turned to glance back at the enigmatic Itash with a worried expression, one missing piece of information crossing her mind with a slight moment of panic.

”How do you take your coffee?”
[member="Persephone Alonna"]

Tash had already shifted his attention back towards the viewport when that smol voice called out for him again.

He didn't immediately look over his shoulder.

Instead letting the moment drag out, making her feel uncomfortable and forcing her to stand there as she waited for his response. "Variable. Today... mmm." Tash murmured softly as he wondered just what kind of caf he'd like for today. "Black, I think today is a black day, yes." She'd have to learn that one on the job- something her zeltron blood would probably help with - gauge and watch just what kind of mood Itash was in.

Not an easy preposition whatsoever.

Who knew if she was up to the task?

"Good day, Persephone, I am eager to see your efforts."

It was clear the conversation was over as far as he was concerned.

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