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Approved Starship TIE/haB "Brute" Heavy Assault Starfighter

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  • Heavy Armament | The TIE Brutes are equipped with heavy "exotic" weapons, all of which are powerful enough to potentially tear through the shields and armor of enemy starfighters with just a few precise shots.
  • Hyperspace Tracking | Even when their opponent tries to escape the battlefield by jumping into hyperspace, the TIE Brutes through their Hyperspace Trackers are capable of pursuing them across hyperspace enabling effectively counter enemy hit-and-run strikes
  • Advanced Power Management Systems | Equipped with advanced power management systems, pilots of the TIE Brutes are capable of redirecting power towards a specific section of the Heavy fighter whether that be the Weapons, Engines or Shields in order to further increase it's power and give them the upper hand in dogfights
  • SLAM Systems | The TIE Brute is equipped with SLAM Systems which rapidly increases the speed of the Heavy Fighter, which could be utilized to outrun enemy starfighters and avoid target locks
  • Increased Survivability & Durability | Thanks to the wide array of exotic technology ranging from armaments, to defenses to special systems, included within the TIE Brute, it's pilots are granted increased survivability and durability rates in battle against enemy fighters.
  • Low Squadron Count | Due to how expensive it is to produce a single TIE Brute, it is produced in limited numbers with each TIE Brute squadron only featuring a total of eight starfighters.
  • Advanced Power Management Systems | Despite the advantages provided by the advanced power management systems installed within the TIE Brutes, each time power is shunted to a single system, the other systems are weakened in the process which could be exploited by enemy pilots in order to make quick work of the TIE Brute
  • SLAM Systems | While it's SLAM Systems are active, the TIE Brute has zero maneuverability and will not be able to use it's Forward fixed weapons, which again could be exploited be enemy pilots
  • Vulnerability to Ion Weapons | Should the TIE Brute find itself being struck by enemy ion weaponry, which burns through it's shield and give
  • Limited Mobility | The TIE Brute features only average-level speeds and maneuverability for a starship of it's size, which would leave it in a disadvantage if they would come across faster and more maneuverable enemy craft.

The TIE/haB "Brute" Starfighter is among the new line of TIE fighters produced by SularenCo aimed at further strengthening the military of the Dark Empire as it prepares to wage war against it's enemies. Envisioned as a Heavy Space Superiority Starfighter designed to eradicate enemy starfighters through overwhelming firepower alone, the TIE Brute is equipped with a vast array of sophisticated "exotic" technologies in order to ensure that it can gain and maintain the upper hand against rival starfighters and ensure that any battlefield would be dominated by the Imperial Starfighter Corps regardless of what the opposition threw at them. Despite the limitations of some of these "exotic" technologies, the TIE Brute is still capable of becoming a formidable force on the battlefield, able to overcome overwhelming odds and shift most situations to it's advantage in order to ensure the absolute victory of the Imperial Military and annihilate those who dare stand in their way.

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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen

Update on this? I have to move the thread to the Archive soon according to the Factory policy. I can give you a few more days if you need them, until Sunday (2024.03.24.), to make the necessary edits or indicate that you are asking for a few extra days for this.
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