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Approved Starship TIE/RT II Starfighter

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Manufacturer: Angel Arms
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Length: Low
Width: Average
Height: Small
Size: Small

  • Intent: Recreate and update an old existing design.
  • Image Source: Here
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Here

  • Missile Lock...Missile Lock...Missile Lock!!!: There are far to many missile configurations to choose from, it is indeed dangerous to even go toe to toe head on.
  • Punch It Order!: It can shoot forward dangerously fast, making it difficult to predict when doing an attack run.
  • Ejector Seat, Still Missing: As if a poor joke, none of the TIE/RT still have ejector seats, meaning if one was to be hope you can pop the canopy in a hurry.
  • Paper Thin Hull: One could simply shoot at it with a blaster and if the shield system is not activated, damage could easily be dealt. This was the sacrifice given when getting more speed, if shields are to go down, better keep moving!
TIE/RT, better known as the Rocket Thrust, was a difficult transitional period. Given how the galaxies own thrusters seemed to have gone past the usual norm, newer standards were introduced to showcase current speeds. To say it has degraded was an understatement, they were far further away from its prime years. Given this, they had shifted priorities for the former starfighter to become a more specialized unit. Downgrading into a smaller production run, it was given the latest armament refinements from the dangerous Seismic Missiles that made Have Gun Will Travels namesake to the unique gravitonic Quake Missiles that still terrorize certain sectors of space. The only noted improvement was finding ways to minimalize space, creating a unique rack system that can stack the TIE/RT II models far better than previous generations. Regardless of what outcome comes from it, there is still a demand for overwhelming firepower.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Update starfighters of the past.
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Ascendant Order
Model: TIE
Starship Class: Small Craft (1-50m)
Starship Role: Ordinance
Modular: No
Material: Druetium, Transparisteel
Armaments: 2x FAE/SW-02 "Blush" Laser Cannon
6x M.I. Model 68 Ordinance Launchers
Defense Rating: Low
Speed Rating: Average
Maneuverability Rating:: Average
Energy Resist: Low
Kinetic Resist: Low
Radiation Resist: Average
Other Resistance(s):


Minimum Crew: 1
Optimal Crew: 2
Passenger Capacity: 0
Cargo Capacity: Average
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